Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg


My "liblinks" are smarter than you. They're right and you're wrong. Even the OP now admits he's a dupe who got fooled by fake news.

Your liblinks from the libnet are lies Ms Fauny....
LOLOL.....Off toplc sorry

I've been calling you a fucking ass hole for durn near 20 yrs now Spews

Only difference is you are 20 times the stupid you used to be......................I think you're ready for the glue factory son.

Have you? I don't pay tards that much attention, so in your case, it would go completely unnoticed.
at was because a civil lawsuit applies different standards of evidence. OJ didn't have the "real" killer to deflect the case, Rittenhouse has a court verdict saying he acted in his own defense.

And even that doesn't matter. A not guilty verdict in a criminal case, does not equal no civil case.

All the families have to show is if Rittenhouse had not have left Illinois, and then obtain a rifle under dubious circumstances at best. The victims would still be alive. And that only has be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. Which is a much lower bar than beyond a reasonable doubt.

The plaintiffs can also sue him in his home state of Illinois. A much more Progressive state. Not the rightwing bastion that is Wisconsin.
And even that doesn't matter. A not guilty verdict in a criminal case, does not equal no civil case.

All the families have to show is if Rittenhouse had not have left Illinois, and then obtain a rifle under dubious circumstances at best. The victims would still be alive. And that only has be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. Which is a much lower bar than beyond a reasonable doubt.

The plaintiffs can also sue him in his home state of Illinois. A much more Progressive state. Not the rightwing bastion that is Wisconsin.
All of that is irrelevant. There never was a right to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. There never was any prohibition against him working in Kenosha. The civil rights of the deceased were never violated.
It takes a high dollar amount to punish wealthy people.

Behar and Goldberg likely have prrofessional insurance like the kind a bunch of corrupt FBI honks purchased when the Durham investigation got underway.
I'm not sure if I approve or if I am trying to figure out the $60M worth of damage done. I can imagine, say $10M and settle for $5M. Maybe this is a case of "go really high and hope they overpay"?

The abuses against people with strong, false allegations is not right, but, you have to have some degree of liberty with your speech, no? It's a talk show, not a news network.
And slander is still slander, especially on a public forum.
I agree. Just not Smart young 17 year old taking a gun to a rally.

Im going to start packing and wearing my Hillary hat. I’ll get some dumb old white dude to grab for it. I’ll taunt him

How about those filthy ass BLM insurrectionists that were there to burn down the city and attack a 17 year old boy that was offering medical aid and helping to put out one of their fires? The stupid sonofabitches weren't smart enough to know not to attacked a boy carrying an AR-15.

The cowards thought that since he was young and baby face and they were a destructive vigilante mob that they could do their intimidation but they were wrong, weren't they?

They picked on the wrong kid, didn't they?

The lucky one was that filthy Negro asshole that tried to kick Kyle in the face. When Kyle shot at him he ran away and we haven't heard from his sorry Black ass since, have we?
I'm not sure if I approve or if I am trying to figure out the $60M worth of damage done. I can imagine, say $10M and settle for $5M. Maybe this is a case of "go really high and hope they overpay"?

The abuses against people with strong, false allegations is not right, but, you have to have some degree of liberty with your speech, no? It's a talk show, not a news network.
Try being put on a stand for murder in which you didn't commit, and a mob in the background wants you to spend the rest of your day's under the jailhouse, and all because they were led to believe the lies that the media was spewing about the case with no mercy.

Try enduring that, and then have them mocking you as you break down from the stress of it all. Yeah try that.

60 million sounds small to me.
OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder in a court of law. As far as the law was concerned, he didn't do it. He was innocent. It was as though he was never even there.
Still, Simpson was ordered to pay Ron Goldman's family over $33 million dollars after losing a civil suit against him.

Rittenhouse can very easily lose a civil trial...
Nope.... Different case altogether.
Before that what was said? Probably “you aren’t a cop why you got a gun?” Which is what we’re all wondering.

Even you guys admit what Kyle did was dumb. You wouldn’t drive your kid to a rally with his gun. His dumb mom did that. How many of our moms would do that? None.

Sue his mom
His dumb mom did that.


no, she didn't
I can't think of two more deserving bitches.

It's fake news, ya flamin' moron. :eusa_doh:

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