Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

So you slobber into your drool cup; but sadly for you, utterly incapable of proving Rittenhouse is actually suing Goldberg and Behar.

I already told your stupid ass it was fake.
The state had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt it was not self defense. That will not exist in the civil suit. He will have to show that it was self defense and that his actions did not lead to the situation.

An affermative defense requires establishing the defenses case far more than a normal homicide trial. You have a jury agreeing with the affirmative defense.
And even that doesn't matter. A not guilty verdict in a criminal case, does not equal no civil case.

All the families have to show is if Rittenhouse had not have left Illinois, and then obtain a rifle under dubious circumstances at best. The victims would still be alive. And that only has be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. Which is a much lower bar than beyond a reasonable doubt.

The plaintiffs can also sue him in his home state of Illinois. A much more Progressive state. Not the rightwing bastion that is Wisconsin.

I doubt any judge would allow that line of reasoning, well any non TDS judge.
Before that what was said? Probably “you aren’t a cop why you got a gun?” Which is what we’re all wondering.

Even you guys admit what Kyle did was dumb. You wouldn’t drive your kid to a rally with his gun. His dumb mom did that. How many of our moms would do that? None.

Sue his mom
At 5 pm today, you’re still falling for the liberal media lie that his mother drove him to the riot? I bet you still think Kyle is a white supremacist, too.

(This is why Biden is president. So many voters believing the liberal propaganda from the media.)
I don't know what would be more delightful, knowing that Kyle will be a wealthy man or knowing that you'll have to add a room to that intellectual mansion in your head so Kyle has room in there, right next to Trump.

I'm a Trump voter, you stupid dumbfuck...
Rittenhouse has been canceled and demonized by the vile scum that support the dem party ... the kid is going to need every dime he can get to provide a living and protection for himself and his family .
He will also need money to fund cosmetic surgery, a name change (to something like Smith), a move out of the area, colored contact lenses, and the like.

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