Rodimus Power-Shift: TrumpUSA Dianetics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does populism-intrigue in commerce-oriented prestige-systems of governance/culture (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') remind you of power-creativity films such as Bulworth, Ran, and American Made?

Shouldn't politics imaginarium?

Signing off,



"As the White House prepared to welcome its second celebrity-president of the United States, Donald Trump, two alien-robots named Optimus and Rodimus prepared to negotiate a shift in power-structure regarding governance on their home-planet Cybertron. Trump was facing pedestrian criticisms that he would generate simply another form of consumer-based unfit short-term profit-based hierarchical spending, perhaps called 'Trumponomics.' Meanwhile, Optimus faced robot-citizenry criticisms that he would simply transfer power to Rodimus in ways that would magnify both of them as overbearing 'towers' of prestige. This was governance-intrigue of an 'anarchic order'."


"As President Trump took office, he began using the handy-dandy real-time messenger-app/online-gadget Twitter to tweet to the American people pro-commerce rhetoric such as, 'We won't let the Democratic propaganda that consumerism is human emotion exciting to cloud our unrelenting focus on the societal value of spending-based globalization authority; America has to lead the way in finances'. Meanwhile, robot-protests on Cybertron raised questions about whether or not Optimus was still 'youthful' enough to make passionate/vigorous political decisions required for the complex shift in power-standards, since Optimus was making emphatic statements about 'power-shift biases'. Both Earth-humans and Cybertron-robots therefore cared deeply about the 'metaphysics' of authority."


"As Trump began commandeering the free-world, he was asked by an interviewer to compare his experiences with managing the White House with running Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to which Trump explained, 'What's the difference? They're both two large magnificent buildings symbolic of capitalism!' Rodimus on Cybertron decided to publish a series of poems dedicated to the governance-wisdom of the aging seer/sage Optimus, so protesting robots would put aside personal passions and allow Optimus to simply retire in dignity and with praise/honors. To prevent the problems of complete social anarchy, Trump and Rodimus both had to wrestle with the proverbial dragons of 'ignominy'. You see, no sentient being in the universe was ready to simply forgive the basic vice of prestige-apathy."


"Eventually, Rodimus settled into the Cybertronian throne as a respected warrior-leader of the robot-citizenry, and Trump settled into the White House as the unquestioned elected 'diplomat' of new age commerce-gauged globalization politics and democracy-defense. Rodimus had to deal with a deadly new terrorism-oriented incident involving rogue robots using liquid-nitrogen guns to shatter the Cybertronian political-archive library; Trump had to deal with a Labor Day weekend nuclear-missile crisis involving incendiary-nation North Korea. Rodimus and Trump were equally learning that new age governance required a close-adherence to principles regarding etiquette, credibility, networking, and of course, apologetics. This was a 'grand empire mentality' that catered to impressive sociopolitical inventiveness."



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