RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

I would not be surprised if the Left blew their load all over this. 1 incident by 1 dumbass does not make the entire Republican party "racist". So, Lefties, put it back in your undies and move on to something else.

I equate this story to the alleged racist incidents attributed to Tea Party members at certain rallies.
The lefty MSM jumped all over the reports. By the time a few weeks had passed, these alleged incidents had been all but dismissed as hoaxes. Not one shred of evidence could be produced by the accusers or their operatives. No video or audio accounts whatsoever.
Until I see some evidence, this story has gotten all the mileage it deserves.

Tell that to the RNC.
I would not be surprised if the Left blew their load all over this. 1 incident by 1 dumbass does not make the entire Republican party "racist". So, Lefties, put it back in your undies and move on to something else.

I equate this story to the alleged racist incidents attributed to Tea Party members at certain rallies.
The lefty MSM jumped all over the reports. By the time a few weeks had passed, these alleged incidents had been all but dismissed as hoaxes. Not one shred of evidence could be produced by the accusers or their operatives. No video or audio accounts whatsoever.
Until I see some evidence, this story has gotten all the mileage it deserves.

Tell that to the RNC.
You tell them. Or, go find the proof.
You mean, go tell the MSM.
Still no link, huh??

Link to what?

RNC attendees heckle black CNN camerawoman, toss peanuts at her- report.

Here's a story from last night's GOP convention that Republicans could no doubt live without as they make their pitch to the American public this week. CNN reports:

"Two people were removed from the Republican National Convention Tuesday after they threw nuts at an African-American CNN camera operator and said, 'This is how we feed animals.'

"Multiple witnesses observed the exchange and RNC security and police immediately removed the two people from the Tampa Bay Times Forum."

The cable news network isn't giving the story a lot of play this morning, and only posted an item on it after Talking Points Memo first reported the news last night. Nonetheless, it is probably worth pointing out that the CNN post makes no effort to soften its lede with "allegedly" or anything similar.
RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman:

And you wonder why hardly any black are in that party.

No, I don't.

I don't actually think very many people are confused about why the GOP doesn't have very many Black attendees at the convention.

I fully expect that the Mitt/Ryan ticket will capture Black votes in the single digit range as is so common for Republican Presdential candidates of late.
OK...was the "Great Society" only beneficial to non-whites? Or could whites have taken advantage too?

Was the "War on Poverty" only something that non-whites would find useful? Or could whites also have been attracted to the Democrats because of that? If they could....why didn't they? If they couldn't.....why wasn't "the Great Society" and "The War on Poverty" a program ALL people, white and non-white, find appealing?

My fucking POINT is that NONE of their sweet-sounding 'programs' have benefited ANYONE! It's all been a ruse designed to garner votes without DOING a damned thing for the people CASTING the votes. Democrats have accomplished TWO things with their 'social welfare' programs, the ever-increasing size of the Federal Government and the minorities ever-increasing DEPENDENCE on that government.

Hey, it keeps the votes coming!

Ok, if that is the case....why do non-whites still vote for Democrats in large %s while whites do not?

Bump..hoping for some explanations
more class from the 'big tent party'.

More like; more demagoguery from the Goebbels party.

Based on the utter lack of coverage and no video, I suspect you demagoguecrats were trying something, and got caught. The RNC tossed your agent provocateurs before the staged event could be completed.

Please stop using Nazi imagery to describe the GOP.

They are a long way from building ovens.

That's at least 2 or 3 years away.

Please stop using Nazi imagery to describe the GOP.

Wouldn't dream of it.

Now all you little Goebbels from the demagoguecrat party are another story.

They are a long way from building ovens.

That's at least 2 or 3 years away.


The only ovens the Republicans care about are Herman Cain's Pizza ovens.

You demagoguecrats may have other plans.
My fucking POINT is that NONE of their sweet-sounding 'programs' have benefited ANYONE! It's all been a ruse designed to garner votes without DOING a damned thing for the people CASTING the votes. Democrats have accomplished TWO things with their 'social welfare' programs, the ever-increasing size of the Federal Government and the minorities ever-increasing DEPENDENCE on that government.

Hey, it keeps the votes coming!

Ok, if that is the case....why do non-whites still vote for Democrats in large %s while whites do not?

Bump..hoping for some explanations

It was a democrat president that signed the Civil Rights Bills back in the 60's by LBJ.

"I’ll have those nxxxxxx voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
Yesterday there was a thread by some 'nut here ranting about how Samuel Jackson said some unpleasant about the convention and how liberals wouldn't criticize it.

We'll see how many of the resident rightwing nuts condemn this.

If true I'll condemn it, so who am I supposed to condemn?
Are you saying they are offering "free money" only to minorities? Evidence of that being a Democratic policy since at least the 70s? (Isn't offering that "free money" based on race illegal?)

No, you stupid bitch, what I'm saying is that the Democrats have spent 50 years pandering to minorities, whispering sweet nothings into their ears in exchange for their votes.

How's that 'Great Society' working out? How's 'The War on Poverty' going?

Lotsa pretty words and broken promises, but since the words SOUND so sweet the minorities keep eating them up, and keep voting for them.


OK...was the "Great Society" only beneficial to non-whites? Or could whites have taken advantage too?

Was the "War on Poverty" only something that non-whites would find useful? Or could whites also have been attracted to the Democrats because of that? If they could....why didn't they? If they couldn't.....why wasn't "the Great Society" and "The War on Poverty" a program ALL people, white and non-white, find appealing?

It is very simple.

Blacks, as a group, were mostly poor at the time of the implementation of these social programs. Whites, as a group, were not.

These social programs have served to keep poor people (black and white) heavily dependent on government largesse. As a result of the economic conditions that existed for blacks and whites when these programs were implemented, blacks have been made dependent way out of proportion to whites.

Blacks were made and kept poor by racially discriminatory laws, particularly in the old Democratic Deep South.

Now they are kept poor by Democratic dependency programs and policies which encourage and enable irresponsible behaviors.

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My fucking POINT is that NONE of their sweet-sounding 'programs' have benefited ANYONE! It's all been a ruse designed to garner votes without DOING a damned thing for the people CASTING the votes. Democrats have accomplished TWO things with their 'social welfare' programs, the ever-increasing size of the Federal Government and the minorities ever-increasing DEPENDENCE on that government.

Hey, it keeps the votes coming!

Ok, if that is the case....why do non-whites still vote for Democrats in large %s while whites do not?

Bump..hoping for some explanations

Because they dont even know the issues, gay marriage sure shocked alot of blacks, being a national democrat how do you not know he's for it? (Especially with the BS of evolving (which means he was for it, just didnt want to let the black folk know, had to prep them a little)
There is a lot of demagoging and ignorance out there. Some blacks think Lincoln was a democrat........huh??????? They think republicans were the party of slavery and jim crow, it's called politics and misinformation. And if you want to see nasty nasty racism, work for a black republican in politics, and it aint republicans doing it ;)
If true I'll condemn it, so who am I supposed to condemn?

I strongly condemn the two Occupy Wall Street clowns who attempted this. Of course they were incompetent morons and flubbed it. It was staged to be a MAJOR story of racism by Republicans, bumping the holy One® and building more hatred. But the fools got caught and thrown out before they could even get started.

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