Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
Obviously I highly detest Trump and everything he stands for - but I'm now breathing a big sigh of relief. If, in the end, Trump is innocent - so be it. But now it looks like we'll eventually know for sure - with credibility. I couldn't be happier to have a special counsel like Robert Mueller. I give Rod RosenStein a dog biscuit for that move.
If he is found innocent would you agree to imprisioning the accusers for fraud on the uS government and the American people?

You mean like with all you NaziCons who accused Hillary of fraud - and then Comey exonerated her?

You clearly have a different concept of exoneration than most people

Duh, yeah I do. It wasn't a pardon or commuting of sentence - because no "crime" was committed.

Definition of exonerate
  1. to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship

  2. to clear from accusation or blame
Definition of EXONERATE

verb (used with object), exonerated, exonerating.
  1. to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate: He was exonerated from the accusation of cheating
  2. to relieve, as from an obligation, duty, or task.
the definition of exonerate

And that isn't what he did at all.
Will this action finally shut the Liberal's drooling jaws? Nope, it will cause the snowflakes to dream up another cause. Six months after the election the dweebs still think they can get rid of Trump and replace him with that dripping kvnt Clinton.

The kicker is they'll be stuck with Pence. Ultra consrvative.


No, the entire country will be stuck with Pence. Welcome to sharia law.
Will this action finally shut the Liberal's drooling jaws? Nope, it will cause the snowflakes to dream up another cause. Six months after the election the dweebs still think they can get rid of Trump and replace him with that dripping kvnt Clinton.

The kicker is they'll be stuck with Pence. Ultra consrvative.


No, the entire country will be stuck with Pence. Welcome to sharia law.

When did pence become Muslim?
Obviously I highly detest Trump and everything he stands for - but I'm now breathing a big sigh of relief. If, in the end, Trump is innocent - so be it. But now it looks like we'll eventually know for sure - with credibility. I couldn't be happier to have a special counsel like Robert Mueller. I give Rod RosenStein a dog biscuit for that move.
If he is found innocent would you agree to imprisioning the accusers for fraud on the uS government and the American people?

You mean like with all you NaziCons who accused Hillary of fraud - and then Comey exonerated her?

You clearly have a different concept of exoneration than most people

Duh, yeah I do. It wasn't a pardon or commuting of sentence - because no "crime" was committed.

Definition of exonerate
  1. to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship

  2. to clear from accusation or blame
Definition of EXONERATE

verb (used with object), exonerated, exonerating.
  1. to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate: He was exonerated from the accusation of cheating
  2. to relieve, as from an obligation, duty, or task.
the definition of exonerate

And that isn't what he did at all.

Well, then please "precisely" tell us what he did.

Sep 30, 2016 ... The scandal of Hillary Clinton's “home brew” email server, as it is played out ... the scandal has amounted to little more than a whopping nothing-burger. ..... As FBI Director James Comey said in July when he reported the bureau's ...... it didn't appear the actions of Clinton's team rose to the level of a crime.

What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton's Email Server
Lying during sworn congressional testimony is committing perjury a federal offense

FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn’t Obstruct Investigations

BREAKING: FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn't Obstruct Investigations - GotNews
SO Comey lied to congress or did he lie in his memo?

Comey was building a case, smart ass. He knew that the Comrade was on the way to hanging himself. He will get desperate and give the FBI more evidence, as Mueller gets closer to the truth.
Comey himself said there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. Now where was the crime and where is the case?
The unforgivable crime is that Trump wants Fair Trade and for Americans to have jobs.

Until he fired Comey, the President hadn't interfered with the investigation. Firing Comey was obstruction of justice. That is an impeachable offence.

Oh yeah - taking bribes from the Chinese (trade marks), selling access to the President (Mar-a-Lago initiation fees), making money from foreign governments (Trump's international properties are being booked by foreign governments, domestic properties by corporations looking to curry favour), hiring family members (Kuchner and his Ivanka), and on and on.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about working people, or their jobs. He's still manufacturing his ugly suits off-shore. Job creation is dropping, as is the stock market.

People have woken up to the reality that Trump is unfit for the office, and incompetent, dishonest and untrustworthy. And the possibility exists that he has mental issues as well.

