Robert O'Rourke wants to ban and confiscate rifles, shotguns and handguns

Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
Confiscating rifles, shotguns, and handguns is a direct violation of the Constitution.

What Constitution?
The Constitution has already been violated more times than a cow in heat in a bull farm.

The Left don't care about no stinkin Constitution. Ask Venezuelans.
O'Rourke will not be the Democratic nominee; indeed, his advocacy for such a policy has ended his political career – at least in Texas.

And O'Rourke likely knows this – hence his advocacy for such a naïve and untenable policy; he’s falling on his sword in the service of a firearm regulatory measure what will never come to pass.

There might be a tiny minority of Democrats who support O'Rourke’s proposal – but the vast majority of Democrats want nothing to do with compelling Americans to ‘buy back’ their guns; it will guarantee a second Trump term.

O'Rourke is not the only candidate advocating this shit, stop playing fucking word games. Sanders, Booker, fauxcahunches and others could be substituted for the beta.

Notice they never detail the how of their plan?

Commies always plan to do things by force. Good luck with that, all I'll have in the house, if someone comes looking, is my single action 22 revolver.

Little by little....inch by inch......disarming is happening. No resistance at all.
Won't be completed overnight. But they're ok with that.

Great progress being made every day.
O'Rourke will not be the Democratic nominee; indeed, his advocacy for such a policy has ended his political career – at least in Texas.

And O'Rourke likely knows this – hence his advocacy for such a naïve and untenable policy; he’s falling on his sword in the service of a firearm regulatory measure what will never come to pass.

There might be a tiny minority of Democrats who support O'Rourke’s proposal – but the vast majority of Democrats want nothing to do with compelling Americans to ‘buy back’ their guns; it will guarantee a second Trump term.

O'Rourke is not the only candidate advocating this shit, stop playing fucking word games. Sanders, Booker, fauxcahunches and others could be substituted for the beta.

Post quotes showing this then

Fuck off commie, I'm not your fucking secretary, try google I hear it works wonders.

Little by little, the gun grabbers are winning. There is no resistance.
Regardless of all the Internet Tough Guy Talk.

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For years Democrats have avoided telling the American people what their true goals are, despite most Americans being smart enough to know already. As long as no one came out and confessed point-blank they and their surrogate propaganda-pushing media could deny it:

“I’m not here to take away your guns. I just don’t want you to be shot by someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place.”
-- Hillary Clinton, during her speech at the DNC.

Welcome to the NEW Socialist Democratic Party where the 'new breed' no longer try to hide who they are and what they intend to do TO America:

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do. Americans who own AR-15s, AK-47s, will have to sell them to the government."
-- Beto O’Rourke

Beto O’Rourke vows mandatory buyback of assault weapons if elected president

...And there is no such thing as a 'GOVERNMENT Buyback Program' - that is the Liberal code words for 'GUN CONFISCATION'.
What's most astonishing is the lack of resistance. America has already surrendered.....without a fight and barely a whimper.

It's as if Americans are already terrified of the government to the point that they dare not make noise.

If that's not one of the final ingredients for tyranny to blossom, what is? We must be getting awfully close to some really bad shit coming down.

Considering the fact that the left can literally commit murder and not even face prosecution, while the Right can't even wear a hat in public, I would say we are already a Communist country now.
We're just quietly waiting for the politburo to decree us all criminals and our trials and swift disposal?

I suppose anyone who has a gun will soon become a designated state terrorist.
I never thought it would happen in America but it is.
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This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.

I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.

I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.
This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.

I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.

I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.

You just put yourself on top of the list.
You can no longer post things like that in Communist Amerika.
They will definitely be coming for you Flash...guaranteed when they get the WH and Congress.
You may want to delete that post while you can.
This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.
I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.
I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.
All mine fell in the lake. Damn.
This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.
I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.
I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.
All mine fell in the lake. Damn.

Nice try. They know what you have and where they are.
Internet toughness isn't gonna help.
Too bad we surrendered so damn easy. we never put up the slightest fight.

Everyone (and I do mean everyone) just lifted their skirts and grabbed their ankles.
Can't blame the Commies for laughing their asses off how easy it's been.
This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.
I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.
I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.
All mine fell in the lake. Damn.
Nice try. They know what you have and where they are.
Um... no.
Um... no.

um...hate to tell ya....but Yeah. You ever use a cell phone? They got ya stone cold butt naked sonny.
You're only fooling yourself.

FACT: The only people they really need to be concerned with NEVER post Internet Tough Guy talk on forums.
And they DEFINITELY wouldn't have anything gun related in their avatar on a forum
The ones who say what they'll do on the Internet are no threat....but they'll get them as examples because they'll go easily and quietly.

Remarks against Antifa prompt FBI seizure of former Marine’s weapons under Oregon’s ‘red flag’ law: reports
Remarks against Antifa prompt FBI seizure of former Marine’s weapons under Oregon’s ‘red flag’ law: reports

No matter what you say, you won't resist when the real time comes. But it feels good to brag a bit and pretend.

Not against you...I'm on your side, but you underestimate their commitment to disarm Amerika I think.

Americans have gone soft and weak. We've all forgotten that freedom was never free.
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This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.

I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.

I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.

You just put yourself on top of the list.
You can no longer post things like that in Communist Amerika.
They will definitely be coming for you Flash...guaranteed when they get the WH and Congress.
You may want to delete that post while you can.

Not really.

If there is a confiscation or banning process the government will never find any of the items they want to confiscate or ban. I won't be the only one.

Like M-14 Shooter said, boating accidents are famous for the loss of firearms. I live on a lake.

I am sure after the pending accident the only magazines I will have left for the government to find will the 10 rounders I use at the range.

The government of Canada couldn't even get their citizens to register their firearms. How in the hell will the government of the US get Americans to turn in their guns and magazines? It ain't going to happen. Our local Sheriff even said he would not ever enforce gun confiscation.
-I- don't even know everything I have, so I am sure no one else does.

Makes no difference unfortunately.
If you own ANY guns or have ever posted that you disagree with the left, you're on their big list.
These people going after your guns may seem crazy, but they've been highly organized and persistent in their march towards disarming Americans.
There is ZERO resistance from Americans as they've had success after success after success.

San Francisco officials brand NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization’
San Francisco officials brand NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization’

Remarks against Antifa prompt FBI seizure of former Marine’s weapons under Oregon’s ‘red flag’ law: reports
Remarks against Antifa prompt FBI seizure of former Marine’s weapons under Oregon’s ‘red flag’ law: reports

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As it stands now, they WILL be coming for your guns....maybe not in 2020, but in your lifetime. It's all but guaranteed.

And as it stands now, all but a very small handful of Americans will comply out of fear.

Once a population fears it's government, freedom has ended.

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