Robert O'Rourke wants to ban and confiscate rifles, shotguns and handguns

What can you actually do?
Convince yourself that talk is cheap and become active in politics and bravely working to peacefully convince like minded people that unless you are willing to do more than talk, your freedom really is in danger. Find and join local activist groups who peacefully protest.
Take the time to really find out who is running for what offices in your area and what they stand for and VOTE. Encourage others to not be afraid to speak out for their freedom and rights.

The work that desperately needs to be done now has absolutely NOTHING to do with guns or violence.

In fact, if guns are your only hope, then hope is already lost.
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Potentially THE BIGGEST MISTAKE many Patriots are making is waiting until it comes down to violence, to do anything.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for "good" men to do nothing"

Edmund Burke

These evil men have already planned out every possible move you could make and how to respond and use the media, the government and your opposition to defeat you.

Thinking you will be able to defeat them with no plans, no organization and no counter strategies is foolish at best.
Slowly but surely, confiscation will be part of the Dimocrat party's platform. It will be a while, but it's coming.
Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
So immediately your threat title is a total lie. Doesn't want to ban those....

Nice video and sure, they are correct......
But evil men don't care. They have an agenda and a strategy.
These good men will be put on a list, then at some point arrested for some frivolous charge or fake charges, giving evil men all they need to disarm them and neutralize them.

During the American Revolution, only 13% of the population was willing to fight for their freedom. The rest sat on the sidelines hoping other men fought for THeir freedom for them.

Today, that number is probably more like .013%
So immediately your threat title is a total lie. Doesn't want to ban those....
Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance.
"Assault weapons", in every such ban enacted or proposed, include certain handguns and shotguns.

Now, how about you address the questions you avoided:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
So immediately your threat title is a total lie. Doesn't want to ban those....

And just because you're a Socialist or Communist doesn't mean you won't suffer along with the right.
'In Venezuela, leftists are dying and suffering right alongside those they fought so hard to oppress.

Guns are a MINOR part of the violence problem in America but the only means of preventing a Venezuelan disaster here in America.

You should be ashamed of your stance and know that you and those you care for will NOT be immune to the suffering your positions are bringing to everyone else.

THIS is what you are fighting for and believe in. Tragic.
THIS is what happens when your side "wins".
The murder rate in Venezuela is FAR higher than in the USA.
In fact, since Socialists "won", it has become the most dangerous country on the planet, surpassing Somolia.

In pictures: The suffering of Venezuela's people | ShareAmerica




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So immediately your threat title is a total lie. Doesn't want to ban those....

And just because you're a Socialist or Communist doesn't mean you won't suffer along with the right.
'In Venezuela, leftists are dying and suffering right alongside those they fought so hard to oppress.

Guns are a MINOR part of the violence problem in America but the only means of preventing a Venezuelan disaster here in America.

You should be ashamed of your stance and know that you and those you care for will NOT be immune to the suffering your positions are bringing to everyone else.

THIS is what you are fighting for and believe in. Tragic.
THIS is what happens when your side "wins".
The murder rate in Venezuela is FAR higher than in the USA.
In fact, since Socialists "won", it has become the most dangerous country on the planet, surpassing Somolia.

In pictures: The suffering of Venezuela's people | ShareAmerica





Communism has been disaterous every place it has been implemented.

Socialism has been destructive at some level every place it has been implemented.

You would think these Moon Bats would know that by now but they are just as ignorant of History as they are of Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.
So immediately your threat title is a total lie. Doesn't want to ban those....

And just because you're a Socialist or Communist doesn't mean you won't suffer along with the right.
'In Venezuela, leftists are dying and suffering right alongside those they fought so hard to oppress.

Guns are a MINOR part of the violence problem in America but the only means of preventing a Venezuelan disaster here in America.

You should be ashamed of your stance and know that you and those you care for will NOT be immune to the suffering your positions are bringing to everyone else.

THIS is what you are fighting for and believe in. Tragic.
THIS is what happens when your side "wins".
The murder rate in Venezuela is FAR higher than in the USA.
In fact, since Socialists "won", it has become the most dangerous country on the planet, surpassing Somolia.

In pictures: The suffering of Venezuela's people | ShareAmerica





Communism has been disaterous every place it has been implemented.

Socialism has been destructive at some level every place it has been implemented.

You would think these Moon Bats would know that by now but they are just as ignorant of History as they are of Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.
Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
So true. Especially with these insipid, unconstitutional red flag laws; the days of free speech, and talking about "what you got" are over for those who wish to retain their property and freedom. I would encourage all 2A loving Americans to take honest stock of the situation both they, and are country are in.
This week I have been doing a little organizational work in my gun workshop.

I inventoried all my AR-15 magazines. I have 315 30 rounders and 94 20 rounders.

I know those are rookie numbers but that asshole Beto can be assured that I will absolutely never turn the over to the government or destroy them.

You just put yourself on top of the list.
You can no longer post things like that in Communist Amerika.
They will definitely be coming for you Flash...guaranteed when they get the WH and Congress.
You may want to delete that post while you can.
Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?

Bob is out. At this point he is not only on TV. This is a good thing because it will let voters in the state know how he is when he comes back and runs for senate again. Bob is entertainment at this point. Nothing more.
Um... no.
um...hate to tell ya....but Yeah. You ever use a cell phone? They got ya stone cold butt naked sonny.
You're only fooling yourself.
-I- don't even know everything I have, so I am sure no one else does.
Not a problem. They have a fix for that. If they cannot separate the guns from the owners. They can much more easily separate the owners from the guns. Step inside the cell please...
Bob is out. At this point he is not only on TV. This is a good thing because it will let voters in the state know how he is when he comes back and runs for senate again. Bob is entertainment at this point. Nothing more.

Bob may be out......
But they will continue to march to abolish gun ownership regardless.
10,000 more 'Bob's lined up and waiting for their chance.
Plus, it "seeds" the minds of other fools with his assertion as the new "must do"

It makes it ok to say it...and demand it openly.
Um... no.
um...hate to tell ya....but Yeah. You ever use a cell phone? They got ya stone cold butt naked sonny.
You're only fooling yourself.
-I- don't even know everything I have, so I am sure no one else does.
Not a problem. They have a fix for that. If they cannot separate the guns from the owners. They can much more easily separate the owners from the guns. Step inside the cell please...
If they think they are going to take the guns away from the Black folk it is not going to happen. You see this is all they have to protect their homes from the Street Thugs, who roam the streets at night. Police are restricted from stopping and searching for guns or just stop them because the look suspicious. The Courts are the ones who stopped that activity. The Courts ruled that the Cops are not there for protecting the Citizen, they are there for enforcing the LAW. Nothing else. So sure take the gun away from Black Folk and turn the Nation over to the Criminal who are not going to turn in crap. Nice going Progressives you are gaining the first step on taking over the Nation in little Baby steps.

Bob is out. At this point he is not only on TV. This is a good thing because it will let voters in the state know how he is when he comes back and runs for senate again. Bob is entertainment at this point. Nothing more.

Bob may be out......
But they will continue to march to abolish gun ownership regardless.
10,000 more 'Bob's lined up and waiting for their chance.
Plus, it "seeds" the minds of other fools with his assertion as the new "must do"

It makes it ok to say it...and demand it openly.

That s true, but when it comes down to it they will never get it done. I'll point to my father here. He and my ma moved to the US and it was his opinion that legal gun ownership should consist of nothing more then an Enfield rifle and or a shot gun. Fast coward to Barrak Obama, and my mas purse getting snatched. They owned two glocks and a shotgun right now. They talk ban, Americans will buy guns and vote them out. For now anyway.

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