RNC convention open thread

Nobody wants a regular guy. They want someone they can trust to lead.

Something Obama has never done or come close to doing.

You guys are spinning like nuts cause your "boy" is headed out the door.

Kiss his sorry ass good-bye (instead of just kissing like you currently do).

I think President Obama is a good man and is very trustworthy. Nobody is spinning anything and I don't agree he is out the door. Let's just wait and see.

Don't get out much, do you ?

I was getting out when you were sitting with a dunce cap in 1st grade.
Yes....all while Mitt was sitting on a million dollar stock portfolio

There is a big difference in living in a basement apartment because you are penniless and living in a basement apartment while your millionaire father is a phone call away

The difference being in one case, you have no one to go to... the other, you CHOOSE not to go to anyone and you do it on your own.

Good god! Mitt lived in a dive while he was in college. Who didn't? The student housing I lived in was much worse

Mitt and Ann Romney--Portrayed by Sister Romney as Struggling, Just-Getting-By, Stock-Selling Students at BYU: How Tough It Was, Ye Know Not; How Tight It Was, Ye Know Not . . . | Recovery from Mormonism

Ann was widely mocked for this at the time. I don’t dissent from the mockery. Her idea of her and Mitt facing 'not easy years,' having 'no income,' 'living on the edge' as 'struggling students,' was that the couple had had to face college with only sale of stock to sustain them.

"By Ann’s own account, the stock amounted to 'a few thousand' dollars when bought, but it had gone up by a factor of sixteen. So let’s conservatively say that they got through five years as students—neither one of them working—only by 'chipping away at' assets of $60,000 in 1969 dollars (about $377,000 today).

Ohhh... a link to a site from a disgruntled ex-Mormon. Now THERE is credibility and impartiality :rolleyes:
Idiot, I was talking about your incoherent bullshit before you quoted that crap newspaper.

Both of you combined can't form a logical argument anyway.

the rambling of an idiot on welfare using the internet via a public library....

Go get run over by a bus or something.

"gov. Chris christie of new jersey, in the keynote speech, angrily demanded that the american people learn the hard truths about the two parties, but like most of those at the microphone, he failed to supply any. He said his state needed his austere discipline of slashed budgets, canceled public projects and broken public unions, but did not mention that new jersey now has a higher unemployment rate than when he took over, and never had the revenue boom he promised from tax cuts." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/29/opinion/how-the-republicans-built-it.html

I had no idea the New York Times editorial staff was hurting this much, should we maybe buy more papers, you think? Thanks for considering them but in New York you are more likely to get hit by a cab or bicycle.
In its 2009 report, liberal government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named McConnell one of the 15 most corrupt members of Congress, stating that "Sen. McConnell's ethics issues stem primarily from (1) earmarks he inserted into legislation for clients of his former chief of staff in exchange for campaign contributions and (2) the misuse of his nonprofit McConnell Center for Political Leadership at the University of Louisville."[30] McConnell was also included in the group's report in 2007 and 2008

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