Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Really? When? When did Jesus "change all that"? Not in this passage;

“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:18-19

nor this one;

“It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)

or these;

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

“Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law” (John 7:19)

this is a biggie

"If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;" John 10:35

So, tell us again where Jesus "changed all that" because the NT doesn't back up your assertion.

There is nothing here that a good Bible Study course wouldn't fix.

:lol: You don't know. You've been "toeing the company line", but don't even understand it? That's so typical of so-called "moderate Christians". They love to talk about how Jesus fixed the Old Testament (in other words, tossed out the horribly offensive parts about slavery, keeping women in their place, killing gays, etc). The snag? It's not true. :dev3:

You have a narrative that supports your erroneous position. Either you made it up, or you adopted it from some other leftist that did make it up. A good Bible Study course could fix that for you. But of course, that's unacceptable because a leftist doesn't want to know anything that would interfere with their preconceived ideas.
There is nothing here that a good Bible Study course wouldn't fix.

:lol: You don't know. You've been "toeing the company line", but don't even understand it? That's so typical of so-called "moderate Christians". They love to talk about how Jesus fixed the Old Testament (in other words, tossed out the horribly offensive parts about slavery, keeping women in their place, killing gays, etc). The snag? It's not true. :dev3:

You have a narrative that supports your erroneous position. Either you made it up, or you adopted it from some other leftist that did make it up. A good Bible Study course could fix that for you. But of course, that's unacceptable because a leftist doesn't want to know anything that would interfere with their preconceived ideas.

I quoted you bible in passages from the bible that speak in plain old bible English how Jesus did not "change all that" as you claimed.

You made the claim that Jesus "changed all that", but have yet to provide proof of any kind to back up your assertion. Where, in the bible, did Jesus fix all the really bad stuff for you? Come on, give us a sign that you know what you're talking about?
That right there lets me know we have nothing further to discuss when it comes to the scriptures. I believe them to be the word of God, no matter who the author is, 2Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, 2Pet 1:for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God[c] spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. So any further discussion regarding the scriptures would be me casting pearls before a swine and giving what is holy to a dog, and I won't waste my time doing that.

Oh, don't you know it would take a dog to know another dog. For a so-called "Christian", you sure do your share of ad "holy" and "Christ-like". Hypocrite.

Jhn 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Right. But nothing you have written, personally, embraces the truth. And don't quote scripture to me...I know it better than you.
:lol: You don't know. You've been "toeing the company line", but don't even understand it? That's so typical of so-called "moderate Christians". They love to talk about how Jesus fixed the Old Testament (in other words, tossed out the horribly offensive parts about slavery, keeping women in their place, killing gays, etc). The snag? It's not true. :dev3:

You have a narrative that supports your erroneous position. Either you made it up, or you adopted it from some other leftist that did make it up. A good Bible Study course could fix that for you. But of course, that's unacceptable because a leftist doesn't want to know anything that would interfere with their preconceived ideas.

I quoted you bible in passages from the bible that speak in plain old bible English how Jesus did not "change all that" as you claimed.

You made the claim that Jesus "changed all that", but have yet to provide proof of any kind to back up your assertion. Where, in the bible, did Jesus fix all the really bad stuff for you? Come on, give us a sign that you know what you're talking about?

You have misunderstood, mistook or quoted those passages out of context. I'm not going to engage in a lengthy theological argument pointing out each and every instance in which you are wrong. That's why I suggested that a good Bible Study course that would address each and every passage independently, over the course of months or years. I doubt you made an in depth study of the Bible yourself. Someone else pointed these passages out to you and explained what these passages meant to THEM. You're just regurgitating someone else's opinion.

There are numerous Bible Study forums on the internet that could disabuse you of your errors. Start there.
You have a narrative that supports your erroneous position. Either you made it up, or you adopted it from some other leftist that did make it up. A good Bible Study course could fix that for you. But of course, that's unacceptable because a leftist doesn't want to know anything that would interfere with their preconceived ideas.

