robert e lee statue removed

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Yawn. Same old same old. First we were told these statues are of bad people and they belonged in a historical museum. After that is agreed to in some cities and states, they proceed to destroy them. Of course they're saying the same shit about Lincoln and Washington and monuments like Mount Rushmore and other "slave owners". Give an inch, they take a mile, give a finger, they'll take an arm. This is who the today's Left in America is today, they are vermin that cannot be trusted and will stop at nothing on their path to the destruction of this country and rewriting of it's history.
We are going to take your country and your culture from you. Lol. Guess what assclown, Washington was a slave owner, he was the vermin and as long as you idolize slavers while calling people who never owned slaves vermin, we can use that to publicly question your intelligence and morality. Checkmate bitch.

the chopped it up ewe. blacks destroying history still.
Who wants to worship that brutal ratbag. It's a part of history that should never have been remembered.
They haven't destroyed enough of the those racist pigs.
Look up the history of the statue it was put up in 1924 by a white supremacist.

To you, everyone to the right of John Fucking Kerry, is a w.s.

This is about you tearing down this country. This is you being anti-American.
You must be a white supremacist if you claim anything to do with that nasty statue. I really feel sorry for you, you don't know how sick you are.

Shove it up your ass, cuck. The North and the South kissed and made up before your great granddaddy took his first shit.

Since then, it has all been American heritage and pride and THAT IS WHY, you are against it.
I got that information from fact check they tell the truth they are reliable they're unbiased unlike you you called me a f****** liar you are the f****** a****** liar to support hate in this world you have to be a f****** liar you must have supported Trump too I bet you all you liars stick together.
I got my information from living in this fucking country my whole fucking life.

Take a look at this picture.


That is the veterans of the North and South, having a joint reunion, under both the AMERICAN FLAG, and the Stars and Bars.

Why? Because by that time, the South had ALREADY been reassimilated and it was all part of AMERICA.

Real Americans, accepted the desire of southern Americans to celebrate their regional identity AS PART OF THE GREATER WHOLE.

Who are you to gainsay those men that actually fought and bled to defeat the Confederacy? What Moral Authority are you operating on that is greater than theirs?

is it because you can say "wacist" like a retarded child?
It is not racism against whites to be against white supremacists. They are the true racist in this equation. Everyone else is just trying to counter the effects of those far right radical freaks. Most white people are saying just like most black people are seen is the extremists in any group that are the problem.

Except you fucktards call anyone to the right of John Fucking Kerry, a w.s.

So, that's bullshit.

You people are the racist. Anti-white racists. ANd you are assholes.
I for one am glad it's gone. The hate-filled filthy pieces of trash in Richmond that defiled it don't deserve nice things.

In my AO there was a rumor of a defiling that was going to take place at the Confederate Memorial on our county courthouse grounds.....There was no big thing made of it but about 150 guys showed up to make sure it did not happen.

Other than the number of people there you would not know what they were there for, nobody carried flags, made speeches, or anything like that and dressed like anyone else out and about on a Summer Saturday afternoon but there was no way in hell we were going to let it happen.

Once the "threat" was discovered to be unfounded everyone just went about their business. No muss, no fuss.
We are going to take your country and your culture from you. Lol. Guess what assclown, Washington was a slave owner, he was the vermin and as long as you idolize slavers while calling people who never owned slaves vermin, we can use that to publicly question your intelligence and morality. Checkmate bitch.
Thanks for proving my point. You and your ilk will not succeed.
What’s insane is to defend monuments to traitors and war criminals who tried to destroy America, monuments to slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and racism.

Curried Goats has admitted that this is about destroying AMERICAN culture. You might want to pm him to get back on message.

