Robert Mueller wants to testify before Congress

There are THREE main questions to be directly asked of Mueller......

1. Would Mueller have indicted Trump were it not for the DOJ policy prohibiting indictment of a sitting president?

2. Why didn't Mueller insist on Trump testifying under oath before a grand jury as Bill Clinton did?............Was Mueller "ordered" to not pursue this inquiry?

3. Why didn't Mueller fully access Trump's tax returns and other financial documents, and least......ascertain in the report whether Trump's returns were under IRS audit for the last 6 years?
1. Would Mueller have indicted Trump were it not for the DOJ policy prohibiting indictment of a sitting president?

Pointless question, except for your partisan objective. Mueller is an institutionalist. He will merely respond that because of extant policy, there was never a prosecutorial decision to be made. Therefore, he simply investigated and reported.

Mueller has no intention of aiding anyone's partisan objectives. If Democrats try to press him to deliver the answer they want, he will continue to repeat the same institutionalist position, and the Democrats will end up all the weaker for it, in the eyes of the public.

2. Why didn't Mueller insist on Trump testifying under oath before a grand jury as Bill Clinton did?............Was Mueller "ordered" to not pursue this inquiry?

While this would be theoretically valid, there's really no indication that Mueller was ordered not to issue a subpoena. Again, a pointless question that will only make the Democrats look foolish.

3. Why didn't Mueller fully access Trump's tax returns and other financial documents, and least......ascertain in the report whether Trump's returns were under IRS audit for the last 6 years?

Because there was no reason to. Whether Donald has been under audit was not the scope of Mueller's investigation. Chasing the tax returns continues to be an obsession by morons who don't know what they are talking about. Tax returns will not provide the information you are looking for. Yet another avenue that will cause the Democrats to be weakened in the court of public opinion, because the results will turn up nothing.
Robert Mueller wants to testify in private before Congress, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler says

Special counsel Robert Mueller wants to talk to Congress about his investigation, but behind closed doors, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said.


Hopefully this is legit.


You fricken clowns will continue to interpret and misinterpret.
There are THREE main questions to be directly asked of Mueller......

1. Would Mueller have indicted Trump were it not for the DOJ policy prohibiting indictment of a sitting president?

2. Why didn't Mueller insist on Trump testifying under oath before a grand jury as Bill Clinton did?............Was Mueller "ordered" to not pursue this inquiry?

3. Why didn't Mueller fully access Trump's tax returns and other financial documents, and least......ascertain in the report whether Trump's returns were under IRS audit for the last 6 years?

All totally IRRELEVANT to the purpose of his investigation: whether anyone in the Trump Campaign conspired illegally to thwart the normal election process using the Russians. Mueller will NOT answer your questions. Now onto the real subject at hand: other factors OUTSIDE the Trump Campaign acting to thwart the normal election process, ie: the DNC, Obama, Hillary and the FBI. BARR MARCHES ON!
Robert Mueller wants to testify in private before Congress, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler says

Special counsel Robert Mueller wants to talk to Congress about his investigation, but behind closed doors, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said.


Hopefully this is legit.

You fricken clowns will continue to interpret and misinterpret.

No, that is Barr's function, for Trump.
Because there was no reason to. Whether Donald has been under audit was not the scope of Mueller's investigation. Chasing the tax returns continues to be an obsession by morons who don't know what they are talking about. Tax returns will not provide the information you are looking for. Yet another avenue that will cause the Democrats to be weakened in the court of public opinion, because the results will turn up nothing.

Stick your head right back up Trump's ass..........

Mueller's portfolio CLEARLY directs him to investigate Trump-Russian links.......The orange charlatan's tax returns will indicate WHERE and from WHOM loans were made to Trump, since his several bankruptcies made him a liability for most honest bankers to trust his collaterals.
All totally IRRELEVANT

Another fucking moron chimes in.......

READ Rosenstein letter assigning Mueller as special counsel.........
First READ and then get a grown up to explain to you what Mueller's assignment was..........and apologize for your IGNORANCE.

You Trump ass kissers are a bit afraid of Mueller's responses to those questions???.....LOL
There are THREE main questions to be directly asked of Mueller......

