Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Are you saying that Christians lie ? I kind of expected that, trump claims to be a Christian but I've never seen him in a church and he lies all the time.
Now you are just being silly. People lie. It's a human characteristic.

I guess you're right. Have a good day.

No guesses are necessary. You either know or don't.

Have a good day.
Roe V. Wade - Wall Street Journal May 9, 2022

There are many reasons that precedent should not be followed as to Roe in particular, but it is valuable to remember that the Supreme Court’s precedent as to following precedent is . . . not to follow it. See, for example, Lawrence v. Texas (2003, gay rights); Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority (1985, federal power); Mapp v. Ohio (1961, applying the exclusionary rule to the states); Brown v. Board of Education (1954, school integration); Wickard v. Filburn (1942, federal power); United States v. Darby (1941, federal power); Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins (1938, overruling an 100-year-old precedent); and Knox v. Lee (1871, paper money).


Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Chicago
Another cute pro life propaganda poster. Unfortunately the fetus doesn't even know who or what it is. Everybody has a name. Let's have some more fun and call this fetus " Shelia ". Now she's a person in your mind. But what if it turns out to be male. We better come up with a more neutral name, " Dakota " would work. Now are you good to go
Now you are just being silly. People lie. It's a human characteristic.

No guesses are necessary. You either know or don't.

Have a good day.
If I was going to lie, it would be a small lie to protect a friend or relative. I see no need to lie to complete strangers; plus I have a little more faith in humanity than you do, most people don't lie when they take surveys.
:lol: passive/aggressive is very passive/aggressive.

So, you're not having a good day, then.
Another cute pro life propaganda poster. Unfortunately the fetus doesn't even know who or what it is. Everybody has a name. Let's have some more fun and call this fetus " Shelia ". Now she's a person in your mind. But what if it turns out to be male. We better come up with a more neutral name, " Dakota " would work. Now are you good to go
It may be that the picture with an unborn baby in it is one that is bothering you.
:lol: passive/aggressive is very passive/aggressive.

So, you're not having a good day, then.
I'm sorry I don't know who you're talking to but in case it was me. I'm having a great day; it all depends on you, attitude makes all the difference in the world. Have a good day, I plan on it.
Still screaming about baby killing with nothing to offer as far as prevention of unwanted pregnancies or support to families who might decide to keep a child if help were available ? So noted.

Once again, I don't have any obligation to "offer" anything to the likes of you, because I have no need to come hat in hand to the "Just kill them" crowd and beg them to accept an alternative.

The fact is, the overturning of Roe v Wade itself will serve as a deterrent to unwanted pregnancies all by itself, at least in the states that aren't run by people like you. People on your own side have said so, although they probably don't realize it.


Admittedly, this is just TikTok, but they're far from the only ones on the left issuing dark "warnings" about how the overturn of Roe v. Wade will lead to women being less willing to behave like the town pump. And they're correct. Women are no more inherently stupid and unable to calculate personal risks than men are. The left has never seemed to understand this, but human beings alter their behavior according to changing circumstances.

Now, people on the left seem to think this is some horrible, looming calamity. Personally, I don't understand why women were willing to have mediocre sex with drunk randos in the first place.

The left has always taken a very simplistic view of the situation: unwanted pregnancy, kill the baby, done. The idea of looking at the society and culture this created, and the influences the presence of legalized abortion exerts of everyone, regardless of their position on abortion, is completely beyond your interest.

In fact, what happened is that, with abortion seen as a "backup", attitudes toward casual sex and contraceptive use changed dramatically, even among women who would not choose to have an abortion. Relationship dynamics between men and women changed. When increasing numbers of women felt free to make their sexual decisions without concern for possible pregnancy impacting their futures, other women felt increased pressure to behave likewise. We went from a society where men had to pursue women and convince them to engage in sex to a society where women had to compete for men, and if they didn't put out, someone else would.

What the research showed is that the advent of abortion actually coincided with an increase in unplanned, out-of-wedlock births. Because women who would not have abortions were influenced by an increasing "hookup culture" to behave like women who would. Because men felt no societal pressure to be worthwhile, decent guys who took responsibility. Hey, she chose to have the baby, that's on her, not them. Now we have a widespread phenomenon of men spraying their sperm around like a garden hose, making multiple children they subsequently ignore with multiple women. There are actually men who consider it a badge of honor to have multiple "baby mamas", like they're getting a high score in Pokemon Go or something.

I have far more I can say, but I'm not a fan of hugely long posts, since I doubt most people bother reading them.
You just said 16 weeks. A compromise would be in that range and ends late term abortion even in blue states.
No it does not end late term abortion, it ends ELECTIVE late term abortion. So are saying you agree to legal unrestricted abortion up to 16 weeks?
Restating a point I made last week:

How can Democrats champion bodily autonomy for women when they literally forced them to take vaccines during the pandemic whether they wished to or not?

How does bodily autonomy apply in one circumstance, but not the other?
Well, I think this is where the right is being a wee bit dishonest. No one was forced to get vaccinated.
No it does not end late term abortion, it ends ELECTIVE late term abortion. So are saying you agree to legal unrestricted abortion up to 16 weeks?
Yes. But applied to everyone and every state.

That is called compromise. Blue state late term goes bye bye
Several States already have egregious abortion laws. It's only going to get worse from here on out if Roe versus Wade goes to the wayside. Plus you were talking about limiting abortion to so many weeks. 92.7% of all abortions occur before the 13th week. But some of the most serious cases aren't discovered until the second trimester checkup and none of those abortions are a matter of inconvenience in a matter of grave concern. Late-term checkups reveal even more problems so the timetable thing is out. Ideally every case would have to be reviewed by the state if they're going to do this kind of garbage. It's basically a waste of time.
Agree, but late term abortions are usually not elective, it is more likely to impact a woman’s health or life or due to severe fetal defects. That should always be legal.
Yes. But applied to everyone and every state.

That is called compromise. Blue state late term goes bye bye
Blue state elective late term.

Andred state abortion bans and obstacles go bye bye.


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