Robert O'Rourke wants to ban and confiscate rifles, shotguns and handguns

Um... no.
um...hate to tell ya....but Yeah. You ever use a cell phone? They got ya stone cold butt naked sonny.
You're only fooling yourself.
-I- don't even know everything I have, so I am sure no one else does.
Not a problem. They have a fix for that. If they cannot separate the guns from the owners. They can much more easily separate the owners from the guns. Step inside the cell please...
If they think they are going to take the guns away from the Black folk it is not going to happen. You see this is all they have to protect their homes from the Street Thugs, who roam the streets at night. Police are restricted from stopping and searching for guns or just stop them because the look suspicious. The Courts are the ones who stopped that activity. The Courts ruled that the Cops are not there for protecting the Citizen, they are there for enforcing the LAW. Nothing else. So sure take the gun away from Black Folk and turn the Nation over to the Criminal who are not going to turn in crap. Nice going Progressives you are gaining the first step on taking over the Nation in little Baby steps.

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Hurricane Harvy. Wonder why this never made national news?

Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
Bob is out. At this point he is not only on TV. This is a good thing because it will let voters in the state know how he is when he comes back and runs for senate again. Bob is entertainment at this point. Nothing more.

Bob may be out......
But they will continue to march to abolish gun ownership regardless.
10,000 more 'Bob's lined up and waiting for their chance.
Plus, it "seeds" the minds of other fools with his assertion as the new "must do"

It makes it ok to say it...and demand it openly.

That s true, but when it comes down to it they will never get it done. I'll point to my father here. He and my ma moved to the US and it was his opinion that legal gun ownership should consist of nothing more then an Enfield rifle and or a shot gun. Fast coward to Barrak Obama, and my mas purse getting snatched. They owned two glocks and a shotgun right now. They talk ban, Americans will buy guns and vote them out. For now anyway.
From whom can we vote, which is running on stripping away many of the unconstitutional gun laws already in place. As far as I can see both sides are looking to infringe even further. The only argument between them, is which end of the turd is the cleanest by which to pick it up...
Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
Molon Labe... What became of the men who defiantly raised that call..?
Bob is out. At this point he is not only on TV. This is a good thing because it will let voters in the state know how he is when he comes back and runs for senate again. Bob is entertainment at this point. Nothing more.

Bob may be out......
But they will continue to march to abolish gun ownership regardless.
10,000 more 'Bob's lined up and waiting for their chance.
Plus, it "seeds" the minds of other fools with his assertion as the new "must do"

It makes it ok to say it...and demand it openly.

That s true, but when it comes down to it they will never get it done. I'll point to my father here. He and my ma moved to the US and it was his opinion that legal gun ownership should consist of nothing more then an Enfield rifle and or a shot gun. Fast coward to Barrak Obama, and my mas purse getting snatched. They owned two glocks and a shotgun right now. They talk ban, Americans will buy guns and vote them out. For now anyway.
From whom can we vote, which is running on stripping away many of the unconstitutional gun laws already in place. As far as I can see both sides are looking to infringe even further. The only argument between them, is which end of the turd is the cleanest by which to pick it up...

Hey man, it's a choice between a big fat douche or a giant turd sandwich. You just gotta hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Bob is out. At this point he is not only on TV. This is a good thing because it will let voters in the state know how he is when he comes back and runs for senate again. Bob is entertainment at this point. Nothing more.

Bob may be out......
But they will continue to march to abolish gun ownership regardless.
10,000 more 'Bob's lined up and waiting for their chance.
Plus, it "seeds" the minds of other fools with his assertion as the new "must do"

It makes it ok to say it...and demand it openly.

That s true, but when it comes down to it they will never get it done. I'll point to my father here. He and my ma moved to the US and it was his opinion that legal gun ownership should consist of nothing more then an Enfield rifle and or a shot gun. Fast coward to Barrak Obama, and my mas purse getting snatched. They owned two glocks and a shotgun right now. They talk ban, Americans will buy guns and vote them out. For now anyway.
If they are serious they need to give a order that every person who own a gun has to bring it to DC with the ammo on a certain day and time. This will enclude everyone in the Nation and we will turn the gun over. LOL You think they would fall for it.
All gun-grabbing commie motherfuckers are lying their semen-covered asses off.


Don't give them anything but repeal and resistance all the way until the bullets start flying.

Then, kill every commie you can find.

We will NOT lose this fight.

A brief redirect.

This thread is bullshit

Beto is calling for VOLUNTARY hand gun buy backs and NOTHING regarding shotguns.

Gun huggers lie
A brief redirect.
This thread is bullshit
Beto is calling for VOLUNTARY hand gun buy backs and NOTHING regarding shotguns.
Look at you, caught completely unaware of the fact that every 'assault weapon' ban, proposed, or enacted, includes certain handguns and shotguns under its definition.
Ant thus, to ban and confiscate 'assault weapons' is to ban and confiscate those handguns and shotguns.

The ignorance of the anti-gun loon is astounding, but predictable.
“Robert O'Rourke wants to ban and confiscate rifles, shotguns and handguns”


One private individual’s subjective, ridiculous opinion – representative of no one and nothing.

Of course, the dishonest right will attempt to contrive the lie that this might actually happen – which it won’t; but conservatives would never pass up a chance to engage in lies, demagoguery, and fearmongering.

Dem Party presidential candidate, NOT a private individual, mr. pseudo intellectual liar.
Ant thus, to ban and confiscate 'assault weapons' is to ban and confiscate those handguns and shotguns.

We've been through this bullshit already.

WHAT handguns were banned during the last assault weapons ban?

WHICH shotguns...because I bought TWO during that ban
Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
This is the position an extremist loser candidate will take in order to salvage his egotistical, narcissistic, presidential campaign.
Per Bob's campaign website:
  • Ban Assault Weapons, Trigger Cranks, Silencers, Bump Stocks, and High-Capacity Magazines. Since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings have skyrocketed and become deadlier. Beto will work with Congress to ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns. Weapons of war belong on the battlefield, not in our communities or on our streets. Beto is calling for a mandatory buyback program for assault weapons and voluntary buyback for handguns. To create a funding stream for buybacks, Beto will increase the excise tax on gun manufacturers and fines imposed on gun traffickers, and will enable ATF to purchase any banned assault weapons presented to the agency. Individuals who fail to participate in the mandatory buyback of assault weapons will be fined.
  • Make it harder for people to stockpile weapons. As president, Beto will limit individuals to one gun purchase per month and direct ATF to deem any individual or business that sells over five guns in a single year a gun “dealer.” Dealers are subject to background check requirements.
Beto O’Rourke - Official Website

The first, most obvious, question:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their 'assault weapons'?

Question to follow:
- How will Bob know who has and who hasn't sold back or turned in their "high capacity" magazines?
- Why does Bob think any of this passes constitutional muster?
Ya, He is a spineless motherfucker.

If the cowardly motherfucker was on the battlefield he would be the first to receive “friendly fire” lol
Heh, heh, said motherfucker. Heh, heh, heh.

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