REmember, you lefties have to LIE about your goals. One step, one inch at a time. If you were/are honest with Americans at any point, they will fight you.

you can't be honest, until you have complete power. When the people are disarmed and outnumbered in their own country.
Curried Goats has admitted that this is about destroying AMERICAN culture. You might want to pm him to get back on message.
No. It's about destroying white supremacist culture. There's plenty of white and black American culture worth celebrating that doesn't include the veneration of slavers and rapists.
REmember, you lefties have to LIE about your goals. One step, one inch at a time. If you were/are honest with Americans at any point, they will fight you.
I haven't lied about a single thing. In fact I've been brutally honest with your lot.
you can't be honest, until you have complete power. When the people are disarmed and outnumbered in their own country.
That's how democracy works assclown. Greater numbers and more votes mean more political power. Tough tits.
No moron, you prove our point which is why your culture is in decline.
There is no my or your culture, it’s American culture and preserving our history the good and the bad, just like all other countries throughout the world. People like you who are not properly educated and ignorant of world history don’t recognize what uncivilized barbaric Left is doing today as exactly what communists, Nazis, and dictators of the past have done.
There is no my or your culture, it’s American culture and preserving our history the good and the bad, just like all other countries throughout the world. People like you who are not properly educated and ignorant of world history don’t recognize what uncivilized barbaric Left is doing today as exactly what communists, Nazis, and dictators of the past have done.
American jews vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party and are some of the most liberal people in the country. Are you really calling them Nazi's? That's your intelligent retort? Lol.
monuments to slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and racism.
And, in the case of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a war criminal directly responsible for the execution of hundreds of disarmed Union troops at Fort Pillow. Yet, Memphis used to have a statue of him and his horse in a public park!
THAT is some history to celebrate for the good poster 'Roudy'.

This is who the today's Left in America is today, they are vermin that cannot be trusted and will stop at nothing on their path to the destruction of this country and rewriting of it's history.
People like you who are not properly educated and ignorant of world history don’t recognize what uncivilized barbaric Left is doing today as exactly what communists, Nazis, and dictators of the past have done.
Honest to goodness, amigo....... I read your stuff and think, 'that moke needs to pour himself another nice Milwaukee's Best, burn a doobie, and chill out to his cherished Ted Nugent Youtubes.'

I'm filing his latest posts in my 'Hysterical Histrionics" folder.

But good luck, poster Roudy. Careful with the alcohol and drugs, though.

"This is about you tearing down this country. This is you being anti-American."
So, it is "anti-American" to quit celebrating and honoring the war criminals, traitors, and deserters who shot down American citizens who were defending the United States of America?

Who knew?

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American jews vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party and are some of the most liberal people in the country. Are you really calling them Nazi's? That's your intelligent retort? Lol.
Yes I’m calling them Nazis, because they are behaving like them. American Jews are like Blacks, they are happily brainwashed living on the Democratic slave plantation.

Meanwhile the Democratic Party is now home to all the vile antisemites, Islamonazis and Israel haters. And just like Blacks , they fall for the lip service given to them by the Democratic Party while they are taken for granted while doing absolutely nothing. But there is hope, thanks to characters like AOC, Omar and Talib, disenchanted Jews are switching party in droves, as are Blacks. Also, there has never been a president in recent history that has been as good as Trump has been for Israel and the Jewish people.
And, in the case of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a war criminal directly responsible for the execution of hundreds of disarmed Union troops at Fort Pillow. Yet, Memphis used to have a statue of him and his horse in a public park!
THAT is some history to celebrate for the good poster 'Roudy'.


Honest to goodness, amigo....... I read your stuff and think, 'that moke needs to pour himself another nice Milwaukee's Best, burn a doobie, and chill out to his cherished Ted Nugent Youtubes.'

I'm filing his latest posts in my 'Hysterical Histrionics" folder.

But good luck, poster Roudy. Careful with the alcohol and drugs, though.


So, it is "anti-American" to quit celebrating and honoring the war criminals, traitors, and deserters who shot down American citizens who were defending the United States of America?

Who knew?

You forgot the Leftist douchebag also said it was okay to go after Lincoln, Grant, Washington, the Founding Fathers and Mount Rushmore. In other words, gullible fools don’t realize that they just want to tear this country and everything it stands for down.

Put the joint down and read carefully, and stop drinking while you’re high.
i seem them waving american flags, but i dont see them burning.
On the National stage? True. Even the moron Dumbocraps grasp that much about optics. But when an American is burning a flag, the odds are very high that she or he is a liberal or Dumbocrap.
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