Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Then I take it that you support unrestricted access to affordable birth control?. You do know that some of those states that will ban abortion would also ban most forms of birth control? Who that hell is Jamal? Oh right, a black guy. I see where you're coming from
It is not my responsibly to pay for you birth control. It is your responsibility. It is, however, my responsibility to be an advocate for a child that can't speak for themselves to keep it from being murdered.

Go buy a goddamn condom. They cost about 25 cents and many places will give them to you for free.

Of course you can always keep your panties on and not have to worry.
Take a guess (ie nunya bidnez)
I’m conducting a study. It seems that the most virulent pro-abortion supporters, and who attack and insult those who don’t, are men.

A lot of this is driven by dudes who like the idea that if they knock up a woman, there’s an easy out for them so they don’t get stuck with child support.
It is not my responsibly to pay for you birth control. It is your responsibility. It is, however, my responsibility to be an advocate for a child that can't speak for themselves to keep it from being murdered.

Go buy a goddamn condom. They cost about 25 cents and many places will give them to you for free.

Of course you can always keep your panties on and not have to worry.
In my experience, there has NEVER been a man who has refused to wear a condom when “no sex otherwise” was the other choice.
I’m conducting a study. It seems that the most virulent pro-abortion supporters, and who attack and insult those who don’t, are men.
Here's a hint: I'm not interested in your attempts to turn the debate into a cesspool of ad hom attacks. Talk about the ideas, and refrain from personal attacks.

Do you have any? Ideas?
Here's a hint: I'm not interested in your attempts to turn the debate into a cesspool of ad hom attacks. Talk about the ideas, and refrain from personal attacks.

Do you have any? Ideas?
Got it. You’re a man.

And my idea is to follow the Constitution and let voters of each state determine their laws.

And as far as ad hom attacks, weren’t you the man who called me a dipshit for refusing to yield to the liberal position?
It is not my responsibly to pay for you birth control. It is your responsibility. It is, however, my responsibility to be an advocate for a child that can't speak for themselves to keep it from being murdered.

Go buy a goddamn condom. They cost about 25 cents and many places will give them to you for free.

Of course you can always keep your panties on and not have to worry.
Thank you for confirming your hypocrisy and ignorance. The cost to you of birth control through insurance would equal that of a weekly Latte at Starbucks and condoms often fail. If you are going to oppose abortion, you damned sure have an obligation to support the prevention of pregnancy. You can't have it both ways
Here's a hint: I'm not interested in your attempts to turn the debate into a cesspool of ad hom attacks. Talk about the ideas, and refrain from personal attacks.

Do you have any? Ideas?
Hsvent seen you this mad since I rubbed your fake Libertarian ass in the dirt with the SCOTUS picks. Poor Hillary.

Elections have consequences. Anyway your side should have no say in all states especially when you go postal over murdering babies. Especially Late Term which is barbarism.

Leftist lose their minds ehen they lose. And you are a leftist pretending to be a libertarian.
Thank you for confirming your hypocrisy and ignorance. The cost to you of birth control through insurance would equal that of a weekly Latte at Starbucks and condoms often fail. If you are going to oppose abortion, you damned sure have an obligation to support the prevention of pregnancy. You can't have it both ways
More Free shit. Because we Owe you something?

Get a job. Buy your own dang rubbers. Or dont put it in if you dont want babies.
Thank you for confirming your hypocrisy and ignorance. The cost to you of birth control through insurance would equal that of a weekly Latte at Starbucks and condoms often fail. If you are going to oppose abortion, you damned sure have an obligation to support the prevention of pregnancy. You can't have it both ways
Thank you for indicating that you don't give a shit about personal responsibility. If you are going to fuck a woman and don't want to knock her up then you need to pay for you own condom or else keep your pecker in your pants. It is not my responsibility.

My obligation is to save the life of a child that you Libtards want to murder. That is a core moral obligation of all humans to protect children that can't protect themselves.

It is the responsibility of the parents to not get pregnant if they don't want to be bothered with taking care of their child. It is also their responsibility to provide for the welfare of the child once it is born, not mine.

You Moon Bat are always confused about the concept of responsibility, aren't you?
Thank you for confirming your hypocrisy and ignorance. The cost to you of birth control through insurance would equal that of a weekly Latte at Starbucks and condoms often fail. If you are going to oppose abortion, you damned sure have an obligation to support the prevention of pregnancy. You can't have it both ways.
Condoms are really cheap. Are you telling me that mentally competent adults who decide to engage in sex can’t afford a condom? That’s the excuse?
Thank you for confirming your hypocrisy and ignorance. The cost to you of birth control through insurance would equal that of a weekly Latte at Starbucks and condoms often fail. If you are going to oppose abortion, you damned sure have an obligation to support the prevention of pregnancy. You can't have it both ways
Wait. If you oppose the killing of an unborn baby you have to support the taxpayer funding birth control?
Got it. You’re a man.

And my idea is to follow the Constitution and let voters of each state determine their laws.

And as far as ad hom attacks, weren’t you the man who called me a dipshit for refusing to yield to the liberal position?
Sure whatever.
Elections have consequences.
I think this phrase, more than anything else Obama said, represents what's wrong with the Democratic party (and by extension, Trumpster Republicans, who are essentially the same thing). The kind of in-your-face majoritarianism that it embodies is tearing our nation apart.
And you are a leftist pretending to be a libertarian.
Yes, yes. By your moronic definition of "leftist" (anyone who doesn't suck Trump's balls), I guess I must be a leftist.

As far a "libertarian" goes - you're just not smart enough dude. I'm not even gonna try to explain it to you.
It is a bigger threat to the children that are being murdered because the mother was too stupid to use birth control when getting porked by Jamal.
Your compulsion to sit in judgement and dictate your demands to women, and your pretense that even microscopic, mindless amalgams of cells are "children" are silly.

Most Americans respect a woman's right to make private decisions in consultation with loved ones, and her medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts, not to be subjected to authoritarian edicts in retrogressive states that pander to statist fanatics.
Your compulsion to sit in judgement and dictate your demands to women, and your pretense that even microscopic, mindless amalgams of cells are "children" are silly.

Most Americans respect a woman's right to make private decisions in consultation with loved ones, and her medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts, not to be subjected to authoritarian edicts in retrogressive states that pander to statist fanatics.

You are really confused about this, aren't you? Typical for a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

I respect the right of a woman to be responsible and killing a child for the purpose of birth control is as irresponsible as it gets.

It goes beyond being private because it involves the death of another human being. A human being that cannot speak for itself.

If a "loved one" advises you to kill your kid because it will be a bother to you then that loved one is a piece of shit.

It is amazing how immoral you Libtard asshoes are when it comes to such a basic human instinct as protecting children that can't protect themselves. Disgusting. You are not much of a human, are you?
What are you saying? That PP should pay for all out-patient medical procedures?
No, that if it is important enough they should pony up and take a long bus ride.
Well, the execution I attended, there wasn't DNA evidence that I'm aware of. However, there were fingerprints all over the scene, his excuses were laughable, he confessed after he was convicted, and he himself waived his appeals and chose to be executed over life in prison.
Well….gotta say…I have never attended an execution.
You’re still not making sense. If something is important enough, yes….people should be willing to take a bus ride. What’s the issue?
That abortion clinics are not treated the same as other clinics which do comparable out patient services.
Wait. If you oppose the killing of an unborn baby you have to support the taxpayer funding birth control?
You want the government to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies but don’t want the government to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Yup, that’s rightwing logic for you.

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