RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?
as soon as we get the correct details and not insinuations we'll discuss it.

Is it possible that others not affiliated with the Republican party can enter the Convention? I think the release of the names of the perpetrators would be in order so the proper blame could be put squarely on the identification and background of the two offenders involved. If they were delegates, they should be shamed by their state. If from some other party, we should know.

Of course it's possible; aslo possible is the alleged victim may not want the matter to be investigated, which is a not uncommon occurrence.

I still think the media would have taken the opportunity to out these individuals for their own biased reporting if MSM. It's strange they didn't take advantage of it.
So, no one knows if this is a true story or not. All this butt hurt and we don't even know if it happened or not.


it is not a true story, and if it is, then it was a democratic plant and/or the animal camerawoman's fault.
The RNC said it was true. Not sure if they've blamed the camerawoman or not.

Again.. I have not seen this from any major source.. everything is tied to bloggers etc and we do not have the full story.. if SOMETHING resembling this even happened, the complete story has not even surfaced.. and as I said, funny how CNN itself is not reporting it
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...
In vino veritas (in wine there is truth)

Most noticeable in the responses on this thread is the denial; supporters of the Republican Party argue the incident as reported did not occur or if it did it must have been a plot by 'libtards'. While there is some evidence to support the allegation - though its probative value is minimal - there is no exculpatory evidence to even suggest it did not occur.

Based on the comments by some on this message board who are self described conservatives, such reprehensible actions as those reported are credible. Keep in mind, the Republican Party opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and opposed both the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Equal Rights Amendment and today opposes the Dream Act.

The Republican Party is fractured into factions - social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo conservatives and paranoid racists - what they agree upon is clear: Avarice, Bigotry and the Callous disregard of others.. The demagoguery of the leaders of the GOP is rife with false pathos and false promises.

A majority of Republicans actually voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

However, zero southern Republicans voted for it. In fact, the votes on the act were split much more along geographic lines than party.

I did not look up how they voted but there were only 2 Republican Senators and 8 Republican Representatives from the south in the 88th Congress. How many Democrats voted against it?

For the record, I edited my post within two minutes of posting it because I suspected my comment was too broad; given the fact that the Southern Strategy of Richard Nixon had not yet taken place many "Dixiecrats" would have opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Please respond to the other issues noted - Lilly Ledbetter, ERA and the Dream Act all of which suggest in the strongest manner the Big Tent rhetoric of GOP Pols is total bullshit.
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it is not a true story, and if it is, then it was a democratic plant and/or the animal camerawoman's fault.
The RNC said it was true. Not sure if they've blamed the camerawoman or not.

Again.. I have not seen this from any major source.. everything is tied to bloggers etc and we do not have the full story.. if SOMETHING resembling this even happened, the complete story has not even surfaced.. and as I said, funny how CNN itself is not reporting it

Jeezus Christ, TWO MINUTES after I post the RNC confirming that the incident took place you can still deny it took place.

Why? Why would you do that?
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Since when did rightwing nuts around here wait for 'all the information' before they commented on something?
The RNC said it was true. Not sure if they've blamed the camerawoman or not.

Again.. I have not seen this from any major source.. everything is tied to bloggers etc and we do not have the full story.. if SOMETHING resembling this even happened, the complete story has not even surfaced.. and as I said, funny how CNN itself is not reporting it

Jeezus Christ, TWO MINUTES after I post the RNC confirming that the incident took place you can still deny it took place.

Why? Why would you do that?

Try reading my posts, you asshole winger...

Could it be like reported by these unconfirmed reports?? Yes.. Could it be a fabrication? Yes... Could it be a plant?? Yes... THERE IS NO CONFIRMATION FROM ANY VIABLE SOURCE, and I have not seen ANY direct statement from the RNC that is not a blog speculation or claim...

I will indeed wait for confirmation... unlike you, I do not just put regurgitated blog claims out as fact because the align with my political agenda
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

Since when did rightwing nuts around here wait for 'all the information' before they commented on something?

Since when haven't I??

Nice try asshole
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?

I don't know, maybe it's my computer, oir maybe it's a conspiracy by the GOP but the link you provided leads to a Virginia Politician and has NO articles on the incident.
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Why wasn't the person charged with assault?
Assault with peanuts? Why not try for a crime that might stick?

tinydancer is clearly implying that racial slurs are okay if they're done within the law.

This is why the GOP has microscopic support from black Americans.

Oh bite me. If the men struck her with the peanuts that could be considered assault. The Secret Service are the ones saying it's not a police matter not me.

I just find that bizarre. Why not charge them with assault? And visa versa why not charge the NBPs for uttering death threats?
UPDATE: GOP convention spokesman Kyle Downey tells POLITICO, "Two attendees tonight exhibited deplorable behavior. Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated."

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

And even after having already been provided that link, most of the 'nuts here keep denying this happened.

Why can't you people act like adults?


Again.. people are waiting for ALL the information before making any statement...

ATTENDEES... were they or were they not delegates? Just who were they and what were their credentials? We still need to know more.

If this was a plant by Dems, I sure would like to know. If not, the delegates should be permanently banned from future conventions.

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