RNC convention open thread

We understand you hate blacks that leave the plantation, you're jealous.

But ole uncle Joe Biden has you in chains.....:eusa_whistle:

Obama's an educated black black man and unlike Davis, Obama wins.

Artur Davis got elected to Congress five times.

And yet when he got crushed he switched parties. It guess he really believed he was an honorary white, until that run for governor in Alabama reminded him.
Many blacks are now realizing they got sold a pile of bullshit with Obamination.
He didn't grow up in the ghetto in the USA, he grew up in Hawaii, Indonesia and with his white grandparents when he finally made it to the mainland.

He attended Ivy League schools out of pity, he didn't hang out in the middle class black schools or the "hood."

He aligns himself with anti-Christian white liberals and a nutjob black preacher that would make normal blacks blush.

He plays more golf than basketball, he is a wannabe white guy that shows up in the ghetto when he wants votes.

He pushes abortion on the black community, which is the #1 killer of blacks. He is no friend of the black community.

When were you chosen to speak for all black people in America?? Especially since you don't seem to know much!!!

Ssssshhhhhh.. Let him speak.:lol:
Well, Davis has black parents....Obamination only half and he wasn't even American. :badgrin:

Erkel is more black than Obamination.


So I guess your list is a reason as to why Obama isn't black enough? And here I thought you republicans were experts on blackness? Go figure.

Define "Black" in American? What makes an America "Black"?
Who wrote Anne Romney's speech? Make ends meet? Pay the rent? Financial hardship? How would she know?


And panning the camera to the audience. So many white people in one place.

I was about to say the same thing. What was up with the opening? Then took a sharp turn. She's all over the place.
She really seems proud of her country.

I think most of here love our Nation as well.

I guess shes just up there to soften up the crowd for Mitt, shes just too monotone for my liking and have yet to hear anything of substance. But im watching....

Well idiot
nice to meet you as well. *sigh*
The Romney's have a "real" marriage. Something they don't want gays to have.
She really seems proud of her country.

I think most of here love our Nation as well.

I guess shes just up there to soften up the crowd for Mitt, shes just too monotone for my liking and have yet to hear anything of substance. But im watching....

Yeah.. Especially when Obama got elected, huh? Then we could all finally be proud of our country.


Hey idiot, I didn't see Rubio claim to be a black American or any of the other names you threw out there.

Obamination sells himself as a black American when he doesn't have much of an American upbringing or black background. His black dad left his ass....

Well, Davis has black parents....Obamination only half and he wasn't even American. :badgrin:

Define "Black" in American? What makes an America "Black"?

Marco Rubio's parents, both of them, aren't American. What does that make him?

How about Bobby Jindal or Nikki Haley?

Mitt's father was Mexican? It Mitt half Mexican and half American?
Earlier in the evening, Chuck Todd said Republicans were scouring the audience to fill up the front row with any minority they could find. Well, every time they show the audience, it's all white people. Guess they couldn't find many, or any. Besides Michael Steele.

I really miss George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin. Too bad Republicans are so ashamed of their former leaders and the damage they caused.
Ann Romney is lovely. Doing an incredible speaking job too. Loved the line about how Romney doesn't brag about helping others..

That's the value of a true giver.

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