Robert Mueller Just Killed Impeachment

Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without making a prosecuratorial determination.

Those facts plainly describe Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice and it's the job of Congress (and ONLY Congress) to hold him accountable.

3 top lawyers at the DOJ disagree, the Mueller team tried to shoehorn laws to fit their narrative, laws that have never applied to similar situations. You commies can keep pretending otherwise, it only proves what fools you really are.

Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without making a prosecuratorial determination.

Those facts plainly describe Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice and it's the job of Congress (and ONLY Congress) to hold him accountable.

The Special Counsel is supposed to make recommendations on crimes that are indictable offenses.

Not according to DOJ's OLC Memo.

Mueller did not simply make that up ya know :rolleyes:
Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without making a prosecuratorial determination.

Those facts plainly describe Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice and it's the job of Congress (and ONLY Congress) to hold him accountable.

3 top lawyers at the DOJ disagree, the Mueller team tried to shoehorn laws to fit their narrative, laws that have never applied to similar situations. You commies can keep pretending otherwise, it only proves what fools you really are.

Name those lawyers and please leave Trump's Roy Cohn out of this.

OLC Memo's are not imagined, they are real, and they make up the de-facto DOJ guidelines. If someone in DOJ disagrees with their findings THEY DO NOT CEASE TO EXIST, at least untill DOJ explicitly changes it's guidelines.
Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without making a prosecuratorial determination.

Those facts plainly describe Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice and it's the job of Congress (and ONLY Congress) to hold him accountable.

The Special Counsel is supposed to make recommendations on crimes that are indictable offenses.

Not according to DOJ's OLC Memo.

Mueller did not simply make that up ya know :rolleyes:

You are a flat out LIAR.

The OLC Memo was written in 1973, Bill Clinton was recommended by Starr Special Counsel for 13 Criminal Indictments which Starr listed in his report, and there was no question about the fact he listed 13 crimes that Bill Clinton committed and he recommended 13 Criminal Indictments for.

The Mueller Report made Zero Recommendations for Indictment against President Trump.

This is just another LEFTIST LIE by THE Democrat Party to try to explain away why Mueller did not recommend indictments and why they should continue on with a Never Ending Investigations (29) and bullshit talk about impeachment and Oversight, which they are unable to do because they are overstepping separation of powers.

OLC: A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution
The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without prosecuratorial determination.

Those fact plainlys add up to Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice.

What Mueller and his team did was prosecutor misconduct of the worst kind. He was tasked with one of two outcomes. No prosecution Or finding sufficient evidence to prosecute. Nothing more and nothing less. It was up to Barr to meet other statutory obligations.

Totally wrong again, but not unexpected..

Nonsence - OLC Memo precludes DOJ from charging a sitting president.

When you say "finding sufficient evidence to prosecute"...then Mueller did find that, he just could not declare it as such under DOJ policy.
The OLC memo is BARR'S RESPONSIBILITY. Not the SP's office. Mueller was given a task to determine if prosecution was warranted. He did not. Game over...

Barr's opinion is worth fuck-all.

Sessions was fired and Barr was hired specifically so our crooked president can have his very own Roy Cohn heading the DOJ.

In auditioning for his job Barr pretty much said - HIRE ME AND I WILL CLEAR YOU!
Tired of these Fucking Leftist DemNazi Shills, LYING 24-7 and trying to get away with it, hood wink and bamboozle people in to thinking anything they say is The TRUTH.

They Lie, and They Lie about The Lies They Tell.

Wake up people.

That Party has turned their back on Truth, Justice and America. Mueller like Starr was charged with recommending indictment on crimes he was able to prove occurred. These recommendations for indictment are for purposes of Impeachment first and then if they are so heinous, criminal prosecution after a President leaves office.

"The OLC memorandum began by considering whether the plain terms of the Impeachment Judgment Clause prohibit the institution of criminal proceedings against any officer subject to that Clause prior to that officer's conviction upon impeachment. OLC Memo at 2. The memorandum concluded that the plain terms of the Clause do not impose such a general bar to indictment or criminal trial prior to impeachment and therefore do not, by themselves, preclude the criminal prosecution of a sitting President. Id. at 7.3

The Impeachment Judgment Clause provides:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

OLC: A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution
OLC Memo's are not imagined, they are real, and they make up the de-facto DOJ guidelines.
And they are Barr's responsibility not Mueller's. Mueller had to go through Barr for any prosecution by POLICY. BY POLICY Mueller was to determine if there was sufficient evidence to prosecute. Nothing more and nothing less. THE OLC MEMO WAS NOT MUELLER'S PREVIEW and he knew that much.
The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without prosecuratorial determination.

