Roe overturned

This fall, Roe is on the ballot. Personal freedoms are on the ballot. The right to privacy, liberty, equality — they’re all on the ballot,
So is INFLATION. High gas prices. Transgenders in schools. Drag shows in schools. Defund the police. Tyrannical lock downs during Covid. The Destruction of the value of the dollar. Afghanistan complete failure. A bumbling idiot in office. Voting reform to prevent harvesting of votes.

These ARE ALL ISSUES.........Roe was a gift to the Dems and they know it. They have NO INTENTION OF FIXING IT. They want nothing other than ABORTION ON DEMAND and then ORDER RED STATES to OBEY THEIR VIEWS AS WELL.
As such then you have given up your right to privacy since no explicit enumerated right to privacy exists within the US Constitution.
If you want privacy, close and lock your doors and shutters. Otherwise, what does the government have to do with it other than, as they have done, protect the data about you that is held by the government?
If the court overturned every law that is not in strict adherence to the constitution and without interpretations imposed by the philosophy of the living constitution, it would destroy the Unites States as we know it today. I'm sure many conservatives would welcome it because they hate this country as it is today believing that a new nation founded on the constitution as founders wrote it would arise out of the ashes. Thankfully, there are few that share these beliefs.
The Federal Gov't is out of control Can pass laws to pay for anything. That was never the intent of the Founding Fathers and how they are now bought and sold WHORES who join the millionaires club by Laundering money. They pick and choose the winners so we don't have true capitalism.

Only solution is restore the ENUMERATED POWERS............and return all powers to the state as under the original Constitution. I from Alabama should not be telling someone from California how to live and shouldn't tell me how to live either.

The 4th tier of gov't...........Federal Agencies .........NEED TO ALL BE FIRED except for the defense of this nation, trade between countries, and mail delivery. Power back to the states.

Not to mention to give the power of Currency manipulation to private the tax payer no longer pays interest on debt as well as inflation to the bankers who did this to us.
Why is the comparison about whether I would do away with same-sex marriage? Nobody did away with abortion. I would send same-sex marriage back to the states. I would encourage my representatives to vote against same-sex marriage or, if they do allow it, to ban same-sex couples from adopting/grooming children. I don't care what people do in their bedrooms that doesn't harm others. I also don't care what other states do, other than letting admitted perverts adopt children.

I will continue to push/support/donate to the fight to prevent perverts from adopting children so that they can groom them and increase the perverts in the US by harming and sickening the minds of adopted children. There are usually plenty of adoptive parents who will raise their adopted children in mentally healthy, loving, environments.

You're just an ignorant, hateful piece of shit.

One of the most well-adjusted young men I've ever known was raised by two gay men. Somehow, though, he's married to a beautiful woman and has three beautiful children. How did that happen? Well, it happened because he was raised in a mentally healthy, loving environment. I know gay couples who've been together much longer than many heterosexual couples I've known, and have raised children to be good, decent adults. Conversely, I also know many heterosexual couples who've raised drug addicts, pedophiles and thieves.

Which is better, in your view?
I'm sure you would love as would Russia and china.
Funny you should say that. Right now at the back door they are trading in the Ruble in VAST AMOUNTS. The Ruble isn't dying the DOLLAR IS DYING.

But you watch the War..........Roe v Wade..........don't look as we lose our reserve currency status.
Homosexual marriages were not legal for thousands of years. Marriage between a man and a woman have been around for thousands of years.

Those two things define marriage.

So you also I assume support polygamy since it is as old as marriage itself.
The State has a Legitimate Right to tax citizens. A robber does not have such right.
The state has a right to tax citizens for the legitimate purposes of the state. And one could argue that the state has a right to do welfare but most welfare funding comes from the federal government which does not have that authority, according to the Constitution.

Take it back to the states and then the people can have a say locally.
Mods. Please.

I am having dinner with my wife and decided to check msgs and recent posts Surely some of the posts in this thread is out of bounds. Ths is beyond the worst I've ever seen on USMB. Way to ruin a nice dinner and night out.
What a lot of nonsense. Most women that have an abortion were using contraceptives in month they got pregnant. . They either forgot it, were not using it correctly, or it simply failed which does happen with all contraception.

Anyone that believes this women use abortion as method of contraception doesn't understand how difficult is terminate a pregnancy's.

For years the Christian conservatives have created the big lie about abortion. It goes something like this. Most women that get abortions are whores and other degenerates, who frequent abortion mills, mostly blacks and Hispanics who have never seen the inside of church.

However the facts area bit a different. 62% are religiously affiliated. Most women that get abortion are White, typically in their twenties. About half have never had an abortion. Most work in low income jobs. The average age in 22 although about 12% are teenagers and 4% are minors. The largest prover of abortion in the country is Planned Parenthood. 75% of their client come to them they believe they are pregnant, only 3% get abortions.
Abortions by race. Remember, blacks are about 10% of the population but almost 40% of all abortions. That's only ONE thing you're wrong about

The state has a right to tax citizens for the legitimate purposes of the state. And one could argue that the state has a right to do welfare but most welfare funding comes from the federal government which does not have that authority, according to the Constitution.

Take it back to the states and then the people can have a say locally.
Either State or Federal governments must provide for people who need help.

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