Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

You seem to be the authority on the matter....I’m curious Gator, what percentage of slaves volunteered themselves to leave the jungles where unimaginable poverty, despair, disease and violence were sure to end their young lives?
Scary taboo isn’t know, the ‘other side’ to slavery...the side LefTarded fools want to pretend couldn’t have existed.

what percentage of human trafficking victims volunteered themselves to leave the concrete jungles of unimaginable poverty, despair, disease and violence?

The other side of humans being forced into sexual slavery...but hey they are no longer starving or cold and living without running water.

you are truly a piece of shit, but they were only black people and we all know how much you fucking hate them all.

NO, sidestepping or deflecting...What percentage couldn't wait to get to America to have a chance at survival?
AND what percentage of descendants have begged to be sent back to live the lifestyle they missed out on?
Forget you ever saw ROOTS and Kunta Kinte....Don't be scared...GO!
Poor Bobby just can't seem to find a home. Eventually, he will on a street corner holding a cardboard sign...
The confederacy killed Americans, they are and were the traitors.

The Confederacy attempted to leave the country civilly and without violence. It was Lincoln who forced things into the realm of military action.

I would suggest that Constitutionally the Confederacy was far more correct than the Federal Government.
What I find ironic about this is that Lee reportedly opposed any sort of Civil War monuments being erected. :p
You know Joe B..... Believe it or not I am not a war monger. At some point the apologies have to stop. Most of the modern nations in the world were/are war mongers for their benefit. You live good off it. So leave or live a sparse existence. China is not going to play games when they see their chance. The past can not be changed. To learn from it is to not forget it. But we are removing our history because people do not like parts of it. So we will repeat it easily at some point.

We aren't removing our history... we are just putting it in the proper context.

The Confederacy wasn't fighting for a noble cause, they were fighting so a few rich people could keep owning other people. This is nothing to be proud of, we should be profoundly ashamed of it.

Erasing it would be what Japan does with World War II. Your average Japanese really doesn't know a lot about what their country did during that war.

The proper context is... this was wrong, it was bad... and the guys who fought for it shouldn't be honored.

You are far too ignorant to read...get thee to ignoreland.
Cheap manual labor was necessary to succeed in farming. There was no real farm machinery. Your idealistic view of the 1860 world is laughable.

You actually never heard of the cotton gin?

They taught slaves how to work them. I think the early ones were kind of dangerous too.

And that invention begat the booming cotton industry, so it's kiiiiiiiiiiinda important.

Just found it ironic that somebody would post "there was no real machinery" when machinery in fact spurred the whole shebang.

I agree with both, Cheap labor was necessary. Farming was hard work. Machinery was making it easier but there is no reason to think slavery would magically disappear because of it. Slaves were more productive with it.
Picking cotton was manually intensive
As was ginning, bundling, storing and transporting
Last thing this country needs is to have stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats and filthy ass welfare Neggras rewriting history for us.
Can we nonuse racial slurs?

That really does not help. It does nothing but raise ire, suppress reason, and deeply insults our fellow countrymen.

We can have a civil discussion without that.



Last thing this country needs is to have stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats and filthy ass welfare Neggras rewriting history for us.
Can we nonuse racial slurs?

That really does not help. It does nothing but raise ire, suppress reason, and deeply insults our fellow countrymen.

We can have a civil discussion without that.




When the Negroes start showing respect to White people I'll start showing them respect. Until then I don't think so.
Fuck off, bitch. The North tried to put tariffs on cotton and vegetables and sugar from the south. That's what the war was really about, dumbass.

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquillity and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.

Texas Ordinance of Secession

Nope they wanted to keep them slaves for ever and ever and ever.......
Undeniable truth.

I plead guilty on behalf of my beloved State and will never deny the shame of her past.

But, never forget:

Last thing this country needs is to have stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats and filthy ass welfare Neggras rewriting history for us.
Can we nonuse racial slurs?

That really does not help. It does nothing but raise ire, suppress reason, and deeply insults our fellow countrymen.

We can have a civil discussion without that.




When the Negroes start showing respect to White people I'll start showing them respect. Until then I don't think so.
Respect breeds respect.

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