Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The left just make shit up...........Lie and deceive. Do whatever it takes to gain power.


This is who they remind me of in History...........Before Lenin and Stalin were done.......nearly 60 million people died.
That's Joe Biden in his past life... Stirring up crap to hide his own.


You are a parrty of BUTCHERS.

Exactly... Have you ever heard of such idiotic logic in which they use ? Just kill them for their own good is what they advocate for... They need help for their mental condition's in life, not position's of power instead.
That's Joe Biden in his past life... Stirring up crap to hide his own.
That one caused the death of about 60 million. They slaughtered anyone who disagreed. Including their own side.

All yelling DIVERSITY AND UNITY .........we are HERE FOR THE they slaughter people.
Exactly... Have you ever heard of such idiotic logic in which they use ? Just kill them for their own good is what they advocate for... They need help for their mental condition's in life, not position's of power instead.
Many like them in History. And a massive trail of dead people. Lenin said give me 4 years with your child and I'll change him forever.

Same as Hitler Youth.........brain washed Fanatics..............Told from birth that JEWS DID ALL THIS SHIT TO YOU............

Middle East the same.......We get the child a baseball glove...........they get the child a ak47
That one caused the death of about 60 million. They slaughtered anyone who disagreed. Including their own side.

All yelling DIVERSITY AND UNITY .........we are HERE FOR THE they slaughter people.
Could easily go down those same roads here also. We aren't immune to this sort of thing happening, and it appears that the storm's are attempting to line themselves up for bad weather to come.
Could easily go down those same roads here also. We aren't immune to this sort of thing happening, and it appears that the storm's are attempting to line themselves up for bad weather to come.
Well the new Bolsheviks have moved into places to brain wash our kids............they control most of the 4th tier of government........Federal Employees......They use tactics of terror and intimidation.

Only thing missing is the sickle and star.
Well the new Bolsheviks have moved into places to brain wash our kids............they control most of the 4th tier of government........Federal Employees......They use tactics of terror and intimidation.

Only thing missing is the sickle and star.
Must be watchful or this nation could easily be taken down the paths of destruction. It seems that we are already toying with it big time
Must be watchful or this nation could easily be taken down the paths of destruction. It seems that we are already toying with it big time
Yes, and Coyote signaled it upthread when she asked “aren‘t children a collective responsibility?”

The leftists are moving everything away from personal responsibility to collective responsibility - in which, of course, the collective decides what is best. We saw that when Biden told teachers that other people’s children were THEIR children during school hours. We saw that when McAuliffe (loser in the VA gov race) said that parents shouldn’t have a say in what their kids are taught in school.
The attack is in the way you projected your own assumptions onto me. I never once said that my concern for children ends at birth because I actually do support laws that criminalize the abuse and neglect of children of any age or stage of development.
Do you support the Affordable Care Act, Paid Family Leave, and Food Stamps?
Do you support the Affordable Care Act, Paid Family Leave, and Food Stamps?
Projection............Look at this.........if you say you don't approve of these..............You have the RIGHT TO KILL........

For their own Good..............Sound's like Lenin and Stalin...........Did someone put Lenin in the pet cemetary again?
You are really confused about this, aren't you? Typical for a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

I respect the right of a woman to be responsible and killing a child for the purpose of birth control is as irresponsible as it gets.

It goes beyond being private because it involves the death of another human being. A human being that cannot speak for itself.

If a "loved one" advises you to kill your kid because it will be a bother to you then that loved one is a piece of shit.

It is amazing how immoral you Libtard asshoes are when it comes to such a basic human instinct as protecting children that can't protect themselves. Disgusting. You are not much of a human, are you?
Fanatics fantasize that mindless, microscopic amalgams of cells are persons. In fact, fetal viability is generally considered to begin at 23 or 24 weeks gestational.

You favor your politicians and bureaucrats inflicting your opinion on women over allowing women to make personal, informed decisions in such private matters, rather than women having the freedom they enjoy in advanced democracies.

Your state control is practiced in Iran, Egypt, Honduras, and El Salvador

Most Americans clearly support freedom from your intrusive government coercion:
Fanatics fantasize that mindless, microscopic amalgams of cells are persons. In fact, fetal viability is generally considered to begin at 23 or 24 weeks gestational.

You favor your politicians and bureaucrats inflicting your opinion on women over allowing women to make personal, informed decisions in such private matters, rather than women having the freedom they enjoy in advanced democracies.

Your state control is practiced in Iran, Egypt, Honduras, and El Salvador

Most Americans clearly support freedom from your intrusive government coercion:
Most Americans favor it because they have been lied to by the media to believe overturning it means a national ban. if they were told the truth - about it reverting to the voters in each state - it would be 50/50.
Fanatics fantasize that mindless, microscopic amalgams of cells are persons. In fact, fetal viability is generally considered to begin at 23 or 24 weeks gestational.

You favor your politicians and bureaucrats inflicting your opinion on women over allowing women to make personal, informed decisions in such private matters, rather than women having the freedom they enjoy in advanced democracies.

Your state control is practiced in Iran, Egypt, Honduras, and El Salvador

Most Americans clearly support freedom from your intrusive government coercion:
Most humans don't support the killing of children. You stupid Moon Bats do but then you are lacking in human morality aren't you?
Most Americans favor it because they have been lied to by the media
Your need to inflict your paranoid view of the free press to prop up your partisan wish to inflict big government into personal, private decisions is transparent.

If fact, you have no credible data to sustain your prejudiced view.
Most humans don't support the killing of children.
Certainly not. A woman exercising her personal freedom concerning such private decisions rather than your bureaucrats dictating to her concerns the period of gestation before a viable person has developed.
Your need to inflict your paranoid view of the free press to prop up your partisan wish to inflict big government into personal, private decisions is transparent.

If fact, you have no credible data to sustain your prejudiced view.
Oh riiiiight….the “free press.” That’s why libtards went into meltdown over the idea that Musk would allow free speech on Twitter.
Your need to inflict your paranoid view of the free press to prop up your partisan wish to inflict big government into personal, private decisions is transparent.

If fact, you have no credible data to sustain your prejudiced view.
But yet it was the Worthless Negro that said that Fox News was a threat to America.

Now that asshole Potatohead just announced he was using the government as a propaganda instrument with telling America what is true or not. A Ministry of Truth. Right out of 1984.

Socialism requirement tremendous government control and we see it when the filthy Democrats get power.
Certainly not. A woman exercising her personal freedom concerning such private decisions rather than your bureaucrats dictating to her concerns the period of gestation before a viable person has developed.
“Private decisions” are not private when they involve terminating a life.

What if I make a private decision to push the toddler next door off the balcony?
Certainly not. A woman exercising her personal freedom concerning such private decisions rather than your bureaucrats dictating to her concerns the period of gestation before a viable person has developed.

This is where you stupid immoral Moon Bats are always confused.

You don't understand that a woman's right to chose does not include the right to murder a child for the sake of convenience. You are lacking in basic human morality to understand something like that. Kinda of like the Nazis not understanding that it was wrong to kill Jews because they diodn't want them around.

You little shits were not concerned about the right to chose when it came to Pandemic government mandates so don't give me that horseshit.
Oh riiiiight….the “free press.” That’s why libtards went into meltdown over the idea that Musk would allow free speech on Twitter.
I have expressed no interest in your social media.

I note the reality that a broad range of diverse perspectives in reportage and editorial opinion is readily accessible in the United States, despite the "deep state" paranoia that festers in some noggins.

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