Rod Rosenstein is resigning

The only reason he would resign would be to possibly avoid prosecution. Get out of the way before the tidal wave hits. If the story is true, he must know the shit's gonna hit the fan soon.

Resigning or being fired is least of his problems.

He should be hanged for treason and sedition.
Interesting you should say that about a trump appointee.

It is. The "R" was the only reason he got appointed. Trump should've known that if someone had "R" next to his/her name and still held a job in Barry's administration, is not to be trusted. I suspect he learned it by now.
You calling me brainwashed ? Try using your brain, you'll thank me for it ;)
Coming from the individual whose avatar is a bitter woman who was never proud of her country until her anti-colonialist pro-terrorist husband was elected President....?!
Michelle Obama ? LOL
From Wikipedia:
As First Lady, Obama sought to become a role model for women, an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity and healthy eating, and became a fashion icon.[1][2]
Michelle Obama - Wikipedia
OMG, I'm not sure I could conceive a more docile and friendly person.
You should add a paragraph with supporting documentation to her entry and make it more balanced ? :thewave:

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

"Registered Republican"... do you think that if he was really Republican that Barry would let him be in DOJ.

He's Barry's holdover, period. He should have been fired the day Trump took office.
Bush appointed him as a U.S. Attorney for Maryland. Obama left him and then Trump appointed him Deputy Attorney General. He’s a Republican.
And a liberal pos.

Oh? What are his Liberal positions?
He worked with Kenneth Starr on the Whitewater investigation against bill clinton, maybe these guys think that is a liberal position?

What he's been doing there, sabotaging?
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....

Doesn't matter. Sessions is still the Attorney General, and will be the one to fill the position. He isn't going to fire Mueller, and Trump sure as hell doesn't have the balls to do it, so it's much ado about nothing right now.

That sound you hear s the transfer of any remaining documents and evidence being sent to several members of more than one state Attorney Generals office, members of the prosecutors office for the SDNY, and probably more than one journalist.

Like i've said multiple times, there is no escape fro the dotard or his criminal family syndicate. Al of whom will be doing prison time. The only question is will it be federal or state time.
Trump can appoint a new Deputy Attorney General if Rosenstein resigns.

Of course the story may be premature.

Breaking: Maybe Rosenstein isn't gone? UPDATE X 2!

Wtf? How is this asshole not fired already? St00pid.
I'm curious....what happens if a Prius pulls up next to your Coyote at a traffic light?
Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors

some might actually learn something. As usual you sheep just don't get it. You don't know what you don't know and you have no inside political understands whatsoever.

Note that in order to accomplish this, President Trump will need to declare temporary martial law. He will need our support during this time to maintain order and civility across the nation as the arrests and trials of deep state traitors are under way. We should all expect mass violence and chaos from the Left, which is following the “Rules for Radicals,” a blueprint for communist revolts and violent overthrow attempts of governments.

WAIT UNTIL THE DOCUMENTS get released lmfao.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

"Registered Republican"... do you think that if he was really Republican that Barry would let him be in DOJ.

He's Barry's holdover, period. He should have been fired the day Trump took office.
Bush appointed him as a U.S. Attorney for Maryland. Obama left him and then Trump appointed him Deputy Attorney General. He’s a Republican.

He's as much Republican as Hitler was far right. Go figure.
Maybe you can achieve where rightards fail — what are some of his Liberal positions?
I beg to differ... the Queen of the Democrats was beaten by an antiquated and unsophisticated and electoral college system.
unsophisticated? how?
You're still crying i see. Damn that's a fking loooooong cry.
The electoral college is a biased system favoring rural states which are traditionally conservative. Today's homework: find a low population state that voted Dem.
If rural states were balanced (Democratic/Conservative) Trump would not be prez.
How you figure?
Funny that Trump now believes McCabe's notes from a meeting when he claimed McCabe had to be fired and was fired for being a liar... :rolleyes:

When NO ONE else at this meeting mentioned Rosenstein using the 25th or a wire, in their notes of the meeting....

Trump's base really have to be the dumbest bunch of shit in the toilet; bar none.
and we won. amazing eh?