Those fact plainlys add up to Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice.

What Mueller and his team did was prosecutor misconduct of the worst kind. He was tasked with one of two outcomes. No prosecution Or finding sufficient evidence to prosecute. Nothing more and nothing less. It was up to Barr to meet other statutory obligations.

Totally wrong again, but not unexpected..

Nonsence - OLC Memo precludes DOJ from charging a sitting president.

When you say "finding sufficient evidence to prosecute"...then Mueller did find that, he just could not declare it as such under DOJ policy.
The OLC memo is BARR'S RESPONSIBILITY. Not the SP's office. Mueller was given a task to determine if prosecution was warranted. He did not. Game over...

Barr's opinion is worth fuck-all.

Sessions was fired and Barr was hired specifically so our crooked president can have his very own Roy Cohn heading the DOJ.

In auditioning for his job Barr pretty much said - HIRE ME AND I WILL CLEAR YOU!

Your TDS is out of control and you have no ability to think rationally..
The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without prosecuratorial determination.

Those fact plainlys add up to Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice.

What Mueller and his team did was prosecutor misconduct of the worst kind. He was tasked with one of two outcomes. No prosecution Or finding sufficient evidence to prosecute. Nothing more and nothing less. It was up to Barr to meet other statutory obligations.

Totally wrong again, but not unexpected..

Nonsence - OLC Memo precludes DOJ from charging a sitting president.

When you say "finding sufficient evidence to prosecute"...then Mueller did find that, he just could not declare it as such under DOJ policy.
The OLC memo is BARR'S RESPONSIBILITY. Not the SP's office. Mueller was given a task to determine if prosecution was warranted. He did not. Game over...

Barr's opinion is worth fuck-all.

Sessions was fired and Barr was hired specifically so our crooked president can have his very own Roy Cohn heading the DOJ.

In auditioning for his job Barr pretty much said - HIRE ME AND I WILL CLEAR YOU!
Dude your face is so far up Putin's Ass you wouldn't know THE TRUTH IF HE SHIT IT OUT RIGHT ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD.

You are a Pathological Liar.

The OLC Memo clearly defines that someone like Mueller, or Starr, can recommend Crimes for Which The President can be Indicted on.

If Indictment Recommendations come from the OSC, then this can move to Congress and The Senate for an Impeachment VOTE if successful, and then Impeachment Trial on The Crimes Recommended for Indictment by The OSC.

In Clinton's Case, 13 Crimes were Recommended for Indictment and he went through an Impeachment Trial. The OLC memo only refers to prosecuting The President outside of The Senate in a regular Criminal Prosecution. This is why Mueller's attorney advised him to correct his statement (Dem Tard Excuse Making) to the correct one, that Mueller could not find crimes to recommend for indictment on President Trump so did not make the Recommendations.

A President has to be Impeached and found guilty in The Senate first, and is able to be prosecuted for the crimes recommended for Indictment by the OSC and found guilty by The Senate AFTER HE LEAVES OFFICE if it is so needed to further prosecute him beyond an Impeachment.

In President Trump's Case Mueller did not Recommend a single crime that President Trump could be indicted for.

He therfore cannot be impeached as there were no recommendations for Indictment for which Congress and The Senate can vote for Impeachment and then hold an Impeachment Trial if an Impeachment Vote passes.

Now go FUCK YOURSELF, and quit lying to all of us, and Lying to The American People!
Last edited:
The regressive shitstains/Antifa types cannot let go of their belief that President Trump is “evil”. Their beliefs aren’t rooted in logic or reason, it’s religious at this point. Karl Marx is their god, the Hussein was their Messiah, and President Trump is their Satan. In any religious war, the ends justify the means. There is no “sin” in any action that services their god. They will never let go and admit they were wrong. They are zealots that cannot be reasoned with.
Tired of these Fucking Leftist DemNazi Shills, LYING 24-7 and trying to get away with it, hood wink and bamboozle people in to thinking anything they say is The TRUTH.

