RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

You really suck at links.
and how do they try and fix it ?

they scream back at everyone who can see the plain truth that those truth seers are liars.


that is just the finnal straw and your lying racist party will hoepfully die a quick death soon

so now you want people to die? how very turdish of you.

How does the death of a political party mean that someone wants people to die? Are you really this fucking stupid?

the people are the party turdknockerII
Again.. I have not seen this from any major source.. everything is tied to bloggers etc and we do not have the full story.. if SOMETHING resembling this even happened, the complete story has not even surfaced.. and as I said, funny how CNN itself is not reporting it

Jeezus Christ, TWO MINUTES after I post the RNC confirming that the incident took place you can still deny it took place.

Why? Why would you do that?

Won't be long until the Republicans hit on something acceptable, something the average Republican can believe. Until then, they are probably welcoming ideas. The best explanation so far is the Democratic plant, so why not just throw in the RNC spokesman as part of the whole Democratic plot? It can be done.

It's not at all out of the realm of reasonable thought, to assume that the GOP's first reaction is to denounce first even if the story cannot be verified. They would not want to be seen as doing nothing, IF the story turns out to be baloney. If it ends up being baloney, it won't reflect badly on them. It's the wisest course of action to denounce the "alleged" incident right away.
RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman:

And you wonder why hardly any black are in that party.

Nothing on the CNN or msnbc websites!!! This would be a story for them!!!

CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Even if true, it would have been a leftist tactic from Sal Lewisky Hand Book for Radicals - You know the dress like Nazis and pretend to be supporters at rivals events! Yep that one!

But that is meaningless, because the make believe!

And NYCarboneer's links lead to nothing.

I was right, it's a joke:

Assualted with nuts..

Assaulted nuts..

Salted nuts!

Get it?

Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

Im honestly suprised people could be so ignorant and rude and think no one would care.

We are waiting to see if it's true. There is absolutely ZERO evidence supporting this claim.
No shock that conservatives can't simply condemn this and move on.

They defended Limbaugh for calling Fluke a slut. They defended the GOP'er who called Michelle Obama a gorilla.

And on and on. This country will be so awesome when all of you people are gone.

Ok, hold your breath until that happens.
You'd think a cameraperson would have their camera rolling so we could see some evidence.

You'd think CNN and the other Commie networks would be headlining this...

The only people pushing this are the USMB Libberhoids...

I'm sure the Romney camp gives a flying fuck.


President Romney.

Get used to it, nutsacks.

One would think that a convention with thousands of people with equipment to film at least something would be up on youtube by now.

Loaded with journalists, camera persons from every news organization and thousands of citizen journalists.

Yup. I'll bet every square centimeter is covered by cameras.
Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

Im honestly suprised people could be so ignorant and rude and think no one would care.

We are waiting to see if it's true. There is absolutely ZERO evidence supporting this claim.

What do you need to see that would then make it true? (honest question)

Because I've seen several threads, with several links, all saying the exact same thing, that the incident has several witnesses, that the RNC admits to ejecting the 2 guests and says their behavior was deplorable.
No true Scotsman would post in this thread.

No true Scotsman would hold a "get a brain morans" poster - but a true demagogue would - and did.

democrats are sleazy - scumbags, demagogues, devoid of integrity. A couple of Obamabots crashing the convention and doing this would be entirely consistent with the party and the followers of Obama.
Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

Im honestly suprised people could be so ignorant and rude and think no one would care.

We are waiting to see if it's true. There is absolutely ZERO evidence supporting this claim.

If there is no evidence, it's really odd that a GOP spokesperson is out there condemning it.

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com
No shock that conservatives can't simply condemn this and move on.

They defended Limbaugh for calling Fluke a slut. They defended the GOP'er who called Michelle Obama a gorilla.

And on and on. This country will be so awesome when all of you people are gone.

Ok, hold your breath until that happens.

The liberals are too much. Conservatives are condemning this, condemning the ourright BS of the liberals.

We have had 5 years of liberal rule and the country is in shambles just as it was predicted would happen. The liberals are too disingenuous to ever admit that they have even been in charge. No, they blame the minority party for their disasters. Disgusting. I can't see how anyone votes for the party of dishonest fools.

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