I quoted you bible in passages from the bible that speak in plain old bible English how Jesus did not "change all that" as you claimed.

You made the claim that Jesus "changed all that", but have yet to provide proof of any kind to back up your assertion. Where, in the bible, did Jesus fix all the really bad stuff for you? Come on, give us a sign that you know what you're talking about?

You have misunderstood, mistook or quoted those passages out of context. I'm not going to engage in a lengthy theological argument pointing out each and every instance in which you are wrong. That's why I suggested that a good Bible Study course that would address each and every passage independently, over the course of months or years. I doubt you made an in depth study of the Bible yourself. Someone else pointed these passages out to you and explained what these passages meant to THEM. You're just regurgitating someone else's opinion.

There are numerous Bible Study forums on the internet that could disabuse you of your errors. Start there.

No need Katz...just point out the passage where Jesus wiped out the OT. That's it. Not too hard. Where does good Jesus make all the bad stuff (except the part where you get to bash "the gheys", of course) go away?
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Indeed, but better an epiphany, than none at all.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Indeed, but better an epiphany, than none at all.

The RW wants to pretend it never happened, though... :lol:

There is nothing here that a good Bible Study course wouldn't fix.

:lol: You don't know. You've been "toeing the company line", but don't even understand it? That's so typical of so-called "moderate Christians". They love to talk about how Jesus fixed the Old Testament (in other words, tossed out the horribly offensive parts about slavery, keeping women in their place, killing gays, etc). The snag? It's not true. :dev3:

You have a narrative that supports your erroneous position. Either you made it up, or you adopted it from some other leftist that did make it up. A good Bible Study course could fix that for you. But of course, that's unacceptable because a leftist doesn't want to know anything that would interfere with their preconceived ideas.

How about instead of lecturing SeaWytch, you point out the passages where Jesus actually really did overturn all the nasty stuff in the OT>

"Yeah. Slavery. Dad was only kidding about that. Slavery is bad!"

Nope. Jesus never said that. Not once.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Whats been established is that some people don't understand what "hypocrite" means.

Previously being against Same-sex Civil Marriage for all and now being for Same-sex Civil Marriage for all is not being a hypocrite. Take a position that Same-sex Civil Marriage for everyone except his children would be hypocritical.

Changing a position on an issue is not being a hypocrite when the application of that position is applied consistently.

I would have to give his gay child a lot of credit, since such child actually educated a republican, which is far better than I have been able to do.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Indeed, but better an epiphany, than none at all.

The RW wants to pretend it never happened, though... :lol:


Or maybe it's because liberals are excited they've got another Republican convert who's seen the light?

Portman changing his mind to support gay marriage is a bit lame. I get it and it's endearing in a way, that he's reconsidered because of who his son is. But "dad's public policy beliefs as a legislator" and "the way dad maintains his relationship with his homosexual son" should be kept separate. And this kid is in his early-20s, right? First off, I don't believe he just realized his son was gay, but besides that, "gay marriage" is a specific issue. Yeah his son might want to marry another man someday, but this would make more sense if he had a real problem with gay people and due to his gay son, he has now become more open-minded. I don't have an issue with gays in the general sense, but I'm opposed to SSM for reasons that have nothing to do with particular feelings about homosexuality.

Methinks dad is using his son for political gain...
I think it's just that conservatives hate minorities because minorities are "not them".

Hey anus face...conservatives don't hate minorities. If that was true, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Tim Scott would never have been elected. Oh, and just for your info, of all the Latinos elected into office...more Of them are Republican than Democrat. If you want to see hate towards minorities, just look at what happens to any minority that dares to step away from the radical left-wing Democrat plantation. They get character assassins like that racist Gloria Allfraud in the way she went after Herman Cain. They get Oreo cookies thrown at the like Michael Steele did, they get attacked for drinking water like Marco Rubio did, and then of course the hatred towards West, Estrada, Gonzales, Janice Rogers Brown, Clarence Thomas. Your sides hatred for minorities and wanting to keep them enslaved goes back to your sides founding of the KKK and longer. It is your side that always has to find some race to hate for whatever reason.

