Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

That is awesome! You support criminalizing abuse! Of course, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t. But how exactly is that going to help all those children you are now forcing women to bear, whether or not they can afford it, or get maternity leave, or afford childcare so they can work or finish school? How will it feed those kids, and provide for their medical care?
You are projecting yet another assumption onto me, personally. I have not forced "women to bear" anything. Unless the woman was raped, she risked getting pregnant voluntarily.
As for all the other stuff, I support laws and even programs to help women who need it. I was a fucking single parent myself and that is why your personal attacks are so off fucking base and offensive to me.
You are projecting yet another assumption onto me, personally. I have not forced "women to bear" anything. Unless the woman was raped, she risked getting pregnant voluntarily.
As for all the other stuff, I support laws and even programs to help women who need it. I was a fucking single parent myself and that is why your personal attacks are so off fucking base and offensive to me.
It is strange then that you agreed with Flash’s post then since he very clearly stated it wasn’t his problem once it was born.
Basically it is a simple medical procedure with a complicated ethical component. In terms of regulating clinics and those who use the service it should be the same as any other comparable medical procedure. It isn’t a question of value.
NO. It is not the same as any other medical procedure. As you say, t has a controversial ethical component - the termination of a life - and one cannot in full faith align it with “other comparable medical procedures” - although I know liberals would like it to be viewed that way. A cataract removal, a colonoscopy, an abortion….all the same.
It is strange then that you agreed with Flash’s post then since he very clearly stated it wasn’t his problem once it was born.
You only assumed that is what he said and meant. His actual words were;

"Saving the life of children from the death of abortion does not mean I am responsible for them for the rest of their lives."

Do you disagree with that?

"It is the responsibility of the parents to care for their child."

Do you disagree with that one too?
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You are projecting yet another assumption onto me, personally. I have not forced "women to bear" anything. Unless the woman was raped, she risked getting pregnant voluntarily.
As for all the other stuff, I support laws and even programs to help women who need it. I was a fucking single parent myself and that is why your personal attacks are so off fucking base and offensive to me.
I hear your anger and frustration, and I’m with you.
You only assumed that is what he said and meant. Hiactual words were;

"Saving the life of children from the death of abortion does not mean I am responsible for them for the rest of their lives."

Do you disagree with that?

"It is the responsibility of the parents to care for their child."

Do you disagree with that one too?
Responsibility. What we as individuals as well as collectively have towards others. You feel responsible for ending abortion, but you don’t feel responsibility for what happens to them after as a consequence?

Especially now that you have removed choice? Everything you and Flash say seems to indicate that once the child is born, tough luck.

You don’t believe in a collective responsibility towards children.
Responsibility. What we as individuals as well as collectively have towards others. You feel responsible for ending abortion, but you don’t feel responsibility for what happens to them after as a consequence?

Especially now that you have removed choice? Everything you and Flash say seems to indicate that once the child is born, tough luck.

You don’t believe in a collective responsibility towards children.
They’ll still have a choice. Stop pretending as if a national ban on abortion is coming.

And you don’t seem to believe in parental responsibility toward children. We don’t live in communes.
There is no guarentee it won’t and a choice is only a choice when you are free to make it.
Save your scare tactics for someone who will fall for them. NO WAY are liberal states going to ban abortion. And everyone will still have a choice, albeit a bus ride away for some.
I wasn’t thinking that, but of a federal ban.
How could there be a federal ban? SCOTUS doesn’t have the authority to write laws, and Congress would never do it.

I bet you $93,000 it will never happen.
How could there be a federal ban? SCOTUS doesn’t have the authority to write laws, and Congress would never do it.

I bet you $93,000 it will never happen.
I don’t make bets, but at this point, a federal ban is not off the table. I never expected Roe to be overturned either.
I don’t make bets, but at this point, a federal ban is not off the table. I never expected Roe to be overturned either.
Of course a federal ban is off the table. Who would issue such a ban?

As far as Roe being overturned, the final decision hasn’t be made yet, but why wouldn't you be aware that it could be reversed? It was a controversial decision at the time, and the country is pretty evenly divided over whether killing unborn babies is morally acceptable.

So why wouldn’t it occur to you that an issue over which about half the people are unhappy, and whose application as to states’ rights is questionable, wouldn’t be revisited at some point? Why would you just assume that YOUR half gets to continue setting law for the entire country?
Of course a federal ban is off the table. Who would issue such a ban?

As far as Roe being overturned, the final decision hasn’t be made yet, but why wouldn't you be aware that it could be reversed? It was a controversial decision at the time, and the country is pretty evenly divided over whether killing unborn babies is morally acceptable.

So why wouldn’t it occur to you that an issue over which about half the people are unhappy, and whose application as to states’ rights is questionable, wouldn’t be revisited at some point? Why would you just assume that YOUR half gets to continue setting law for the entire country?
Judicial decisions aren’t typically based on popular approval. When Roe passed it passed 7-2 with a ideological plurality. It withstood court challenges for 50 years, was the basis for subsequent laws and retained popular support, between 61 and 66%, so not that evenly divided And certainly not half. There was no reason to seriously believed it would be struck down. Since there is no such thing as settled law anymore, I supposed this decision could later be reversed and others, like Heller, when the ideological make of the court changes.
Judicial decisions aren’t typically based on popular approval. When Roe passed it passed 7-2 with a ideological plurality. It withstood court challenges for 50 years, was the basis for subsequent laws and retained popular support, between 61 and 66%, so not that evenly divided And certainly not half. There was no reason to seriously believed it would be struck down. Since there is no such thing as settled law anymore, I supposed this decision could later be reversed and others, like Heller, when the ideological make of the court changes.
That 61% support is suspect because voters are poorly informed as to what Roe v Wade means. Many people think a reversal means a total ban, rather than on a state by state basis. It remains that half the country thinks abortion is morally wrong, and half do not.
Well….gotta say…I have never attended an execution.

Be glad. The only reason I attended one is because the bastard assaulted me and my sister. For that, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. About halfway through that, he was linked by a new fingerprint program to the scene of a 2-year-old girl who was murdered with an ice pick.

I attended his execution because I wanted to be sure he was dead, and would never get out of prison and try to come after me.

So you can see why I'm unmovable on the subject of capital punishment overall.
That abortion clinics are not treated the same as other clinics which do comparable out patient services.

This is true. For one thing, abortion clinics are allowed to bypass the legal requirements comparable outpatient clinics are subject to.

Even excluding the most egregious examples such as Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors - for which any other provider of outpatient medical procedures would have been put under the jail - they get away with conditions that would be unthinkable for a medical clinic.

For example, remember a few years back, when Louisiana tried to pass a law requiring that abortion providers have admitting privileges to a nearby hospital, for the treatment of their patients should something go seriously wrong? Every outpatient surgical clinic in the nation is required by law to have admitting privileges to a nearby hospital in case of emergency. Hell, my GP has admitting privileges to a hospital. But the pro-choice cohort lost their damned minds and ended up challenging the law in federal court.

There are states in this country where abortion clinics have fewer regulations on them for safety and cleanliness than veterinary clinics and tattoo parlors.

So by all means, let's talk about abortion clinics being treated differently.

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