P T Barnum said it best: There's a fool born every second.
And we still won
From Wiki?
From Michelle Herself:
'I was never proud of America until my husband was elected President.'
That statement, from the perspective of a black professional woman in a white male universe, is spot on. You need to read a bit about her struggles before you judge.
Probably not the ultimate 'politically correct' statement considering her first lady position, but it's from the heart of her experience as a black woman in the USA and her realization that America had changed.
They want Kavanaugh out because if we get him, there is a chance OBAMA could be arrested ( not that it will actually happen) just like CLinton, but there are those people who are getting information bahahah.

OH MAN PLEASE arrest that scum bag pos and his man wife !!
Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors

some might actually learn something. As usual you sheep just don't get it. You don't know what you don't know and you have no inside political understands whatsoever.

Note that in order to accomplish this, President Trump will need to declare temporary martial law. He will need our support during this time to maintain order and civility across the nation as the arrests and trials of deep state traitors are under way. We should all expect mass violence and chaos from the Left, which is following the “Rules for Radicals,” a blueprint for communist revolts and violent overthrow attempts of governments.

WAIT UNTIL THE DOCUMENTS get released lmfao.

I think Sessions is running point on this and Trump's complaints about him are just Kabuki Theater to keep Comey, et al from fleeing the country before their passports are revoked
From Wiki?
From Michelle Herself:
'I was never proud of America until my husband was elected President.'
That statement, from the perspective of a black professional woman in a white male universe, is spot on. You need to read a bit about her struggles before you judge.
Probably not the ultimate 'politically correct' statement considering her first lady position, but it's from the heart of her experience as a black woman in the USA and her realization that America had changed.

Michelle can go suck her own dick. Fuck her
From Wiki?
From Michelle Herself:
'I was never proud of America until my husband was elected President.'
That statement, from the perspective of a black professional woman in a white male universe, is spot on. You need to read a bit about her struggles before you judge.
Probably not the ultimate 'politically correct' statement considering her first lady position, but it's from the heart of her experience as a black woman in the USA and her realization that America had changed.
Michelle can go suck her own dick. Fuck her

Are you even human ?
The electoral college is a biased system favoring rural states which are traditionally conservative. Today's homework: find a low population state that voted Dem.
If rural states were balanced (Democratic/Conservative) Trump would not be prez.
How you figure?

I don't need to figure but you need to do your homework.
Dude, I don’t give a shit what you do! Electoral College exists. Not much you’re going to about it now is there?. Boo fking hoo
[That statement, from the perspective of a black professional woman in a white male universe, is spot on.
It is the perspective of a socialist liberal who, like her husband, hated / hates everything about this country and wanted to an affect a 'fundamental change' - down to the core - of this country, an America-hating idiot ignorant of or ignoring the man, many, many successes and accomplishments in this nation's history.

I am sure Rosa Parks had a lot to be proud of about the US despite her recognition that certain things needed to change.

Michelle O is NO Rosa Parks.
From Wiki?
From Michelle Herself:
'I was never proud of America until my husband was elected President.'
That statement, from the perspective of a black professional woman in a white male universe, is spot on. You need to read a bit about her struggles before you judge.
Probably not the ultimate 'politically correct' statement considering her first lady position, but it's from the heart of her experience as a black woman in the USA and her realization that America had changed.
Michelle can go suck her own dick. Fuck her

Are you even human ?

By percent? A bit, yeah
Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors

some might actually learn something. As usual you sheep just don't get it. You don't know what you don't know and you have no inside political understands whatsoever.

Note that in order to accomplish this, President Trump will need to declare temporary martial law. He will need our support during this time to maintain order and civility across the nation as the arrests and trials of deep state traitors are under way. We should all expect mass violence and chaos from the Left, which is following the “Rules for Radicals,” a blueprint for communist revolts and violent overthrow attempts of governments.

WAIT UNTIL THE DOCUMENTS get released lmfao.

I think Sessions is running point on this and Trump's complaints about him are just Kabuki Theater to keep Comey, et al from fleeing the country before their passports are revoked

Sessions is next. Deep state traitors are being busted.

Trump must file martial law in order to counter act the martial law that has been in place during Obama. In order to keep him from getting heranged ( Trump). this must take place.

Martial Law does not mean the cops holding ppl down going door to door, etc......... there are other ways Martial law takes place.

That's why I keep posting this link the words do not meant what is tated in these Executive orders.

But Mike Adams breaks it down and totally clairfies how it will be done..
Federal Register :: Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act

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