Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

How does me smashing my head into my windshield affect you at all monetarily?
Your becoming a public road hazard endangers others, and even if they escape the danger you have created for them, they will incur the financial burden of police, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles, as well as medical care or expense to haul your carcass away.

Returning to the topic, there is a very real threat to women in regressive states having their personal freedom that has been their right for fifty years snatched away by authoritarians and arrogated by intrusive government politicians and bureaucrats. Most Americans oppose that.
Most Americans support Roe v Wade, the established compromise precedent of half-a-century.

While those polls exist 65% of Americans also believe that if Roe v Wade is overturned that abortion will be outright banned in the US as well so their support of the decision doesn't really mean much since they don't even know what it says. But even if they did support it, so what? What percentage of the US population supported Plessy? What percentage supported outright slavery in the 1700's? Was it correct just because a plurality of people agreed with it? What percentage of people thought the world was flat in 900 BC?

Here's an idea. If there is overwhelming support for abortion just have the state legislatures pass laws allowing it. Or they can make no laws banning it or concerning it at all which would do the same thing right? If there is truly that type of support for abortion this shouldn't be an issue.
Your becoming a public road hazard endangers others, and even if they escape the danger you have created for them, they will incur the financial burden of police, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles, as well as medical care or expense to haul your carcass away.

Returning to the topic, there is a very real threat to women in regressive states having their personal freedom that has been their right for fifty years snatched away by authoritarians and arrogated by intrusive government politicians and bureaucrats. Most Americans oppose that.
How would my not wearing a seatbelt cause a hazard for anyone else exactly? Are you confused about what your seatbelt does? You are aware that seatbelts dont keep you from crashing your car right? If I wreck my car and have a seatbelt on Im just as much a hazard as if Im in the same wreck without my seatbelt.
Your becoming a public road hazard endangers others, and even if they escape the danger you have created for them, they will incur the financial burden of police, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles, as well as medical care or expense to haul your carcass away.

Returning to the topic, there is a very real threat to women in regressive states having their personal freedom that has been their right for fifty years snatched away by authoritarians and arrogated by intrusive government politicians and bureaucrats. Most Americans oppose that.
Not to mention the fact that he would become ( if he is not already) dependent on the social safety net (if he lived) and instead of being productive and a taxpayer, would be a drain on the systems such as state disability and social security. The fool probably does not have health insurance either

While those polls exist 65% of Americans also believe that if Roe v Wade is overturned that abortion will be outright banned in the US as well so their support of the decision doesn't really mean much since they don't even know what it says.
That sounds like a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement. I find it hard to believe that so many people are that poorly informed.
How would my not wearing a seatbelt cause a hazard for anyone else exactly? Are you confused about what your seatbelt does? You are aware that seatbelts dont keep you from crashing your car right? If I wreck my car and have a seatbelt on Im just as much a hazard as if Im in the same wreck without my seatbelt.
See post 3184. I suspect that you have already smashed your head and are suffering from serious brain damage
Not to mention the fact that he would become ( if he is not already) dependent on the social safety net (if he lived) and instead of being productive and a taxpayer, would be a drain on the systems such as state disability and social security. The fool probably does not have health insurance either

Cant see the forest due to the trees can you? But to your point why have we allowed states to make their own laws regarding this issue that's going to cause hazards and monetary hardships for the rest of us? Why is New Hampshire allowed to go on not having a seatbelt law? Why are Ohio and HI to name 2 allowed to not have a helmet law for the motorcyclists?
Not to mention the fact that he would become ( if he is not already) dependent on the social safety net (if he lived) and instead of being productive and a taxpayer, would be a drain on the systems such as state disability and social security. The fool probably does not have health insurance either

Living in the United States, one is the recipient of numerous benefits, and to pretend otherwise is churlish.
Living in the United States, one is the recipient of numerous benefits, and to pretend otherwise is churlish.
Im well aware of the benefits of living in the US. Unlike most of the people on this board I spent a good part of my adult life living outside the US in some of the worst places the world has to offer.
If I wreck my car and have a seatbelt on Im just as much a hazard as if Im in the same wreck without my seatbelt.
If you are claiming that a serious head injury would not impact your cerebral function in any detectible manner that would render you more dependent upon a benevolent society, you need to realize that others would likely experience a significant diminution.
Returning to the topic, there is a very real threat to women in regressive states having their personal freedom that has been their right for fifty years snatched away by authoritarians and arrogated by intrusive government politicians and bureaucrats. Most Americans oppose that.
It is a bigger threat to the children that are being murdered because the mother was too stupid to use birth control when getting porked by Jamal.
If you are claiming that a serious head injury would not impact your cerebral function in any detectible manner that would render you more dependent upon a benevolent society, you need to realize that others would likely experience a significant diminution.
Ok, why have we allowed state governments to make these decisions? There are states without helmet laws and one without a seatbelt law. Why has the federal government not mandated via the SCOTUS that all states have seatbelt and helmet laws?
It is a bigger threat to the children that are being murdered because the mother was too stupid to use birth control when getting porked by Jamal.
Then I take it that you support unrestricted access to affordable birth control?. You do know that some of those states that will ban abortion would also ban most forms of birth control? Who that hell is Jamal? Oh right, a black guy. I see where you're coming from
Then I take it that you support unrestricted access to affordable birth control?. You do know that some of those states that will ban abortion would also ban most forms of birth control? Who that hell is Jamal? Oh right, a black guy. I see where you're coming from
You didn't read the draft decision did you?
Half the country and blue states have NO LAWS to ban abortion.............changes NOTHING.
Absolutely. As I’ve said elsewhere, the thugs threatening the justices with murder aren’t doing so to keep abortion available, but to make sure it’s convenient and doesn’t require a bus ride.

I say if the unborn baby is about to endure the “inconvenience” of being robbed of life, then Mama can sit her butt down for a few hours if she’s in a restrictive state and has delayed too long about her decision - or move to a state that better suits her outlook on killing one’s child.
What the hell do you mean? It changes everything for women in the other half of the country that have or will pass laws banning abortion. It will be devastating for women, especially for those who can't travel. I don't think that you people actually believe your own bullshit. But you keep telling these lies because you think that others will believe them. Maybe you moron friends on the right will, but you are not fooling us

If they’re physically able to do the nasty dance, they can sit on a freakin’ Greyhound. (Or, if they picked their dance partner responsibly, let HIM drive her.)

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