They Lie, and They Lie about The Lies They Tell.

Wake up people.

That Party has turned their back on Truth, Justice and America. Mueller like Starr was charged with recommending indictment on crimes he was able to prove occurred. These recommendations for indictment are for purposes of Impeachment first and then if they are so heinous, criminal prosecution after a President leaves office.

"The OLC memorandum began by considering whether the plain terms of the Impeachment Judgment Clause prohibit the institution of criminal proceedings against any officer subject to that Clause prior to that officer's conviction upon impeachment. OLC Memo at 2. The memorandum concluded that the plain terms of the Clause do not impose such a general bar to indictment or criminal trial prior to impeachment and therefore do not, by themselves, preclude the criminal prosecution of a sitting President. Id. at 7.3

The Impeachment Judgment Clause provides:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

OLC: A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution

Moron, take it easy with your half-baked retard ramblings.

Do you recall why Comey was officially fired? I'll remind you - he was officially fired for non-compliance with DOJ policy not to talk shit about people you do not indict (Hillary).

Mueller worked under OLC memo guidance that he could not indict and therefore also could not make negative judgements about the president. Recomendation for impeachment would of course be a nagative judgement.
Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without prosecuratorial determination.

Those fact plainlys add up to Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice.

What Mueller and his team did was prosecutor misconduct of the worst kind. He was tasked with one of two outcomes. No prosecution Or finding sufficient evidence to prosecute. Nothing more and nothing less. It was up to Barr to meet other statutory obligations.

Totally wrong again, but not unexpected..

Nonsence - OLC Memo precludes DOJ from charging a sitting president.

When you say "finding sufficient evidence to prosecute"...then Mueller did find that, he just could not declare it as such under DOJ policy.
The OLC memo is BARR'S RESPONSIBILITY. Not the SP's office. Mueller was given a task to determine if prosecution was warranted. He did not. Game over...

Barr's opinion is worth fuck-all.

Sessions was fired and Barr was hired specifically so our crooked president can have his very own Roy Cohn heading the DOJ.

In auditioning for his job Barr pretty much said - HIRE ME AND I WILL CLEAR YOU!
Dude your face is so far up Putin's Ass

Dude you are retarded. Straight up.

Tired of these Fucking Leftist DemNazi Shills, LYING 24-7 and trying to get away with it, hood wink and bamboozle people in to thinking anything they say is The TRUTH.

They Lie, and They Lie about The Lies They Tell.

Wake up people.

That Party has turned their back on Truth, Justice and America. Mueller like Starr was charged with recommending indictment on crimes he was able to prove occurred. These recommendations for indictment are for purposes of Impeachment first and then if they are so heinous, criminal prosecution after a President leaves office.

"The OLC memorandum began by considering whether the plain terms of the Impeachment Judgment Clause prohibit the institution of criminal proceedings against any officer subject to that Clause prior to that officer's conviction upon impeachment. OLC Memo at 2. The memorandum concluded that the plain terms of the Clause do not impose such a general bar to indictment or criminal trial prior to impeachment and therefore do not, by themselves, preclude the criminal prosecution of a sitting President. Id. at 7.3

The Impeachment Judgment Clause provides:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

OLC: A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution

Moron, take it easy with your half-baked retard ramblings.

Do you recall why Comey was officially fired? I'll remind you - he was officially fired for non-compliance with DOJ policy not to talk shit about people you do not indict (Hillary).

Mueller worked under OLC memo guidance that he could not indict and therefore also could not make negative judgements about the president. Recomendation for impeachment would of course be a nagative judgement.
You are a liar. And The OLC Memo clearly states that a President can be Prosecuted, but he should be prosecuted in The Senate first. The Purpose of Special Counsel if to make a finding if there are Indictable Offenses Committed by The President and recommend what those indictments should be. Mueller can recommend crimes for indictment, but HE DID NOT. Starr did.

Sucks to be you, or Bill Clinton.

You'll go to Hell for being a know that right?

What Mueller and his team did was prosecutor misconduct of the worst kind. He was tasked with one of two outcomes. No prosecution Or finding sufficient evidence to prosecute. Nothing more and nothing less. It was up to Barr to meet other statutory obligations.

