Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

Kyle was never seen waving his gun around however, the prosecutor WAS seen waving that gun at the jurors during the trial, with his finger on the trigger.

If I had been in the courtroom, I would hit the floor and screamed "He's gonna kill us all."
Your links are full of shit and that's how your head is filled with misinformation....snopes are you kidding?....

Poor rambtard, your moans are music to muh ears. You didn't prove the story is true. You didn't prove snopes was wrong. You didn't prove you know better than snopes. All you proved is what this forum already knows about you -- that you're an idiot.

Yea idiot. No proof at all and still the jury said he was guilty.

Oj wasn’t there. We see on camera Kyle shot his victims. It’s worse for Kyle. A fucking idiot. Even you guys spent days saying he was an idiot but what he did was legal. So he’s partially responsible. Maybe not enough to go to prison but....

You are confused Moon Bat.

They weren't victims. They were attackers and it is all on video.

One of the assholes (that just got out of a mental hospital) threatened to kill him and ran him down and tried to take away the rifle.

Another asshole was bashing Kyle over the head with a skateboard.

The third turd pointed a loaded Glock at Kyle head.

All three of the shitheads had criminal records and were idiot Moon Bats that shouldn't have been on the streets that night.

Poor rambtard, your moans are music to muh ears. You didn't prove the story is true. You didn't prove snopes was wrong. You didn't prove you know better than snopes. All you proved is what this forum already knows about you -- that you're an idiot.

You and your liblinks are BS Ms Fauny....
100% and now the backgrounds of the people he shot will be exposed. He may counter sue and win? My question is why the hell do you always call me a Republican when I have told you 100x that I am an Independent? Do you have amnesia or are you just stupid.
Aren’t you a dumb foreigner?
Dead Pedos famous last words, all recorded. “You ain’t gonna do shit”.

Bang bang bang bang. .72 seconds. DRT
Still smells of white privilege. I know, technically what he did was stupid but legal. Right? Stupid? Exactly.
Stupid in terms of involving himself in riot. Stupid was the mayor for telling the police to stand down. Stupid is the media for calling this bullshit mostly peaceful protests. Stupid to protest a lawful shooting of Jacob the Rapist Blake. Stupid = you.
Dead Pedos famous last words, all recorded. “You ain’t gonna do shit”.

Bang bang bang bang. .72 seconds. DRT
Before that what was said? Probably “you aren’t a cop why you got a gun?” Which is what we’re all wondering.

Even you guys admit what Kyle did was dumb. You wouldn’t drive your kid to a rally with his gun. His dumb mom did that. How many of our moms would do that? None.

Sue his mom
Before that what was said? Probably “you aren’t a cop why you got a gun?” Which is what we’re all wondering.

Even you guys admit what Kyle did was dumb. You wouldn’t drive your kid to a rally with his gun. His dumb mom did that. How many of our moms would do that? None.

Sue his mom

Every person in the world that is trained in firearms will tell you to never let someone try to take your weapon.

That goes along side never let somebody bash you over the head with a skateboard or never let somebody point a loaded Glock at you.

Kyle did good and the jury found that it was self defense.

Sorry you are butt hurt.
Grosskreutz still hasn't been charged with possession of an illegal gun, obstruction of justice for lying to the police about the gun, or attempted murder of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Being the prosecutors star witness, has some privileges, I suppose.
I don't think it rises to the level of attempted murder because he didn't shoot. And from what I read, he just didn't have a license to carry the gun.
Every person in the world that is trained in firearms will tell you to never let someone try to take your weapon.

That goes along side never let somebody bash you over the head with a skateboard or never let somebody point a loaded Glock at you.

Kyle did good and the jury found that it was self defense.

Sorry you are butt hurt.
I agree. Just not Smart young 17 year old taking a gun to a rally.

Im going to start packing and wearing my Hillary hat. I’ll get some dumb old white dude to grab for it. I’ll taunt him

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