1. Would Mueller have indicted Trump were it not for the DOJ policy prohibiting indictment of a sitting president?

2. Why didn't Mueller insist on Trump testifying under oath before a grand jury as Bill Clinton did?............Was Mueller "ordered" to not pursue this inquiry?

3. Why didn't Mueller fully access Trump's tax returns and other financial documents, and least......ascertain in the report whether Trump's returns were under IRS audit for the last 6 years?

All totally IRRELEVANT to the purpose of his investigation: whether anyone in the Trump Campaign conspired illegally to thwart the normal election process using the Russians. Mueller will NOT answer your questions. Now onto the real subject at hand: other factors OUTSIDE the Trump Campaign acting to thwart the normal election process, ie: the DNC, Obama, Hillary and the FBI. BARR MARCHES ON!

Mueller 'cleared' Trump on the so called 'collusion' issue so, that is a moot point, it would seem.

The issue however of obstruction & the obstructive actions taken by Trump & by Trump associates is what Mueller should be questioned about.
The obstruction issue is why Mueller himself stated that Trump could not be exonerated.
Robert Mueller wants to testify in private before Congress, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler says

Special counsel Robert Mueller wants to talk to Congress about his investigation, but behind closed doors, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said.


Hopefully this is legit.

I would hope that Mueller is NOT the only witness called by the Committee....It would be helpful for our country to ALSO hear from other members of Mueller's investigative team.
There are THREE main questions to be directly asked of Mueller......

1. Would Mueller have indicted Trump were it not for the DOJ policy prohibiting indictment of a sitting president?

2. Why didn't Mueller insist on Trump testifying under oath before a grand jury as Bill Clinton did?............Was Mueller "ordered" to not pursue this inquiry?

3. Why didn't Mueller fully access Trump's tax returns and other financial documents, and least......ascertain in the report whether Trump's returns were under IRS audit for the last 6 years?

All totally IRRELEVANT to the purpose of his investigation: whether anyone in the Trump Campaign conspired illegally to thwart the normal election process using the Russians. Mueller will NOT answer your questions. Now onto the real subject at hand: other factors OUTSIDE the Trump Campaign acting to thwart the normal election process, ie: the DNC, Obama, Hillary and the FBI. BARR MARCHES ON!

Mueller 'cleared' Trump on the so called 'collusion' issue so, that is a moot point, it would seem.

The issue however of obstruction & the obstructive actions taken by Trump & by Trump associates is what Mueller should be questioned about.
The obstruction issue is why Mueller himself stated that Trump could not be exonerated.
what about it, he didn't accuse him of obstruction either.. if he had, someone would have been indicted. no sealed indictment. sorry cry baby!!
The obstruction issue is why Mueller himself stated that Trump could not be exonerated.

POTENTIAL issue. And Mueller's investigatorial power was never to exonerate. It is to either charge with a crime or not if there is insufficient evidence. Apparently the evidence was not there.

All the Democrats are trying to do is re-reinvestigate Trump because they didn't like the outcome, in effect try him a second time for charges which have already been shown baseless. It isn't a crime not to cooperate with an investigation you know is baseless and partisan; had Trump done what he did or coperated fully, the outcome would be the same: no collusion with Russia.

Now let's look at all the other places we know Mueller ignored because they weren't Trump-centric.
The obstruction issue is why Mueller himself stated that Trump could not be exonerated.

POTENTIAL issue. And Mueller's investigatorial power was never to exonerate. It is to either charge with a crime or not if there is insufficient evidence. Apparently the evidence was not there.

All the Democrats are trying to do is re-reinvestigate Trump because they didn't like the outcome, in effect try him a second time for charges which have already been shown baseless. It isn't a crime not to cooperate with an investigation you know is baseless and partisan; had Trump done what he did or coperated fully, the outcome would be the same: no collusion with Russia.

