Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Moving the Goalposts, I think that's your problem. You made the blatant statement that any woman that got to the second semester shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion. What you don't seem to understand is 92.7% of all abortions are performed before the 13th week of gestation. But many severe abnormalities don't show up until the second trimester blood work and chemistries are done and that is between the 15th and 20th week. There are even others that don't show up until late term checkups, thus the need for late term abortions. You just don't understand pregnancy at all. Most of these later abortions are not wanted,they're necessary. They affect women who wanted to have children, many are married, many have other children that they love and adore. So obviously you want to make them even more miserable and complicate this horrible decision they have to make by allowing the government to make arbitrary laws governing their reproductive Rights. This is not the end of the story. I have to keep talking to you over and over for it to sink in. Remember when I told you that most women 92.7% have their abortions before the 13th week. You see that's after the first trimester blood work and chemistry is coming between the 10th and 12th week. So abnormalities in the fetuses are starting to show up. At any rate the " unborn child " you are talking about at 13 weeks is still unrecognizable as a human being. It is 2.64 in Long it weighs 2.58 Oz or roughly the size of a half stick of margarine. That's why it's called a fetus and not a child.

All this except for the fact that the scientific consensus is that human life begins when the gametes from the male and female transition into a multi-celled zygote.

Your "it needs to look like a human to be human" argument is invalid. Any DNA test will prove the humanity of a newly formed zygote before your argument will.
The abortion laws that are currently being put in place by states are so egregious they will be easily contested in court. Laws in free nations need to be reasonable and equitable. We are not a fascist country, where the state can force things on it's citizens. This is the ultimate in government outreach.
I like you you equate "abortion laws," to the unconstitutional mask mandates and movement lock-downs we suffered during the past two years, that no senator or representative even had a chance to vote on those, those weren't even laws. . . .

All of a sudden? NOW, you are concerned with. . . "We are not a fascist country"

Body autonomy.

I once considered the overturning of Roe as highly unlikely considering a majority of Americans supported keeping it in place. I see politicians refusing to rule out attempting a federal ban. I see some politicians even considering fetal personhood bills in their states. Given all this, I no longer have the luxury of assuming this will never happen. You, however do.

I think that is a fair view.

My view is up until 16 weeks, abortion is legal, no barriers, restrictions, and clinics operate under the same regulations and rules as any other comparable out patient services. That gives a women enough time to realize she is pregnant, make a decision get financing and access a clinic.

After that, elective abortions can be restricted, but it should always be legal if a mother's health or life is in danger or severe fetal defects.
Several States already have egregious abortion laws. It's only going to get worse from here on out if Roe versus Wade goes to the wayside. Plus you were talking about limiting abortion to so many weeks. 92.7% of all abortions occur before the 13th week. But some of the most serious cases aren't discovered until the second trimester checkup and none of those abortions are a matter of inconvenience in a matter of grave concern. Late-term checkups reveal even more problems so the timetable thing is out. Ideally every case would have to be reviewed by the state if they're going to do this kind of garbage. It's basically a waste of time.
How will your bodily autonomy cease to exist when Roe is overturned? If you live in a blue state it won't.
Whether it's a blue state or a red state there are plenty of prolife crazies in all states. Not only are they a threat to themselves they're a threat to everyone else.
Your activists would stone you for 16 weeks because they would lose late term abortion.

The left have no intension of compromise. A deal. Why we are ready to destroy each other. You cant negotiate with them.

Right now they attempt to use fear and intimidation on judges. And this is against the law. DOJ and Biden do nothing but pretend that they even care.

Gloves are off. So be it.
Actually I was contacted by a group yesterday. They intend to ban all abortion laws. I hope they succeed because it's a bad joke on every American.
Body autonomy.

I once considered the overturning of Roe as highly unlikely considering a majority of Americans supported keeping it in place. I see politicians refusing to rule out attempting a federal ban. I see some politicians even considering fetal personhood bills in their states. Given all this, I no longer have the luxury of assuming this will never happen. You, however do.

I think that is a fair view.

