RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?

I don't know, maybe it's my computer, oir maybe it's a conspiracy by the GOP but the link you provided leads to a Virginia Politician and has NO articles on the incident.

Republican Attendees Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Called Her An 'Animal'

Talking Points Memo then reached out to CNN, which confirmed that an incident had taken place in a statement it later sent to The Huffington Post.

"CNN can confirm there was an incident directed at an employee inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum earlier this afternoon," the statement read. "CNN worked with convention officials to address this matter and will have no further comment." There was no immediate mention of the attack on CNN's air.

The convention condemned the incident in a statement, saying, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

The incident would be ugly anywhere, but it is especially troubling for a party whose nominee attracted 0 percent of the black vote in a recent NBC poll.

It's only a "big deal" because the camera person happened to be black. If the camera person was white, it wouldn't make the news. And if the camera person was white, someone would still throw a peanut and call her an animal. Why?

Because CNN is a bunch of animals.
OK, I get it.

Assaulted with nuts...

Assaulted nuts...

salted nuts..

April fools!
Again.. I have not seen this from any major source.. everything is tied to bloggers etc and we do not have the full story.. if SOMETHING resembling this even happened, the complete story has not even surfaced.. and as I said, funny how CNN itself is not reporting it

Jeezus Christ, TWO MINUTES after I post the RNC confirming that the incident took place you can still deny it took place.

Why? Why would you do that?

Try reading my posts, you asshole winger...

Could it be like reported by these unconfirmed reports?? Yes.. Could it be a fabrication? Yes... Could it be a plant?? Yes... THERE IS NO CONFIRMATION FROM ANY VIABLE SOURCE, and I have not seen ANY direct statement from the RNC that is not a blog speculation or claim...

I will indeed wait for confirmation... unlike you, I do not just put regurgitated blog claims out as fact because the align with my political agenda

Gee Dave, calling someone an "asshole winger" isn't very nice. Seems kinda defensive, as if you aren't bright enough to over an unbiased response in civil language (hmmm, maybe that is the definition of an "asshole winger"; what do you think?).
More self righteous indignation by the Democrats trying to appeal to emotion (because they can't talk about the ECONOMY) with a trumped up, dividing, fake race issue.
Now we know what Deany was doing that night.

These "Attendees" were Progressives, they should be exposed as such and prosecuted
It's only a "big deal" because the camera person happened to be black. If the camera person was white, it wouldn't make the news. And if the camera person was white, someone would still throw a peanut and call her an animal. Why?

Because CNN is a bunch of animals.


Yeah..that's the ticket.

It isn't because the majority..and I mean like 98% of the people in that stadium..were white.

It isn't because the Republicans use "dog whistle" terms like welfare queen, food stamps and free stuff to describe what they consider "parasites".

It isn't because elected republican officials have described the first black president as a Kenyan, Socialist, Marxist, Un-American, Anti-Colonial and shouted "You Lie" at one of his SOTUs.

It's all the fault of CNN. A well respected News organization that is generally sourced by people around the world when facts come up.
I gather the first person to report on this is former MSNBC's David Shuster.

The first account of the incident, unsurprisingly, came via Twitter in the form of a tweet from former MSNBC and Current anchor David Shuster: "GOP attendee ejected for throwing nuts at African American CNN camera woman + saying 'This is how we feed animals.'"

You would think with all the cameras around someone would have video considering according to Slate there were "multiple witnesses".

I'd love to find out who these men were.
Maybe it was this guy:

State Rep. Alan Clemmons, who authored the South Carolina voter ID law being argued in federal court this week, admitted on Tuesday he welcomed a racist email he received from a friend in support of the law.

Clemmons replied with “Amen” and “thank you for your support” after a man named Ed Koziol wrote that black and poor voters would “be like a swarm of bees going after a watermelon” if the legislature offered a reward for obtaining identification cards, according to McClatchy.