Now let's look at all the other places we know Mueller ignored because they weren't Trump-centric.

then you didn't read the (SC Mueller) report but no one expected a brain dead jack ass like you do do their home work
The obstruction issue is why Mueller himself stated that Trump could not be exonerated.
POTENTIAL issue. And Mueller's investigatorial power was never to exonerate. It is to either charge with a crime or not if there is insufficient evidence. Apparently the evidence was not there.
All the Democrats are trying to do is re-reinvestigate Trump because they didn't like the outcome, in effect try him a second time for charges which have already been shown baseless. It isn't a crime not to cooperate with an investigation you know is baseless and partisan; had Trump done what he did or coperated fully, the outcome would be the same: no collusion with Russia.
Now let's look at all the other places we know Mueller ignored because they weren't Trump-centric.
then you didn't read the (SC Mueller) report but no one expected a brain dead jack ass like you do do their home work

Ooooo, Brain Dead Jack Ass, I'm so mortally wounded! The problem for you is, I DID READ the Mueller report. I have both it, Barr's summary and the original Rosenstein letter authorizing the Mueller investigation. I have them all right here and have read it all. I just don't have this red-hot blind hatred of Trump blinding me.
The obstruction issue is why Mueller himself stated that Trump could not be exonerated.
POTENTIAL issue. And Mueller's investigatorial power was never to exonerate. It is to either charge with a crime or not if there is insufficient evidence. Apparently the evidence was not there.
All the Democrats are trying to do is re-reinvestigate Trump because they didn't like the outcome, in effect try him a second time for charges which have already been shown baseless. It isn't a crime not to cooperate with an investigation you know is baseless and partisan; had Trump done what he did or coperated fully, the outcome would be the same: no collusion with Russia.
Now let's look at all the other places we know Mueller ignored because they weren't Trump-centric.
then you didn't read the (SC Mueller) report but no one expected a brain dead jack ass like you do do their home work

Ooooo, Brain Dead Jack Ass, I'm so mortally wounded! The problem for you is, I DID READ the Mueller report. I have both it, Barr's summary and the original Rosenstein letter authorizing the Mueller investigation. I have them all right here and have read it all. I just don't have this red-hot blind hatred of Trump blinding me.

So, you 'claim' you have all of that information YET you missed this from page 394 of the SC Mueller report.

IV. Conclusion
Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President' s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

So, you can continue to play your little brain dead games, you can continue to LIE, and you can continue your juvenile bull shit games but make NO MISTAKE: When Mueller states "this report does NOT exonerate (Trump) him" than that means EXACTLY what Mueller states.

IV. Conclusion:
  1. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.
  2. if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.
  3. we are unable to reach that judgment.
  4. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Right, little man.
  1. Mueller concluded insufficient evidence to conclude Trump INTENDED to obstruct with any expectation that it would stop the investigation.
  2. Mueller has no confidence either way.
  3. Mueller was unable to reach a judgement.
  4. Mueller's investigation did not find that Trump committed any crime.
Like I said, it's not Bob's job to CLEAR anyone of a crime or charges, because NONE WERE EVER MADE. The point of the investigation was to determine IF any wrongdoing had occurred. Mueller found none.

In any court of law, this would be sufficient to throw out the charges. But Trump was never even charged. Only suspected, alleged. Now found to be false, with MALICIOUS BIAS by his accusers.

I KNOW it's hard for you to accept that the Mueller investigation is over, and would LOVE to retry Trump over parsing four words in a report, but the Mueller thing is dead and buried. Nothing shattering is going to come out of poking at its dead corpse. Now we shall look closely at the REST that Mueller did NOT look at.

The DNC.
And the FBI.

Sucks to be you.
IV. Conclusion:
  1. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.
  2. if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.
  3. we are unable to reach that judgment.
  4. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Right, little man.
  1. Mueller concluded insufficient evidence to conclude Trump INTENDED to obstruct with any expectation that it would stop the investigation.
  2. Mueller has no confidence either way.
  3. Mueller was unable to reach a judgement.
  4. Mueller's investigation did not find that Trump committed any crime.
Like I said, it's not Bob's job to CLEAR anyone of a crime or charges, because NONE WERE EVER MADE. The point of the investigation was to determine IF any wrongdoing had occurred. Mueller found none.

In any court of law, this would be sufficient to throw out the charges. But Trump was never even charged. Only suspected, alleged. Now found to be false, with MALICIOUS BIAS by his accusers.

I KNOW it's hard for you to accept that the Mueller investigation is over, and would LOVE to retry Trump over parsing four words in a report, but the Mueller thing is dead and buried. Nothing shattering is going to come out of poking at its dead corpse. Now we shall look closely at the REST that Mueller did NOT look at.

The DNC.
And the FBI.

Sucks to be you.

Yes, continue your lies.

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