Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

No, he doesn't.

Dominion is owned by a private equity firm, Staple Street Capital, which is headquartered in Manhattan...
Really? Wow is my friend a liar

Dominion Voting Systems Corporation is a company that sells electronic voting hardware and software, including voting machines and tabulators, in the United States and Canada. The company's headquarters are in Toronto, Ontario, and Denver, Colorado. It develops software in offices in the United States, Canada, and Serbia.

In 2018, Dominion was acquired by its management and Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm.

Ok so they sold it for millions. No wonder my ex girlfriend is such a baller. She was right to dump me for this guy. She's rich now. And her husband still works for Dominion. He's high level guy there. Of course he is he started the company. Not by himself. He wasn't the MAIN guy but he was a partner. Put it this way. He's fucking RICH.
No, he doesn't.

Dominion is owned by a private equity firm, Staple Street Capital, which is headquartered in Manhattan...
You know how I always brag about being Greek?


Poulos, President and CEO of Dominion, has a BS in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto and an MBA from INSEAD. Hoover, Vice President, has an MS in mechanical engineering from the University of Alberta.

Poulos is a Greek name my friend. He's not the guy I know actually. He has another guy who was also a partner and that's the guy who stole my girlfriend. LOL. He didn't steal her. She decided to marry the rich guy. He's ugly but cool. And he's Cretan. So is she. I'm just a Greek. Cretans prefer to marry their own but in America they will marry traditional Greeks but would prefer a Cretan. They talk a little different, have a different history, dance a little different, cook a little different.

She goes to Greece every year. Lots of kids. I think 3 or 4. She lives in a mansion. From what my sister in law says she's demolishing this beautiful house and is going to re decorate it. I could NEVER afford her. Most expensive purses, clothes. I'm happy for her actually.
Who cares if he took a gun across state lines? He took a gun to a riot the next state over.

Be careful or soon fox is going to have to stop lying.
Yeah, and Kyle proved to himself along with all of us that he was right to take protection with him, because he figured there was a possibility that to go into an area that was completely lawless, and was as volatile as he was going into, (all in order to help these poor folks to retain their businesses from being burned to the ground, and to protect the lives that were under attack), then he would need some form of self defense protection with him encase things got ugly.

He was right, and just as was expected by all who had a grain of brain power left, he was forced to defend himself against a bunch of out of control rioters intent on mayhem and possibly murder if they had to go that far.

Well their bull crap failed when they encountered the young man who was there to help, and not there to kill, but then had to defend himself from those rioters when they didn't like what he stood for as a concerned patriotic citizen, and didn't like why he was there to help other patriotic citizens.
They are safe. They can just use the Carlson/Maddow defense
That shit needs to end all around.

But it can be considered editorial or opinions. There needs to be something to say whether they are news or entertainment.

Even that needs legal limits
Yeah, and Kyle proved to himself along with all of us that he was right to take protection with him, because he figured there was a possibility that to go into an area that was completely lawless, and was as volatile as he was going into, (all in order to help these poor folks to retain their businesses from being burned to the ground, and to protect the lives that were under attack), then he would need some form of self defense protection with him encase things got ugly.

He was right, and just as was expected by all who had a grain of brain power left, he was forced to defend himself against a bunch of out of control rioters intent on mayhem and possibly murder if they had to go that far.

Well their bull crap failed when they encountered the young man who was there to help, and not there to kill, but then had to defend himself from those rioters when they didn't like what he stood for as a concerned patriotic citizen, and didn't like why he was there to help other patriotic citizens.
How did they know he wasn't on their side?

I had this fantasy that if I were terminal I would take my gun to the most dangerous parts of Detroit and just walk around as a victim white dude who doesn't belong. Anyone attacks me, and the chances are pretty high, I would have every right to blow them away. I'm not looking to hurt innocent people. I'm talking about people who would mug/rob/kill me just because I'm white.

So that's what you do? Go to where liberals are protesting and hope it gets violent so you can kill? Weird hobby. I bet the trial took 10 years off his young life. The idea of going to prison scares the fuck out of me and I'm sure he was scared too.

I hope it hurts like hell!
Good! Great! Couldn't have picked a better first lawsuit.
That'll serve them biddies.Always poppin' off their
uppity collective traps.Usually agin Trump & Co.
I never could stand this Whoopi.The reason.In the
80's she was The only Major Actor]Actress who had poetic
license to use the " F " word.And use it she did.
Plus she dresses really cruddy.

Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg​

Hey Rittenhouse, does the word "frivolous" mean anything to you? Ah he's just suing to get a settlement anyway. Whatever he wins will be snatched up by the families when the wrongful death trial concludes.
And why not? Other than right wing outlets, which I'm sure he'll want to distance himself from, who in the hell would hire him? He is extremely controversial, and self defense or not, he did kill two people and wounded another... Nobody would hire him.

Go for it Kyle, bank all of it you can get!
This entire Rittenhouse rigamarole was a set-up.
Used for a Political Agenda.Or Vengence of any
Not that complicated.What is starting to complicated
is the Length to which these Leftist think they can get away
with it. I believe I heard that over the weekend CNN had
a feature { story } concerning Thanksgiving and The Car
that Drove thru a Christmas Parade.
Further example as to how the MSM is even more scum
than originally thought.The MSM is bending over backward
to limit of restrict Any Front Page or even back page headline
regarding this Mad Black Racist BY NAME who drove thru
a Christmas Parade crowd { swerving to hit as many as possible } and Injuring 60.Where 6 died and many in critical
condition.They are making sure to suppress the story.

Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg​

Hey Rittenhouse, does the word "frivolous" mean anything to you? Ah he's just suing to get a settlement anyway. Whatever he wins will be snatched up by the families when the wrongful death trial concludes.
What wrongful death.Rittenhouse was Not Guilty.
This isn't the Crime of the Century OJ verdict.
Where Orenthal Simpson was successfully sued in civil
court by the Goldmans.Where OJ swore he wasn't going to
pay the Goldmans a single dime.And I believe he never did.
Thus resulting in his Brazen act { involving a loaded pistol }
in retrieving his Heisman Trophy.
And it was adjudicated that OJ did not kill anyone...how did that work out for him in the civil courts?
It didn't because the civil courts were all white privileged duh.... ROTFLMBO.

Isn't that the go to theme always used ?

I'm surprised you missed that one.
So, it's all about the money with him and his mommy.......
Yeah like dint you read the latest MSM headline.
How Rittenhouse was asking for a Bonus payment
before he went to Protect a Friends Kenosha Bidness.
Something flighty Bitches on the View would spiel.
OJ didn't have all the videos that clearly show he didn't do it.

Kyle has an air tight case that it was self defense.

Big difference.

The shitheads can sue but they aren't going to win. Meanwhile Kyle will get Sandmann type settlements from all the Left Wing assholes that he sues.

Him and Sandmann will wind up owning CNN before this is over.
Hope they run it better than currently CNN is being run, but I'm sure they would. Talk about heads exploding.. ROTFLMBO. They will have to immediately drain the swamp, and then change the call letters to KRNS network news. Anyone sweating heavily on USMB right now ?? lol
wow ! listen to this idiot bring Trump into it ! lol ! you are going to be one triggered idiot in 2024 !

I vote for the people, not the party. I will still vote a split ticket. Anyone that follows Rumps thoughts and runs on them should find alternative employment.
Good! Great! Couldn't have picked a better first lawsuit.
That'll serve them biddies.Always poppin' off their
uppity collective traps.Usually agin Trump & Co.
I never could stand this Whoopi.The reason.In the
80's she was The only Major Actor]Actress who had poetic
license to use the " F " word.And use it she did.
Plus she dresses really cruddy.
Sadly it was learned that when I watched movies and such in which had certain black comedians in them, the cursing was off the chain. I think they (if the shoes fit), actually pioneered the extreme cursing in comedies in America.

Don't remember so much cursing coming from white comedian's in movie's, but I could be wrong. I'm just speaking from my life experiences when watching comedy movies that had certain black comedians in them as opposed to white comedian's in them. Not sure what the actual ratios or numbers are in this area, but it may have just stood out more so than other's to me for some reason.

No one needs to curse to be funny, and I think the quality of the comedy would be so much more quality and funny if they worked harder to not curse in comedy's like they do in today's works. This goes for all be it white or black comedians.

Give the children something to look up to, and to laugh at in the family setting. Might help to build character, and keep the families together better.
I believe you're correct it doesn't matter whether it's tomorrow or 20 years from now there will always be a gaggle of crazies that remember him and bear a grudge. If I were him I would get practiced up in the arts of self-defense, hand-to-hand combat and every type of down and dirty mano u mano trick he can possibly get good at.
He needs to plan for his name change, move out of the area, and invest in colored contacts, hair dye, and cosmetic surgery.

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