Totally wrong again, but not unexpected..

Nonsence - OLC Memo precludes DOJ from charging a sitting president.

When you say "finding sufficient evidence to prosecute"...then Mueller did find that, he just could not declare it as such under DOJ policy.
The OLC memo is BARR'S RESPONSIBILITY. Not the SP's office. Mueller was given a task to determine if prosecution was warranted. He did not. Game over...

Barr's opinion is worth fuck-all.

Sessions was fired and Barr was hired specifically so our crooked president can have his very own Roy Cohn heading the DOJ.

In auditioning for his job Barr pretty much said - HIRE ME AND I WILL CLEAR YOU!
Dude your face is so far up Putin's Ass

Dude you are retarded. Straight up.
Straight Up Laying an ASS WHIPPING on YOUR LYING ASS.

Truth Matters.

Your Lying Opinions DO NOT!
Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

The whole report can be summed up in one sentence.

The Special Counsel did NOT determine the president committed a crime.

It's as simple as that.


Well no it can't since that's bullshit.

Special Counsel WAS NOT LEGALLY PERMITTED to determine if the president commited a crime. But Special Counsel did present the facts of the matter without making a prosecuratorial determination.

Those facts plainly describe Trump commiting Obstruction of Justice and it's the job of Congress (and ONLY Congress) to hold him accountable.

3 top lawyers at the DOJ disagree, the Mueller team tried to shoehorn laws to fit their narrative, laws that have never applied to similar situations. You commies can keep pretending otherwise, it only proves what fools you really are.

Name those lawyers and please leave Trump's Roy Cohn out of this.

OLC Memo's are not imagined, they are real, and they make up the de-facto DOJ guidelines. If someone in DOJ disagrees with their findings THEY DO NOT CEASE TO EXIST, at least untill DOJ explicitly changes it's guidelines.

Barr, Rosenstein and DOJ counsel. They determined there was no actionable evidence of obstruction, the OLC memo not withstanding. Now feel free to launch into your commie conspiracy theories.

Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

Clinton got impeached for lying to Congress, get your facts straight. It also was in the oval office, that is a violation of trust.
Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony was lethal to the legal pretext for keeping the Russian collusion story alive.

Indeed, the maundering and semi-coherent manner with which he answered the questions posed to him during Wednesday’s hearings suggests that he was probably never up to the job of running the special counsel investigation into Russian interference with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s excruciating testimony made it obvious that he was unfamiliar with crucial passages of the report that bears his name. He had obvious difficulty grasping the point of many questions he was asked.

The report is so tainted by Mueller’s obvious incapacity — combined with the notorious partisanship of the people who actually investigated the president and wrote the so-called Mueller report — that it will now be suicidal for the Democrats to pursue impeachment.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) lecturing Mueller for flouting special counsel rules:

You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination so respectfully director, you didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says, “Write a confidential report about decisions reached.” Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached. You wrote 180 pages about decisions that weren’t reached about potential crimes that weren’t charged.… And respectfully, by doing that you managed to violate every principle in the most sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis about potential crimes that aren’t charged.

The aging G-Man delivered the coup de grâce. Resuscitation was “outside his purview,” as he would phrase it. It’s time for the Democrats to call the undertaker and give impeachment a decent burial.

Mueller’s reputation and impeachment weren’t Wednesday’s only casualties. Democratic credibility is also bleeding out.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Good. Now it’s time for Republicans to start telling people about the Hildebeast and the Surrender Monkeys collusion with Russia. Forget about calling for a new investigation or special needs counsel, just have some backbone and speak up....Yes PAT THE RUSSIAN...we KNOW what that means!!!

The case for impeachment is alive and well. The only question is whether Democrats want to waste their time. The Republican Party is corrupted and stood by while all of this was going on. This is the party that voted to impeach Clinton over a personal affair. Spectator is a pro-Trump so their article is hardly surprising.

We know the report was damning as Republicans rush to attack Muller with the very talking points that you use. These are nothing but spitballs thrown by desperate Trump supporters.

Ratcliffe is a Trump rat. A partisan hack. The decision was made by the DOJ that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Mueller has every right to write the report as he sees fit.

Actually it was lying under oath is what got Clinton. Quit making stuff up.

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