South Carolina lawmaker Alan Clemmons said ‘amen’ to racist email | TPMMuckraker
Maybe it was this guy:

State Rep. Alan Clemmons, who authored the South Carolina voter ID law being argued in federal court this week, admitted on Tuesday he welcomed a racist email he received from a friend in support of the law.

Clemmons replied with “Amen” and “thank you for your support” after a man named Ed Koziol wrote that black and poor voters would “be like a swarm of bees going after a watermelon” if the legislature offered a reward for obtaining identification cards, according to McClatchy.

South Carolina lawmaker Alan Clemmons said ‘amen’ to racist email | TPMMuckraker
From the same article:

A civil rights lawyer also asked Clemmons about packets of peanuts that were distributed with cards that read “Stop Obama’s nutty agenda and support voter ID.” Clemmons reportedly testified previously that he was the one who handed out the packets, but this time he said he could not remember doing so.
I gather the first person to report on this is former MSNBC's David Shuster.

The first account of the incident, unsurprisingly, came via Twitter in the form of a tweet from former MSNBC and Current anchor David Shuster: "GOP attendee ejected for throwing nuts at African American CNN camera woman + saying 'This is how we feed animals.'"

You would think with all the cameras around someone would have video considering according to Slate there were "multiple witnesses".

I'd love to find out who these men were.

wow, amazing research there.
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Two RNC Attendees Call Black Camerawoman ‘Animal,’ Throw Nuts At Her « CBS Tampa

Reported in the news. Acknowledged as true by the RNC. Come up with a new deflection.
The RNC said it was true. Not sure if they've blamed the camerawoman or not.

Again.. I have not seen this from any major source.. everything is tied to bloggers etc and we do not have the full story.. if SOMETHING resembling this even happened, the complete story has not even surfaced.. and as I said, funny how CNN itself is not reporting it

Jeezus Christ, TWO MINUTES after I post the RNC confirming that the incident took place you can still deny it took place.

Why? Why would you do that?

Won't be long until the Republicans hit on something acceptable, something the average Republican can believe. Until then, they are probably welcoming ideas. The best explanation so far is the Democratic plant, so why not just throw in the RNC spokesman as part of the whole Democratic plot? It can be done.
You'd think a cameraperson would have their camera rolling so we could see some evidence.

You'd think CNN and the other Commie networks would be headlining this...

The only people pushing this are the USMB Libberhoids...

I'm sure the Romney camp gives a flying fuck.


President Romney.

Get used to it, nutsacks.
the camera woman pointed an object at people.

the nut throwers just stood their ground.
It's only a "big deal" because the camera person happened to be black. If the camera person was white, it wouldn't make the news. And if the camera person was white, someone would still throw a peanut and call her an animal. Why?

Because CNN is a bunch of animals.


Yeah..that's the ticket.

It isn't because the majority..and I mean like 98% of the people in that stadium..were white.

It isn't because the Republicans use "dog whistle" terms like welfare queen, food stamps and free stuff to describe what they consider "parasites".

It isn't because elected republican officials have described the first black president as a Kenyan, Socialist, Marxist, Un-American, Anti-Colonial and shouted "You Lie" at one of his SOTUs.

It's all the fault of CNN. A well respected News organization that is generally sourced by people around the world when facts come up.

Your post is a giant logical fallacy.

The camera person happened to be Black. The camera person worked for CNN. Republicans aren't fond of CNN. Mia Love, a black woman, was speaking inside.

Democrats NEED a race issue because the economy sucks. You need a distraction. So you make up a "Trayvon" any chance you get.

It's race baiting divisiveness. Grow up. That card was played out four years ago. That's that last thing America needs.
You'd think a cameraperson would have their camera rolling so we could see some evidence.

You'd think CNN and the other Commie networks would be headlining this...

The only people pushing this are the USMB Libberhoids...

I'm sure the Romney camp gives a flying fuck.


President Romney.

Get used to it, nutsacks.
You are correct. Romney wouldn't care about Republicans acting like fucktards. They are going to vote for him.

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