Rivals or Enemies?

There is only one party whose leader is calling for unity, dialog and compromise.
After four years of doing nothing but stonewalling, shouting down opponents, and burning shit down.

The sanctimony breaks all previous records.

For two year they didn't control a single branch of government. Trumpybear is just a terrible deal maker.

President Elect Biden has had no political power for 4 years.
Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

Take your phony pleas for "unity" and shove 'em where the sun don't shine.

Not my pleas dipshit. I hope he uses the newly proclaimed power of the Executive to demand his AG open criminal investigations into all of Trumpybears enablers in Congress. He should use the full power of the Federal government and the FBI to target political opponents because, it's good for America, in his opinion.

But he wont. He'll play nice. Like the Dems always do.
He should use the full power of the Federal government
Adolf HItler

Hitler? How about Trumpy-Barr.
Slave, that is what your prog masters told you to say....

Nope that was Barr theory 101 on unlimited presidential power. Why the President can even use foreign aid to pressure a foreign country into committing what was once considered the politically corrupt act in our country, indicting your political opponent!
Again who is Burning , Looting and Murdering....Progs slaves who were told to go out and hurt the people who just want to live their lives peacefully. You are such a slave...
Seems like it’s always righties murdering.
There is only one party whose leader is calling for unity, dialog and compromise.
After four years of doing nothing but stonewalling, shouting down opponents, and burning shit down.

The sanctimony breaks all previous records.

For two year they didn't control a single branch of government. Trumpybear is just a terrible deal maker.

President Elect Biden has had no political power for 4 years.
Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

Take your phony pleas for "unity" and shove 'em where the sun don't shine.

Not my pleas dipshit. I hope he uses the newly proclaimed power of the Executive to demand his AG open criminal investigations into all of Trumpybears enablers in Congress. He should use the full power of the Federal government and the FBI to target political opponents because, it's good for America, in his opinion.

But he wont. He'll play nice. Like the Dems always do.
He should use the full power of the Federal government
Adolf HItler

Hitler? How about Trumpy-Barr.
Slave, that is what your prog masters told you to say....

Nope that was Barr theory 101 on unlimited presidential power. Why the President can even use foreign aid to pressure a foreign country into committing what was once considered the politically corrupt act in our country, indicting your political opponent!
Again who is Burning , Looting and Murdering....Progs slaves who were told to go out and hurt the people who just want to live their lives peacefully. You are such a slave...
Seems like it’s always righties murdering.
Is that a joke?
There is only one party whose leader is calling for unity, dialog and compromise.
After four years of doing nothing but stonewalling, shouting down opponents, and burning shit down.

The sanctimony breaks all previous records.

For two year they didn't control a single branch of government. Trumpybear is just a terrible deal maker.

President Elect Biden has had no political power for 4 years.
Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

Take your phony pleas for "unity" and shove 'em where the sun don't shine.

Not my pleas dipshit. I hope he uses the newly proclaimed power of the Executive to demand his AG open criminal investigations into all of Trumpybears enablers in Congress. He should use the full power of the Federal government and the FBI to target political opponents because, it's good for America, in his opinion.

But he wont. He'll play nice. Like the Dems always do.
He should use the full power of the Federal government
Adolf HItler

Hitler? How about Trumpy-Barr.
Slave, that is what your prog masters told you to say....

Nope that was Barr theory 101 on unlimited presidential power. Why the President can even use foreign aid to pressure a foreign country into committing what was once considered the politically corrupt act in our country, indicting your political opponent!
Again who is Burning , Looting and Murdering....Progs slaves who were told to go out and hurt the people who just want to live their lives peacefully. You are such a slave...
Seems like it’s always righties murdering.
All those blacks murdering blacks are righties?
The left and the right, as represented by the two major parties, have become enemies in the US. That might seem a given to many of you, but it really makes no sense. They should be rivals, but not enemies. It's so bad that the parties fear each other more than the fear outside interests, ie other nations or groups that might genuinely be promoting our downfall.

How did we get here, and how can we turn it around?
We desperately need some sort of campaign finance reform.

What did you have in mind? Because I've yet to hear a scheme for campaign finance reform that makes much sense. But I don't really see campaign financing as the problem, so I have looked into it much.

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