RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

it may be the future mystery speaker.

or maybe george macaca allen.

Not a mystery anymore. It's Clint Eastwood. But didn't the GOP always criticize the Dems for having celebrity support?? How did this happen?? :badgrin:
Not only that Clint was a major supporter for democrats, so the republicans said.

Well, he has been. He supported Gov Davis in CA, was against the recall. He has supported republicans. He was rooting for Ron Paul.

I would say more Independent then anything.
Not a mystery anymore. It's Clint Eastwood. But didn't the GOP always criticize the Dems for having celebrity support?? How did this happen?? :badgrin:
Not only that Clint was a major supporter for democrats, so the republicans said.

Well, he has been. He supported Gov Davis in CA, was against the recall. He has supported republicans. He was rooting for Ron Paul.

I would say more Independent then anything.
Well... Clint sure as hell isn't there to try to get the independents. Or... If he is I think they went with the way wrong guy to get them... lol
Ok, if that is the case....why do non-whites still vote for Democrats in large %s while whites do not?

Bump..hoping for some explanations

It was a democrat president that signed the Civil Rights Bills back in the 60's by LBJ.

"I’ll have those nxxxxxx voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

#1. Never liked Johnson....I remember my anti-war posters blasting him...was good he never sought re-election

#2. Why would the Civil Rights bill ONLY make minorities vote Democrat. Aren't Civil Rights good for ALL Americans?
rumor has it that clint endorsed dukakis, g h w bush, dole, gore, kerry and mccain.
My fucking POINT is that NONE of their sweet-sounding 'programs' have benefited ANYONE! It's all been a ruse designed to garner votes without DOING a damned thing for the people CASTING the votes. Democrats have accomplished TWO things with their 'social welfare' programs, the ever-increasing size of the Federal Government and the minorities ever-increasing DEPENDENCE on that government.

Hey, it keeps the votes coming!

Ok, if that is the case....why do non-whites still vote for Democrats in large %s while whites do not?

Bump..hoping for some explanations

No, you're hoping for some fodder to fuel your racist cannon, and you're not going to find it. According to CNN exit polls in 2008, 43% of whites voted for Barack Obama.
The reporter is a lying sack of shit.

Where is the police report for harrassment? Surely she could get them removed for racial harrassment if true......crickets.

Liberals are so fucking low class and pure scum that they will invent bullshit stories at the RNC Convention to help their black messiah overcome his stupidity and low ratings. Why not make up racial claims against "white" people.....

The RNC expelled the two offenders from the convention. (Where they were alternates, not actual delegates... so I guess that's something. The Delegates had enough decorum to use code words like Welfare and Birth Certificate.)
rumor has it that clint endorsed dukakis, g h w bush, dole, gore, kerry and mccain.

"I know what you're thinking. Did I back six losers, or only five. Well, to tell you the truth, in all this senility, I've kind of lost track myself. But seeing as I'm a celebrity endorser, and vastly more interesting than anyone else you have here... you have to ask yourself one question... Do I feel Plucky! Well, do yah, Punk?"
I strongly condemn the two Occupy Wall Street clowns who attempted this. Of course they were incompetent morons and flubbed it. It was staged to be a MAJOR story of racism by Republicans, bumping the holy One® and building more hatred. But the fools got caught and thrown out before they could even get started.

Oh it was OWS, ah, I love how democrats try to stage stuff, since what they said is complete bullshit. It reminds me of Dateline's report on side gas tanks on trucks, obviously dangerous, but they couldnt get them to blow up so they used explosives, typicall liberal staging

There is no evidence it was a staged event:rolleyes:
Are you kidding. NBC took a big sock in the eye for that report. They admitted they staged the explosion which made the report.
Oh it was OWS, ah, I love how democrats try to stage stuff, since what they said is complete bullshit. It reminds me of Dateline's report on side gas tanks on trucks, obviously dangerous, but they couldnt get them to blow up so they used explosives, typicall liberal staging

There is no evidence it was a staged event:rolleyes:
Are you kidding. NBC took a big sock in the eye for that report. They admitted they staged the explosion which made the report.

Waiting for video of this happening.. I mean.. since she's a camerawoman.. Surely she had a...camera?!

I don't believe in wiki. I didn't start the thread and I never cite wiki as a source. But you carry on.

Well there is hope for you after all.... (NOT)

NBC vs. GM: The Peacock Stumbles : Television: The public confession is one of the low moments at a network whose recent history has been tainted by disappointments and public-relations debacles. - Los Angeles Times

Better linkie....?
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