RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

Regardless of whether or not it was racially motivated, which has yet to be proven, it was a pretty stupid thing to do, if you ask me, and whoever did it should be removed from the convention at the very least...

why do so very few black Americans refuse to vote republican?

Confirming once again you are one dumb idiot.

"...so very few black Americans refuse to vote republican?"

It's morons like you who put the dim in Dimocrat.
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

Thanks for that... now it just has to be determined exactly what happened and not just word of mouth... Whoever it was, attendee, REP, DEM, or whatever was absoltely STUPID in this action

I was not deflecting.. I just do not take the word of blogs
Now with a quizzillion cameras at this convention, including professional camera persons from every major network on the planet you'd think there would at least at the very very least be one video of these people being escorted out.
Wouldn't it be better to get all the facts before speculating the who's and why's?

You mean the way for example that no conservatives here ran with the Bachmann charge that Obama was going to spend 200 million dollars a day on a trip overseas before they got the facts?

You mean the way for example that no conservatives ran with the story about Obama ending the welfare work requirement, that turned out to be a lie, before they got the facts?

You mean that sort of thing?
Distract from the economy!

Democrat strategy 2012. It's ALL they can do.

I fail to see how Republican racists at the Republican convention throwing food and racial slurs at a black woman constitutes a Democrat distraction.

Since you know so much about this incident, Carb....why don't you fill us in on all the details that wasn't published?
Distract from the economy!

Democrat strategy 2012. It's ALL they can do.

I fail to see how Republican racists at the Republican convention throwing food and racial slurs at a black woman constitutes a Democrat distraction.
1) Not determined what party they are affiliated with, if they are affiliated...
2) Alleged slurs have not been proven.. this is still reported and not confirmed
3) Not shown that this is racial in nature or a reaction to the press or whatever
4) No proven link to any REP leadership or any other group

So stop leaping and deal with what is known, and realize a report is not inherently complete fact or the complete story

IF this happened as reported, by "attendees", it is incredibly stupid.. but if it happened somewhat as reported and some details change on who, what, etc, it is STILL stupid in action... and if this is shown to be more inaccurate than accurate, it is indeed STUPID to have reported it that way before knowing all the facts
A CNN camerawoman! It probably had more to do with CNN acting like an animal than a black person acting like an animal.

This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.

Thanks for that... now it just has to be determined exactly what happened and not just word of mouth... Whoever it was, attendee, REP, DEM, or whatever was absoltely STUPID in this action

I was not deflecting.. I just do not take the word of blogs

I'm picking it up at the Hill now. I would love to know who they were.

It is not yet clear what role the individuals who were removed played at the convention, although organizers did confirm their ejection in a statement.

Two RNC attendees removed for taunting black camerawoman - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com
A CNN camerawoman! It probably had more to do with CNN acting like an animal than a black person acting like an animal.

This really isn't shocking at all. You can expect stupid people to do stupid things, and there are stupid Republicans and stupid Democrats. It wouldn't shock me if something similar happened at the Democratic Convention to a Fox News Cameraman/woman. What is also not shocking is that we find a moron here who tries to condone the action. Hilarious is an understatement and just proves that what some people have to say here should only be taken as comedy.

didn't the democrats line up outside the RNC convention and dress up like pink vaginas?

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