Robert DeNiro....Tough Guy or PUNK?

Dumbest people on Earth are actors. What do you expect?

And let's not forget your messiah from the 1980s. Man, you're not much for recall, are you?

De Niro is an actor. Whatever "tough guy" parts he played were simply him acting.

Whatever his opinions of Trump are is simply his own opinions. Not that plenty of people don't share those opinions. But, in the end, he is an actor and a citizen with the same rights under the US Constitution that every other citizen has.

His notoriety is based on pretending he's something or somebody he's not. Kind of like you trying to identify yourself with Alabama never played ball and are nothing more than a homely groupie.

"His notoriety is based on pretending he's something or somebody he's not". Just like every actor out there.

I did play ball. I did not play college ball, but I did attend the Univ of Alabama. And at least I identify with a winning programs. Tell us again about the new sheriff in town? lol
DeNiro is an ACTOR. 'Nuff said.
So was Reagan.

Except Reagan is an actor who bankrupted the Soviet Union.

He did nothing of the kind

It took decades for the Soviet Union to bankrupt itself
Ten years in Afghanistan did not help

True. The incompetence and corruption of leftism would’ve eventually taken down the Soviet Union. But Reagan made it happen faster.
Reagan did nothing to force the downfall of the USSR

What Reagan did that is worthy of praise is that he did not exploit the situation which would have led to a civil war in the USSR

Reagans restraint saved Russia
DeNiro's acting is the most overrated I've seen; every movie he plays the exact same gangster character. With the exact same glaring, bad-childhood-sounding New Yowkah accent. And the money-grubbing whore has spent the past 20 years "slumming," which means starring in glaringly bad movies for a paycheck. Which is a further indication of the lack of judgment and character this Hollywood hack of a pig is. Come on, DeNiro was already so wealthy, why the fuck would this whore need to star in so many bad movies? Like so many celebrities, this childish old coot can NEVER be satisfied with all the millions of dollars he has, this male prostitution whore STILL needs more money. Filthy, Hollywood cocksucker he is.
Great DeNiro roles

Godfather 2
Raging Bull

Many he mails in for the paycheck. But he is a great actor
maybe someone has said it, but DeNiro just proves the Dems/lefties are the insane-crazies
they are the haters
they have lost their minds over Trump

What does James Woods or Ted Nugent prove? This is really a stupid ass topic.
you cannot compare Republican actions after losing an election like after Trump's election
holy moly!!
'''I"m leaving the country''' !!????
blatant megahate for Trump from celebrities/sports/etc
actual megaCRYING!!!!!!
View attachment 170990
the media!!!
HUFF POST racist, hate, and insane!!
Dear Fellow White Women: We F**ked This Up

dems/blacks beating up a SPECIAL NEEDS man for political reasons!!!!

etc etc

Most of the country is pretty upset about Trump being elected, hence his record low approval numbers.
but he got elected !!!
how did he do that if MOST don't like him??
those are the same people that said he would not get elected !!!hahahahhahahah

Most people didn't vote for him, Einstein.
Trump won 30 states
correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the majority out of 50
most of America elected Trump
most electoral votes
this is the United States of America--not fruity tooty California or New York
not the Communist States of America
DeNiro's acting is the most overrated I've seen; every movie he plays the exact same gangster character. With the exact same glaring, bad-childhood-sounding New Yowkah accent. And the money-grubbing whore has spent the past 20 years "slumming," which means starring in glaringly bad movies for a paycheck. Which is a further indication of the lack of judgment and character this Hollywood hack of a pig is. Come on, DeNiro was already so wealthy, why the fuck would this whore need to star in so many bad movies? Like so many celebrities, this childish old coot can NEVER be satisfied with all the millions of dollars he has, this male prostitution whore STILL needs more money. Filthy, Hollywood cocksucker he is.
Great DeNiro roles

Godfather 2
Raging Bull

Many he mails in for the paycheck. But he is a great actor

Oh please go to hell, my liberal "friend." You liberals are turned on by any form of anti-American violent hatred, you've proved that ad nauseum for years and the DeNiro PIG is a living epitome of treason! You libs get SO FUCKING VIOLENT at the idea of putting American interests first, you're simply the most treasonous people in the history of any country.
Seeing De Niro cause this much butthurt and wailing by the Trump zealots makes me want to go watch one of his movies.
DeNiro's acting is the most overrated I've seen; every movie he plays the exact same gangster character. With the exact same glaring, bad-childhood-sounding New Yowkah accent. And the money-grubbing whore has spent the past 20 years "slumming," which means starring in glaringly bad movies for a paycheck. Which is a further indication of the lack of judgment and character this Hollywood hack of a pig is. Come on, DeNiro was already so wealthy, why the fuck would this whore need to star in so many bad movies? Like so many celebrities, this childish old coot can NEVER be satisfied with all the millions of dollars he has, this male prostitution whore STILL needs more money. Filthy, Hollywood cocksucker he is.
Great DeNiro roles

Godfather 2
Raging Bull

Many he mails in for the paycheck. But he is a great actor

Oh please go to hell, my liberal "friend." You liberals are turned on by any form of anti-American violent hatred, you've proved that ad nauseum for years and the DeNiro PIG is a living epitome of treason! You libs get SO FUCKING VIOLENT at the idea of putting American interests first, you're simply the most treasonous people in the history of any country.

WTF are you babbling about?

DeNiro is a great actor who has played iconic roles

The fact that he challenges Trump makes him a GREAT AMERICAN
Hilarious that the O/P busies himself with what De Niro thinks. That's real Trump Paranoia 1.0 kind of thinking.
Do you eat at McDonald's too because you think people are trying to poison you? LMAO
I enjoyed his gangster movies. Glad he got old and irrelevant before spouting stupid shit.
Yes, casino is one of my all time favorite movies, good fellas is good also, but without Joe Pesci. They wouldn't be anything.

Casino is basically a true movie. I lived in Vegas when all that stuff was happening. The Tangeriers was actually the Stardust. Virtually everything in that movie really happened. Joe P. played Tony Spilotro, whose widow was one of my customers in a service business that I owed. He actually was beaten to death by the mob and buried in an Illinois cornfield.

Watching you guys get so butthurt over everyone who dares to speak against Trump is my new favorite hobby.

Yeah, I mean you Maoist were so graceful when anyone opposed Obama.

Yes, Race Influences Opposition to Obama
Here's something to remember: we're only forty-seven years removed from the official end of Jim Crow.

Yes, Race Influences Opposition to Obama

Hey, being a Maoist doesn't mean you're a fucking hypocrite automatically.

Oh, wait....

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