My view is up until 16 weeks, abortion is legal, no barriers, restrictions, and clinics operate under the same regulations and rules as any other comparable out patient services. That gives a women enough time to realize she is pregnant, make a decision get financing and access a clinic.

After that, elective abortions can be restricted, but it should always be legal if a mother's health or life is in danger or severe fetal defects.
The Michigan law already violates the mother's health or life in danger of severe fetal defects, they had the gall to put limitations on that. I love it when non-medical people think they know what they're doing about a medical issue. Things are getting very serious in Michigan.
She'd be willing to go to for an 'after the first breath' 'clause'.

Because they demand the right to kill the unborn. They've been demanding this right since the dawn of man.

They? Pagans.
Believe it or not most abortions in the United States are by so-called Christians.
Restating a point I made last week:

How can Democrats champion bodily autonomy for women when they literally forced them to take vaccines during the pandemic whether they wished to or not?

How does bodily autonomy apply in one circumstance, but not the other?
You're trying to compare apples with oranges. It doesn't work.
I like you you equate "abortion laws," to the unconstitutional mask mandates and movement lock-downs we suffered during the past two years, that no senator or representative even had a chance to vote on those, those weren't even laws. . . .

All of a sudden? NOW, you are concerned with. . . "We are not a fascist country"

I think you'd better read up on the rights privileges and duties of US citizens. Rights come with responsibilities and public health is a national concern. Sorry to burst your bubble but you're comparing apples with oranges and it just doesn't work.
All this except for the fact that the scientific consensus is that human life begins when the gametes from the male and female transition into a multi-celled zygote.

Your "it needs to look like a human to be human" argument is invalid. Any DNA test will prove the humanity of a newly formed zygote before your argument will.
You are describing physical life, that is a correct. You are not describing an independent living person or citizen. I think that makes all the difference in the world.

The house of Judah has outhouses of reform as well. They reformed themselves out of Judaism.

I submit the same for those reformed "Christians".

They both reformed their beliefs to the following of the golden calf... and into liberal pagans who history has shown, love to slaughter both the unborn and the young born children.
The house of Judah has outhouses of reform as well. They reformed themselves out of Judaism.

I submit the same for those reformed "Christians".

They both reformed their beliefs to the following of the golden calf... and into liberal pagans who history has shown, love to slaughter both the unborn and the young born children.
The reason I said so-called, is only 17% of Christians are actually practicing Christians attending church regularly etc. The rest of that number is Christian in name only basically.
The reason I said so-called, is only 17% of Christians are actually practicing Christians attending church regularly etc. The rest of that number is Christian in name only basically.
No one in the mortal knows the minds of those who believe.

You can attempt to quantify the unknown, but that's on you.
No one in the mortal knows the minds of those who believe.

You can attempt to quantify the unknown, but that's on you.
No I'm talking about a survey that was taken this is what people said whether they went to church or not whether they're actually practicing the religion. Doesn't matter to me. But I know here in Nebraska the pews are empty and churches are closing and consolidating.
No I'm talking about a survey that was taken this is what people said whether they went to church or not whether they're actually practicing the religion. Doesn't matter to me. But I know here in Nebraska the pews are empty and churches are closing and consolidating.
And people often do not say what they actually think and feel to those who are asking them such personal questions.

Those who believe the polls can choose to do so all they wish but it's not a highly valid quantification... because validity scaling has shown how quantifiably great are the number of deviations from validity once personal questions are entered into the topics.

Attending Church or Temple is attending a religiosity of tradition. Many believers of many faiths do not follow religiosity yet retain moral viewpoints encapsulating their own beliefs.
And people often do not say what they actually think and feel to those who are asking them such personal questions.

Those who believe the polls can choose to do so all they wish but it's not a highly valid quantification... because validity scaling has shown how quantifiably great are the number of deviations from validity once personal questions are entered into the topics.

Attending Church or Temple is attending a religiosity of tradition. Many believers of many faiths do not follow religiosity yet retain moral viewpoints encapsulating their own beliefs.
Are you saying that Christians lie ? I kind of expected that, trump claims to be a Christian but I've never seen him in a church and he lies all the time. I guess you're right. Have a good day.

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