RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

Thanks for that... now it just has to be determined exactly what happened and not just word of mouth... Whoever it was, attendee, REP, DEM, or whatever was absoltely STUPID in this action

I was not deflecting.. I just do not take the word of blogs

I'm picking it up at the Hill now. I would love to know who they were.

It is not yet clear what role the individuals who were removed played at the convention, although organizers did confirm their ejection in a statement.

Two RNC attendees removed for taunting black camerawoman - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Well, that's better.

The GOP acted appropriately and decisively.

Dumbshit. It didn't become about race until Talking Points Memo said it was a black reporter.

TPM made it about race, not the dipshit throwing food.


Newsone is a racist publication. An anti-white paper. It would be of little surprise to find that Newsone paid a couple of goons to throw nuts in an attempt to create an issue.

We don't know that the incident occurred.
If it did occur, we don't know that the perps were Republicans
We don't have names or backgrounds
We don't have so much as a single photo - just the claim of a race-hate publication.
RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman:

And you wonder why hardly any black are in that party.

Dumbshit. It didn't become about race until Talking Points Memo said it was a black reporter.

TPM made it about race, not the dipshit throwing food.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the guy throwing food at a black woman and calling her an animal didn't mean anything racist by it.

If you weren't told it was a black reporter, you would not make any assumptions at all, dipshit.

Your puppeteers made an assumption, and you gladly drank their piss.

You have no idea if the person who threw the food was expressing his hatred of CNN and not her color.



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I saw Condi!

I'm not convinced she doesn't have a dick. #cheapshot
I'm surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend. #cheapshot

Jokes aside, I don't think it's odd she doesn't have a boyfriend/hasn't been married. Professionally driven women of her generation often had problems finding a suitable partner. It wasn't too long ago that it would have been really difficult for a career-oriented woman to find a partner that wasn't challenged by her success.
Im honestly suprised people could be so ignorant and rude and think no one would care.

We are waiting to see if it's true. There is absolutely ZERO evidence supporting this claim.

What do you need to see that would then make it true? (honest question)

Because I've seen several threads, with several links, all saying the exact same thing, that the incident has several witnesses, that the RNC admits to ejecting the 2 guests and says their behavior was deplorable.

Well, it would have taken the name of the reporter at least, some kind of video, would have helped, anything other than a story from liberal blogs and news sites.

Now there's a believable story in The Hill. Unfortunately for the left, the GOP acted swiftly and decisively. These were obvious nut job racists, the kind of people who when they are with the GOP it's news, and when they are with the DNC it isn't.
Im honestly suprised people could be so ignorant and rude and think no one would care.

We are waiting to see if it's true. There is absolutely ZERO evidence supporting this claim.

If there is no evidence, it's really odd that a GOP spokesperson is out there condemning it.

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

Not too hard to understand if you put away your partisan blinders. It's the smart move to denounce it immediately, even if you don't know if it's true or not.
This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

didn't the democrats line up outside the RNC convention and dress up like pink vaginas?

Vaginas are racist now?

Vagina is code for the N word. You gotta keep up on the code words. The democrats change them every day.
What do you need to see that would then make it true? (honest question)

Because I've seen several threads, with several links, all saying the exact same thing, that the incident has several witnesses, that the RNC admits to ejecting the 2 guests and says their behavior was deplorable.

CNN is the ultimate source of all the information on the subject. It's all the same shit, just reguritated ad infinitum.
"Some guy threw some food at a CNN reporter and said, 'This is how we feed animals'".

"What a jerk."

"Some guy threw some food at a black CNN reporter and said, 'This is how we feed animals'".

"What a racist!"

But that wasn't good enough for you, was it NYCarbineer? You had to invent some "racial slurs" as a cherry on top of your dipshit sundae.


There. Keep clicking links until you find one you can't deny is reliable.

I've been all over this and I'm on the CNN website as well and I can't find CNN's report on this yet.

It appears everyone else has a story about CNN but nothing by CNN yet. Let me know if you find a CNN article if you wouldn't mind.

Oh yeah, it was really hard to find the CNN article. Not!

Two people removed from RNC after taunting black camera operator – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
I fail to see how Republican racists at the Republican convention throwing food and racial slurs at a black woman constitutes a Democrat distraction.

Your details began and ended with your opinions, carb. :eusa_whistle:

That's a lie. The RNC press secretary confirmed the incident.

Can you provide a quote of the RNC press secretary confirming a "Republican racist" threw "racial slurs" at the woman?


The convention released a statement saying, “Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."
You'd think a cameraperson would have their camera rolling so we could see some evidence.

You'd think CNN and the other Commie networks would be headlining this...

The only people pushing this are the USMB Libberhoids...

I'm sure the Romney camp gives a flying fuck.


President Romney.

Get used to it, nutsacks.

You fucking idiot. You must be thinking about the gonzo style at FOX, where they try to make themselves the story.
Liberhhoids (i.e. NYCar"boner) are proving, yet again in this thread, that they are donkey fucking shit eaters...

Did, or did not, Romney have his tonsils removed? You'd be in the best position to know, since your tongue is so far up his ass.
RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman:

And you wonder why hardly any black are in that party.

I started to read this but then noticed that this site is for black people and I'm not black....... I'm sure it's bullshit though just like everything specifically produced for black people...... amazingly racist. BET is awful and like watching television for mentally challenged, I'm sure this was dumbed down because the people that wrote it don't think that black people should try to think on their own...... you leftist are sick and yet blacks continue to support those that treat them like little children......why?

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