Robert Kagan: Trump will run in 2024 and send America to 'its greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War'

Washington Post columnist Robert Kagan on Thursday delivered a stark warning about the future of the American republic, which he said was going to come under great strain thanks in large part to the actions of former President Donald Trump.

Kagan starts off by dispelling the notion that Trump will not run for president in 2024.

"Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for president in 2024," he writes. "The hope and expectation that he would fade in visibility and influence have been delusional. He enjoys mammoth leads in the polls; he is building a massive campaign war chest; and at this moment the Democratic ticket looks vulnerable. Barring health problems, he is running."

Kagan goes on to warn that Trump and his allies are "preparing for victory by any means necessary," through "an organized nationwide campaign to ensure that Trump and his supporters will have the control over state and local election officials that they lacked in 2020."

Kagan then warns Americans that they should not be certain that the constitutional order will again hold if it comes under assault for a second time in three years.

"All that prevented it was a handful of state officials with notable courage and integrity, and the reluctance of two attorneys general and a vice president to obey orders they deemed inappropriate," he writes. "These were not the checks and balances the Framers had in mind when they designed the Constitution, of course, but Trump has exposed the inadequacy of those protections."

Read the whole essay here.

This essay is alarming and should concern us all - regardless of political ideology. There is much more to this essay on the The Washington Post website. I totally agree with Robert Kagan's warnings.
Deep down, I think Liberals and Democrats want Trump to run again. They demonized him more than any other President - including, Reagan and W Bush - even though Trump used to be welcomed with open arms when he was writing checks to them and bashing Bush. In 2024, the track record of Harris-Biden is going to be so bad, they are going to need a villain to pitch fear, not a vision. Anti-Trump is all they’ve got.
I totally agree! I can't imagine the Trump crooks and grifters back in the White House and running our government. It's chilling.

Bless Your Precious Little Heart ... Here You Go Sweetie.


I totally agree with Robert Kagan's warnings.
I dont

this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black

democrats, progressives, tweeners turned partisan and the Deep State determined that an alien non washington swamp rat will never ne president again

and the left is prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the people's choice

whatever it takes
Trump and his supporters are laying the groundwork to rig the 2024 presidential election. There will probably never be another rigged election like 2024. It will be the mother of all rigged elections.

And here it is, folks!

Idiot liberals know they're going to lose the Presidency in 2024. Hell, my neighbor with the lazy eye, the nervous twitch and a GED could beat Biden.

So, in order to hope to take the sting out of their impending ass-whuppin', they start now, two years prior, whining about how the election will be rigged.

Idiot libs would appear a lot smarter if they simply copped to the fact that they elected someone who could not be more ineffective at the job...
Its a new ball game. We had a president who drafted an executive order to have the military seize all voting machines. The gop is now putting in place a plan for it to be done at the state level. Election takeover by the gop is just around the corner.
The Manchins of this world are wrong. It’s all about white minority rule. Manchin has a 60% approval rate in WV for two reasons. It’s has a 93% plus white population and a low 20% college educated populous.
The gop represents the less educated, soon to be white minority. They are scared and the Stalin/Putin/Trumpian plan is about to be enacted.
Could you guys pick a horse and stay on it? We've been hearing for decades that the GOP is the party of the wealthy, educated elite. Now you're saying it's the party of the poor, less educated WV voter type. Does it just change to fit whatever narrative you're crafting at the moment?
Trump and his supporters are laying the groundwork to rig the 2024 presidential election. There will probably never be another rigged election like 2024. It will be the mother of all rigged elections.
Let's see if we have this right:

2016, TRUMP! wins and sends Hillary into retirement. WORST RIGGED ELECTION EVER!!! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!


2024, The Republican candidate wins. WORST RIGGED ELECTION EVER!!!

Do we see a pattern here?
Amen! That is why they are laying the groundwork for the mother of all cheating. They are on track for literally stealing the 2024 presidential election. All signs point in that direction. Although highly unAmerican and undemocratic, the Trump Republicans are very smart and strategic about what they are doing in the states.
Let's see if we have this right:

Working hard to build local popularity between presidential elections = laying the groundwork for the mother of all cheating. Is that about the size of it?

Does anyone have ANY doubt that no matter HOW large the margin of victory for the Republican is in 2020, this one will be shrieking about cheating and suddenly protesting the results of an election will become the greatest patriotic duty of all Americans?
Let's see if we have this right:

Working hard to build local popularity between presidential elections = laying the groundwork for the mother of all cheating. Is that about the size of it?

Does anyone have ANY doubt that no matter HOW large the margin of victory for the Republican is in 2020, this one will be shrieking about cheating and suddenly protesting the results of an election will become the greatest patriotic duty of all Americans?
They know it's coming that's why they're talking in circles and they sound completely illogical during they're in complete panic
You didn't know, did you?

How did you POSSIBLY whiff on his answer? It was completely clear. Or is this just a stupid Democrat trick where you pretend to miss an obvious point because you think your drooling makes people think you are smart somehow, LOL
Look, I agree. For the life of me I cannot fathom why Biden picked Harris as his running mate. I don't know if she's a racist or not but Biden missed the boat when he picked her.
Because he said on video he'd pick a woman as VP before his handlers could stop him.
Could you guys pick a horse and stay on it? We've been hearing for decades that the GOP is the party of the wealthy, educated elite. Now you're saying it's the party of the poor, less educated WV voter type. Does it just change to fit whatever narrative you're crafting at the moment?
Yes, apparently. We are seeing even more of the hyper hysterical hyperbole from the left with the prospect of Trump reemerging despite all their dishonest attempts to drive a wedge between the electorate and the man
they fear more than anything, Donald Trump.

And the left can't help themselves. Their Fear Meter got turned up to 11 in 2016 and it's never been
properly turned back down.

It's how they operate. Just look at the disingenuous agit prop surrounding the voter security issue.
It's all fear based bullshit! They know no other way.

I would vote for Trump again just to give some NY Times subscribing, know nothing snob heart palpitations
and to cause Charles Schumer to download a crap storm in his under pants.
Yes, apparently. We are seeing even more of the hyper hysterical hyperbole from the left with the prospect of Trump reemerging despite all their dishonest attempts to drive a wedge between the electorate and the man
they fear more than anything, Donald Trump.
You realize Trump was on the verge of launching a military coup. They had an EO ready to go, to have the military seize every election machine in the country.
I dont

this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black

democrats, progressives, tweeners turned partisan and the Deep State determined that an alien non washington swamp rat will never ne president again

and the left is prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the people's choice

whatever it takes
This has nothing to do with the left.

The left hates Democrats, and the feeling is ever so mutual.

Confusing Democrats with the left is like thinking the Nazis were Jews.

But some good points otherwise.

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