RNC convention open thread

An idiot telling idiots like you lies to make you all feel better.

Earlier in the evening, Chuck Todd said Republicans were scouring the audience to fill up the front row with any minority they could find. Well, every time they show the audience, it's all white people. Guess they couldn't find many, or any. Besides Michael Steele.

I really miss George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin. Too bad Republicans are so ashamed of their former leaders and the damage they caused.
Then we could all finally be proud of our country.

warping ones self in the flag is never a good idea. But Republicans seem to love to do it. American is not about pride and one liners. Its about having a shot at bettering ones future. I want to hear Ann and Mitt tell me how they will bring change for the betterment of this nation and all that live with in our borders.
Ann Romney is lovely. Doing an incredible speaking job too. Loved the line about how Romney doesn't brag about helping others..

That's the value of a true giver.

I don't know any Mormons that don't give 10% to their church. The church spent, by some reports, 20 million in California to defeat gay marriage.

She said she wants to talk about love. Guess they don't love the gays.

Income of Mormon Church Is Put at $4.7 Billion a Year - NYTimes.com

Accurately assessing the church's finances from the outside is impossible, because in 1959 Mormon leaders stopped disclosing financial reports even to the church's members. The church has 7.7 million members worldwide, including more than one million in Utah.
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"You can trust Mitt."

In other words, "Shut the fuck up, it's none of your business."
You aren't looking rdean.
There are blacks as well as Hispanics in the audience.
They had 2 black speakers and several Hispanic speakers.
Blind much?
Ann Romney came off as a real person

A real person trying to convince America that Mitt is a real person
Then we could all finally be proud of our country.

warping ones self in the flag is never a good idea. But Republicans seem to love to do it. American is not about pride and one liners. Its about having a shot at bettering ones future. I want to hear Ann and Mitt tell me how they will bring change for the betterment of this nation and all that live with in our borders.

Easy. They will cut taxes on millionaires and billionaires.

Cut education.

Cut Medicare.

Start a war with Iran.

Move the country's financial burden to the middle class.

Fewer Police, fewer Firemen and fewer teachers.

Return to Bush fiscal policies.
Dumbfuck, what is warping ones self in the flag? Is that something you do down in the swamp.

So since you're worried about those that "live with in our borders"...does that count illegals invading our country to steal jobs and benefits from Americans.

Oh, lean how to spell....it's within, wrapping...

Then we could all finally be proud of our country.

warping ones self in the flag is never a good idea. But Republicans seem to love to do it. American is not about pride and one liners. Its about having a shot at bettering ones future. I want to hear Ann and Mitt tell me how they will bring change for the betterment of this nation and all that live with in our borders.
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All of the speakers have been great! Anne was warm, and one could only think what a wonderful first lady she would be! How gracious of Mitt to come out and escort her back behind the curtain.
You aren't looking rdean.
There are blacks as well as Hispanics in the audience.
They had 2 black speakers and several Hispanic speakers.
Blind much?
They moved the minorities down front ... the American Samoans and the Puerto Rican delegates. I haven't seen any others.
Many blacks are now realizing they got sold a pile of bullshit with Obamination.
He didn't grow up in the ghetto in the USA, he grew up in Hawaii, Indonesia and with his white grandparents when he finally made it to the mainland.

He attended Ivy League schools out of pity, he didn't hang out in the middle class black schools or the "hood."

He aligns himself with anti-Christian white liberals and a nutjob black preacher that would make normal blacks blush.

He plays more golf than basketball, he is a wannabe white guy that shows up in the ghetto when he wants votes.

He pushes abortion on the black community, which is the #1 killer of blacks. He is no friend of the black community.

When were you chosen to speak for all black people in America?? Especially since you don't seem to know much!!!

Did he claim he did speak for all blacks? or any blacks?
Maybe this convention is more about damage control for Republicans than actually nominating Mitt. Republicans are scum after all.

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