No, No, and No. Firing conehead is NOT obstruction. He did none of the shit you post, that is all a fantasy. His companies did business with countries all over the world, and they do not have to stop continuing to do business because he is president. You ignorant liberals didn't say anything about gores mining company continuing to operate when he was vice president. Or john kerry's wife selling food products to the military, or - on and on pelosis husband and her insider trading and the clintons drug company insider trading connections. You LOST because liberals are thieving lying vile disgusting shit. Trump has done nothing but show what trash you people really are and you just can't stand it. The ones who should be slapped down are the damn Republicans who go along with your demands. they should have closed out the press, and told the dimshits to suck a dogs ass on day one. It is coming you opened the door with your request. NOW the entire election and the dnc will have to release all of their emails, or go to jail the IRS will be involved because of the tax exempt status attacks, all of the missing emails will be brought into the investigation as background leading to the investigation of HOW flynn was brought into the loop, and the entire transcripts of all of the requests, and the emails, and the surveillance along with who initiated the request for them how they were implemented and if they were legal and constitutional. So the dimshits are about to find out all about their OWN secrets and so will the world. HAHAHAHAAA Talk shit, but the shit is about to be exposed, and then if Trumps people want to they will impanel a grand jury, I see Treason, Sedition, Conspiracy, Violations of the riot act, Also Felony arson as an instigator of a riot where there was arson. Conspiring to riot and crossing state lines to commit felony arson. Man there are so many felony charges that it will look like a 45 year old gang bangers rap sheet. and all in the lap of the dimshit scum. Trump has done exactly what he said on his first day in his Inaugural address, Slapped the power hungry, thieving, lying shit across the face and started putting the REAL people first, instead of scattered groups of pet racist, deviants, extortionist, and criminals.

Judge Napolitano just stated that since Mueller has now been appointed special council that we will now never see those memos from Comey because they'll be subpoenaed and be put under seal.

That is not exactly what he mean Steve -------- Seal doesn't mean they lock it in safe then throw away the key. It will be sealed till Mueller will take a look at it during the investigation.

I do watch Fox News just to get a comparisons from other medias how they interpret the news. Fox is horrible.
Yes liberal igmos the special council can go all the way back to George Washington if he wants. The AG can start the councils investigation with a request for an investigation into a particular instance, once the sc opens the investigation he can go to every instance preceding that one and any tangents he suspects are related including the emails of all of the staff of all of the involved parties on BOTH sides of the issue. The crashed multiple crashed hard drives, and all of the information that was transferred to and from the machine electronically. community organizers and shit scum staffers don't know how all of that gets transferred in a batch file that is imprinted on every device it passes through. All of that is out there and the WIKI group has it all I'm sure. Soon it will all be revealed, and a lot of dimshits will be trying to find a flight out before they hang. HAHAHAA you liberals are the dumbest people on earth. Even children in third world countries know more about reality than your smartest idiot.
Mueller is 72. I hope he's in good health and lives long enough to complete all related investigations and all possible prosecutions and sentencing.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Get over it snowflake. Seth Rich sent the files to wikileaks the sooner you fragile snowflakes accept that the better off you will all be and you can move on. Ya know what they say the first part of moving along is accepting the facts. Fact is the Clinton camp spun the Russian story less than 24 hours after losing....its all in at tell all book with 2 reporters who were WITH the Clinton campaign the entire time. A Clinton confidant has spilled the beans as well. ‘Shattered’: Clinton expose reveals Russian ‘narrative’ was spun within hours of Trump win

LOL, nice source. Amazing the shit you people will guzzle down as legitimate sources.
They are a cult.
I wonder if Trump is contemplating resigning...

Maybe just stay in Israel. He is close to many Jews. I doubt he'd like Saudi Arabia or the Vatican.

He shouldn't be allowed to leave the U.S. in Air Force One. He should have to take his own plane.

He wants to, the secret service won't let him use his own planes, helicopters or cars...

Talk to them


I am so angry with his Secret Service why they disobey the president. They should let him use his car and plane.
Republicans keep saying there is no Collusion so what in the tarnation are they investgating? Republicans say it's butthurt but Special Councils don't investigate feelings.
What is the evidence there was collusion?

Did you even wonder that Trump is not really smart person?

Take a look at this picture. Do you see anything wrong?
Kislyak is the center of this controversy, cozing with Kislyak, day after he fired Comey, he barred US media in the Oval Office but let the Tass Russian news media inside--------- meaning keep kissing Putin ass.
Then he was mad because the Russian published this picture. Why not distance himself fromRussian connections for the time being till it cools down?

If Trump is defending himself from Russian connections----------- Why in the world he would do something this dumb?
Republicans keep saying there is no Collusion so what in the tarnation are they investgating? Republicans say it's butthurt but Special Councils don't investigate feelings.
What is the evidence there was collusion?

Did you even wonder that Trump is not really smart person?

Take a look at this picture. Do you see anything wrong?
Kislyak is the center of this controversy, cozing with Kislyak, day after he fired Comey, he barred US media in the Oval Office but let the Tass Russian news media inside--------- meaning keep kissing Putin ass.
Then he was mad because the Russian published this picture. Why not distance himself fromRussian connections for the time being till it cools down?

If Trump is defending himself from Russian connections----------- Why in the world he would do something this dumb?

So the press will have to find something else to ask Spicer about. Hee heee! He'll just say ask Mueller!
Everyone who was actually in the room says WaPo story about Trump revealing classified info to Russians is false

"They ran with a story using nothing but anonymous sources who were not present in the meeting. That left every single White House official who was present to come forward independently to correct the Post's reporting. There were three of them - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell. All three say the Post's story is false."

If the sources are anonymous…how do you know they were not present—since you don’t know who they were?

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