Rittenhouse jury just went to deliberate

What will the verdict be?

  • Guilty on all charges

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Not guilty on all charges

    Votes: 53 72.6%
  • Some yes and some no

    Votes: 18 24.7%

  • Total voters
Oh, he can definitely declare a mistrial. And I frankly think he should at this point, as well as file an ethics complaint with the Bar Association, given the various shenanigans of the prosecution. I've seen attorneys disbarred for far less.

But he can't replace jurors because the jury is hung (assuming it is).
If this story is true, it’s not a hung jury, three members are refusing to vote either way. A jury is hung by one or more jurors voting against the other jurors and refusing to change their votes.
Are you really that challenged to where you can't do this research on your own? The prison population is 38% black. Somebody is putting them on trial.
Are you really that challenged to where you can't do this research on your own? The prison population is 38% black. Somebody is putting them on trial.
Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, so that would make sense. But I am speaking of what’s happened lately - toms of blacks committing violence at BLM rally’s, burning the place down, destroying property, and yes, killing people - and we are only seeing whitrs hung out to dry.

Why no televised trial for that scumbag looter who murdered the retired police captain? That was much more heinous - he shot someone in cold blood when his life was not in danger. Or what about any of the other dozens of murderers over the BLM riots all summer? So far, the only case we see is of a good-hearted white teen with no criminal record being scapegoated.
According to some, the mob was chasing Rittenhouse because, well, reasons and that he had shot someone and they were trying to stop an active shooter. That would make them vigilantes, or from a different perspective, a lynch mob.
Originally Rittenhouse was being chased because he put out a fire in a dumpster being rolled into a gas station.
That is how it works, a juror refusing to vote is juror misconduct. And the juror is removed. A juror swears an oath to participate impartially.

Also being influenced by others outside of the jury pool is also reason for a mistrial...such as threats of more riots.

Which is going to turnover the Chauvin trial as well.
In fact, the only reason riots don't get shot down like that it's because police are very soft on left-wing insurrectionists.

A volunteer civilian force protecting the lives of family members has no limitations whatsoever.
What is more likely, is a return to paid private security forces like those that existed before police departments. Municipal police departments are a relatively recent thing. Before them, neighborhoods, or rich people hired thugs to patrol their streets and deal with criminals. Often calling it a night watch or something similar.
I doubt that. Any juror refusing to vote would be reported to the judge by the jury foreman and replaced by an alternate.
According to the OP, that’s what’s happening now. That’s what we are discussing. If you doubt me, take a second and go back and look. The OP said he had information that three jurors are refusing to vote either way.
The BLM rioters were much worse - that night, and all the nights over three months while they destroyed property, burned down buildings, set cars aflame, and murdered dozens of people. Why aren‘t their trials being televised? Or are there even any trials for them at all? Where’s the trial for the thug looter who killed the police captain? Seems these days, all you see are trials of white boys.
"All the nights over three months"? :heehee: Jacob Blake, who's shooting by Kenosha cops, only happened TWO DAYS before Rittenhouse went on his vigilante rampage............so protests for only TWO DAYS at the most. Why are you lying?
The FBI has been weaponized to intimidate American citizens who dissent from radical liberalism, but that’s a different thread.
...to intimidate American citizens who dissent from the establishment.

Make no mistake, Washington D.C. in its entirety sees the rest of us as peasants who pay tribute for the honor of licking their boots and doing as commanded.
Yes, it’s the cancel culture taken to the next extreme. First, they silence you. Next, they sic the FBI on you. Next, they try to lock you up for life.

Leftists bring a new and chilling meaning to “my way or the highway.”

This Is no longer America. We have to make sure the left doesn’t cheat its way to a win in November 2022, so we can sweep Congress (both chambers) and block more of the Communist transformation. Hope the damage isn’t beyond repair by then, as the left sees the writing on the wall and is now doubling down on their destruction.
"This is no longer America"....................what is it then? :heehee:
According to the OP, that’s what’s happening now. That’s what we are discussing. If you doubt me, take a second and go back and look. The OP said he had information that three jurors are refusing to vote either way.
That would last no more than a day before the judge sends in alternates and charges the non participating jurors with contempt.

Now, are you saying there is secret information known only to the OP? If the OP knows someone knows who could tell the judge.

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