RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

A CNN camerawoman! It probably had more to do with CNN acting like an animal than a black person acting like an animal.

This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

didn't the democrats line up outside the RNC convention and dress up like pink vaginas?

Vaginas are racist now?
A CNN camerawoman! It probably had more to do with CNN acting like an animal than a black person acting like an animal.

This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

Things like that tried to get covered up for the left though. And even when it isn't ... it is ignored.
This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

didn't the democrats line up outside the RNC convention and dress up like pink vaginas?

Vaginas are racist now?
Yes, we saw no black vaginas in the crowd did we?
Distract from the economy!

Democrat strategy 2012. It's ALL they can do.

I fail to see how Republican racists at the Republican convention throwing food and racial slurs at a black woman constitutes a Democrat distraction.
1) Not determined what party they are affiliated with, if they are affiliated...
2) Alleged slurs have not been proven.. this is still reported and not confirmed
3) Not shown that this is racial in nature or a reaction to the press or whatever
4) No proven link to any REP leadership or any other group

So stop leaping and deal with what is known, and realize a report is not inherently complete fact or the complete story

IF this happened as reported, by "attendees", it is incredibly stupid.. but if it happened somewhat as reported and some details change on who, what, etc, it is STILL stupid in action... and if this is shown to be more inaccurate than accurate, it is indeed STUPID to have reported it that way before knowing all the facts

I don't remember this kind of attention to details like proven affiliation were that important when the Occupy Wall Street crowd was acting up.

When did the standards change?
A CNN camerawoman! It probably had more to do with CNN acting like an animal than a black person acting like an animal.

This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

didn't the democrats line up outside the RNC convention and dress up like pink vaginas?

DiamondDave thanked you for that, but what he really meant was, because of course he wouldn't want to have a double standard,

is can you prove that every one of them was a registered Democrat.
RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman:

And you wonder why hardly any black are in that party.

Just when I don't think anything can shock me anymore...something does.

Though CNN initially refused to fully address the incident, a network official eventually confirmed to TPM that it did take place and were working with convention officials to address the issue.

A CNN official "confirmed" it?

Well, that certainly is irrefutable proof!
Your article doesn't even discuss the supposed incident. It spends most of its time attacking the GOP speakers.

Yeah, that's hard news.

Perhaps they aren't in the party because the constantly read propaganda like the kind you posted.

Remember this picture?


You know it's a fraud, right?

The fool in it is a far left goon who was with other fools who had signs reading "Please send my child to die in Iraq" and "Jesus smiles when Muslims die.'

So IF this incident even occurred, then chances are the perps were leftist hacks from the Obama camp trying to create an incident.
Since you know so much about this incident, Carb....why don't you fill us in on all the details that wasn't published?

I already did.

Your details began and ended with your opinions, carb. :eusa_whistle:


Jump all over it like stink on a monkey when it is something that can be painted like it is something the REPs did... no matter if any facts are really known or not... Carby is one that thinks his opinion is indeed fact...
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?

I don't know, maybe it's my computer, oir maybe it's a conspiracy by the GOP but the link you provided leads to a Virginia Politician and has NO articles on the incident.

Republican Attendees Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Called Her An 'Animal'

Talking Points Memo then reached out to CNN, which confirmed that an incident had taken place in a statement it later sent to The Huffington Post.

"CNN can confirm there was an incident directed at an employee inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum earlier this afternoon," the statement read. "CNN worked with convention officials to address this matter and will have no further comment." There was no immediate mention of the attack on CNN's air.

The convention condemned the incident in a statement, saying, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

The incident would be ugly anywhere, but it is especially troubling for a party whose nominee attracted 0 percent of the black vote in a recent NBC poll.


So, we still don't know. The Huffington post is your proof? Please.
and how do they try and fix it ?

they scream back at everyone who can see the plain truth that those truth seers are liars.


that is just the finnal straw and your lying racist party will hoepfully die a quick death soon

so now you want people to die? how very turdish of you.

How does the death of a political party mean that someone wants people to die? Are you really this fucking stupid?
I gather the first person to report on this is former MSNBC's David Shuster.

The first account of the incident, unsurprisingly, came via Twitter in the form of a tweet from former MSNBC and Current anchor David Shuster: "GOP attendee ejected for throwing nuts at African American CNN camera woman + saying 'This is how we feed animals.'"

You would think with all the cameras around someone would have video considering according to Slate there were "multiple witnesses".

I'd love to find out who these men were.

Probably every single square inch of that place is being filmed. It still smells like bull shit.

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