Rittenhouse offered Congressional Internship

Sure. And the next time a 17 year goes out alone to “defend” a store no one asked and their head gets blown off, I’m going to be just as upset.
You can answer the following question with one word. Whom do you feel more contempt and anger towards: an adult male 5-time child rapist criminal who was threatening the life of a teenager (who was running from him), or the teenager who shot him in self-defense, with perhaps a second to spare?

Again, the choice is: rapist or teen?
You can answer the following question with one word. Whom do you feel more contempt and anger towards: an adult male 5-time child rapist criminal who was threatening the life of a teenager (who was running from him), or the teenager who shot him in self-defense, with perhaps a second to spare?

Again, the choice is: rapist or teen?
Now, will you dispense with the bullshit narrative? It’s annoying.
Now, will you dispense with the bullshit narrative? It’s annoying.
Yay….correct answer. (We are getting somewhere.)Then why is your outrage targeted at the teen rather than the rapist, since you acknowledge that the rapist - especially one chasing down a teen with the intent to steal his gun - is the worse person?
Yay….correct answer. (We are getting somewhere.)Then why is your outrage targeted at the teen rather than the rapist, since you acknowledge that the rapist - especially one chasing down a teen with the intent to steal his gun - is the worse person?
Why do you insist on framing it as some kind of either or situation? As if you have to figure out which one is a good guy and a bad guy.

This isn’t a comic book.
Why do you insist on framing it as some kind of either or situation? As if you have to figure out which one is a good guy and a bad guy.

This isn’t a comic book.
It’s not either or. It’s a matter of degrees. On one hand, we have a well-intentioned yet naive teen, and on the other, BLM thugs with violent criminal records setting fire to the place - and leftists are more outraged by the kid.

And you didn’t answer my question: WHY?
It’s not either or. It’s a matter of degrees. On one hand, we have a well-intentioned yet naive teen, and on the other, BLM thugs with violent criminal records setting fire to the place - and leftists are more outraged by the kid.

And you didn’t answer my question: WHY?
The kid is the one that killed two people and maimed a third.

I tend to think killing people is bad.
The kid is the one that killed two people and maimed a third.

I tend to think killing people is bad.
You skipped over that it was in self-defense, and the criminals were chasing the child down to try to kill HIM.

But I give up. Your liberalism, which includes siding with criminals, has destroyed your judgment. Kyle committed no crime. The thugs that tried to kill him DID.
You skipped over that it was in self-defense, and the criminals were chasing the child down to try to kill HIM.

But I give up. Your liberalism, which includes siding with criminals, has destroyed your judgment. Kyle committed no crime. The thugs that tried to kill him DID.
A 17 year old going out to a city with unrest and standing around with a rifle by himself is a pretty stupid thing to do.

He’s not a hero. He’s a dumb kid.

I’ve not sided with criminals. That’s your bullshit narrative talking again. Remember, this isn’t about picking sides. It’s not a comic book.
A 17 year old going out to a city with unrest and standing around with a rifle by himself is a pretty stupid thing to do.

He’s not a hero. He’s a dumb kid.

I’ve not sided with criminals. That’s your bullshit narrative talking again. Remember, this isn’t about picking sides. It’s not a comic book.
Of course it’s about picking sides. Good thing you weren’t on the jury.

If I a, ever attacked, I sure hope I don’t have any leftists on the jury.
Of course it’s about picking sides. Good thing you weren’t on the jury.

If I a, ever attacked, I sure hope I don’t have any leftists on the jury.
If you're talking about a guilty/not guilty, then I would have voted not guilty and I said that Rittenhouse would get off long ago.

This is about whether Rittenhouse is a hero that the the right is trying to make him, the reason for the offer by someone from North Carolina to put a kid from Illinois (or Wisconsin) on his staff.
. The people who got political mileage out of this stupid kid are already leaving him in the dust. All too soon he will look around for all his new "friends" on the right and find no one who will even pick up the phone. His usefulness is at an end.
Kind of like you people and Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, even George Floyd is starting to wane.
He's an American hero who fought the DemCOMS and whooped their ass!
Jim Jordan may offer him a job so he can give him private lessons in a wrestling ring.

Hopefully, that kid will steer clear of right wing vultures.
Yes. And you laugh at the survivors of school shootings. That's very telling.
Nope. But I will laugh at a snot nosed kid who tries to use a school shooting to make himself famous by going after our Second Amendment rights.

Once he enters the public debate on such things he makes himself fair game for criticism for his ignorance.

If that makes you butthurt that's just a bonus.
Why do you insist on framing it as some kind of either or situation? As if you have to figure out which one is a good guy and a bad guy.

This isn’t a comic book.
Bad guy = child rapist shoving an illegal gun in the face of a kid down on the ground.

Good guy = kid who defended himself from a child rapist shoving an illegal gun in his face after being chased and knocked to the ground.

Is it really that hard for you to figure out?

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