Absolute BS. It's the Democratic Party that is closer to "all-inclusive" and more diverse than the Republican Party will ever be, due to ethics and core beliefs.

Yeah, just ask Joe Lieberman how inclusive the Democrat Party is, or how about Artur Davis, who is black, how inclusive the Democrat Party is. Unless one is a radical left-wing extremist Marxist/Collectivist, there is no room for you in the Democrat Party. Long gone are the days of the so called "Blue Dog Democrat".

The Republican Party sought to restrict the voting rights of blacks, who have a tendency to vote Democratic (forget why).

Oh, wasn't it Democrats that voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Why yes it was, but then again they had Democrat LBJ who said "I will have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years".

That you have black and brown conservatives supporting the party, is indicative of their willingness to compromise values, and turn a blind eye to reality, for short term personal political gain. you just admitted your racist views. If one is black, Latino, Asian and are not a Democrat, then you are not really black, Latino or Asian. Thanks for proving you are a racist.

And how dare you go "there".

Faux outrage noted.

It's true that the KKK was a product of the old Democratic Party, which by the way switched ideologies (via the Dixiecrats massive exodus to the Republican Party in the late 60's -1980), to essentially become today's racist, non-inclusive and morally bankrupt Republican Party.

You are so full of crap. I have seen this load of crap enough times, it's laughable. So, how about we start with progressive Woodrow Wilson who had his cabinet members watch the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation". Oh, and speaking of left-winger Wilson, didn't he appoint an anti-Semite U.S. Supreme Court Justice, James C. McReynolds who refused to have anything to do with USSC Justice Lewis Brandis because he was Jewish. The same McReynolds who also hated blacks as well.

Oh, and how about another leftist, Marxist progressive Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed KKK member Hugo Black to the USSC.

Then we have Bill Clinton who said to Ted Kennedy, " a few years ago this guy would have been carrying our bags for us", referring to Barack Obama during the 2008 Democrat primaries when Hillary was going against Obama. And yes, both Kennedy and Clinton laughed about that one.

Oh, and of course how can we forget racist Joe Biden and his Indian accent comments about 7-11 and his mocking Indian accents.

So, please, don't even try and lecture me about the racism. Unfortunately for you, you just don't see democrats behind closed doors, and you only believe their lies and rhetoric.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

While I am really happy that Senator Portman now gets it about gays, I really wish it wouldn't have taken his son coming out to get him to see the light. I do not take him as a hypocrite. I think he just changed his mind based on personal circumstance. My issue is that most people who are against gay marriage and gay rights, will change their mind once they actually get to know a few really gay people, especially when it turns out to be family. They should be intelligent enough to figure this out on their own before it becomes personal.
Oh, don't you know it would take a dog to know another dog. For a so-called "Christian", you sure do your share of ad "holy" and "Christ-like". Hypocrite.

Jhn 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Right. But nothing you have written, personally, embraces the truth. And don't quote scripture to me...I know it better than you.

Lol, so does the devil, what's your point?
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Whats been established is that some people don't understand what "hypocrite" means.

Previously being against Same-sex Civil Marriage for all and now being for Same-sex Civil Marriage for all is not being a hypocrite. Take a position that Same-sex Civil Marriage for everyone except his children would be hypocritical.

Changing a position on an issue is not being a hypocrite when the application of that position is applied consistently.


Being against same sex marriage when it effects others and not you personally, then changing your position when it does effect you personally, makes you a hypocrite.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Indeed, but better an epiphany, than none at all.

The RW wants to pretend it never happened, though... :lol:


This only proves that Fox isn't fixated with Gay bashing.

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