Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Pffft, "leaving the question to each person" as if the decision born of the question involves no one else.. So if one chooses to take the life of the unborn child at any stage of development, then leftist are willing to adhere to that person's decision without conscience of it, and so they would just help them kill that unborn child at any stage eh ??
Your distortion of reality is noted, as well as your fixation upon the "leftists" that frolic in your noggin.

A woman's right of privacy and control of her own body, as she makes personal decisions in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers, is respected under the compromise ruling of Roe v Wade, established law for half-a-century, supported by most Americans, before a viable fetus has developed.

Authoritarians abrogating that freedom and arrogating it to state bureaucracy is antithetical to the progress that has been achieved in advanced democratic nations.
Could easily go down those same roads here also. We aren't immune to this sort of thing happening, and it appears that the storm's are attempting to line themselves up for bad weather to come.
The hyperbolic, hateful, extremist rhetoric by authoritarians who are hellbent upon state bureaucracies seizing recognized individual freedom in making informed, personal decisions is deranged.

Most Americans respect the right of an American to control her own body before a viable fetus has developed within it, at which point society has a legitimate interest in protecting it.

Screeching "Murderer!" at most Americans, and at citizens of advanced democracies, evidences a fanaticism that is not conducive to intelligent discussion.
The hyperbolic, hateful, extremist rhetoric by authoritarians who are hellbent upon state bureaucracies seizing recognized individual freedom in making informed, personal decisions is deranged.

Most Americans respect the right of an American to control her own body before a viable fetus has developed within it, at which point society has a legitimate interest in protecting it.

Screeching "Murderer!" at most Americans, and at citizens of advanced democracies, evidences a fanaticism that is not conducive to intelligent discussion.
Now you want to try and wiggle out of the bull crap by claiming it's been all the while about stopping a woman's choice "before a viable fetus is developed", when you know damned well what's been going on in all of the shocking developments or add ons over the year's.. Then you try and revert back to the beginning as if nothing has progressed forward in stages over the year's... You are a joke.
Well the new Bolsheviks have moved into places to brain wash our kids............they control most of the 4th tier of government........Federal Employees......They use tactics of terror and intimidation.

Only thing missing is the sickle and star.
The irony of the hyper-partisan, authoritarian radicals raving about their demonic "liberals!" (i.e., most Americans who support Rue v Wade) is that, by any rational criterion, respecting a half-century's established law is, clearly, to espouse a conservative position.

conservative: 1) disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Of course, "restoring traditional ones" by trashing the conservative principle of stare decisis, could mean returning to the "quickening" (16-20 weeks) standard of Christian theologians Aquinas and Augustine that had been the temporal moral determinant of Christianity that applied throughout most of the history of the United States. For centuries, the "quickening" also had important legal ramifications. British common law, eventually imported to Colonial America, outlawed abortion only if it took place only after the quickening, again, 16-20 weeks.

There is nothing conservative about promoting an extreme change from an accepted status quo to intrusive, invasive statism.
Now you want to try and wiggle out of the bull crap by claiming it's been all the while about stopping a woman's choice "before a viable fetus is developed", when you know damned well what's been going on in all of the shocking developments or add ons over the year's.. Then you try and revert back to the beginning as if nothing has progressed forward in stages over the year's... You are a joke.
Your fraudulent claims notwithstanding, I, like most Americans, support the established law of the land as determined by the Roe v Wade compromise fifty years ago, the decision to terminate a pregnancy being solely at the discretion of the woman, not your politicians and bureaucrats dictating to her. Nothing more, nothing less.
Your fraudulent claims notwithstanding, I, like most Americans, support the established law of the land as determined by the Roe v Wade compromise fifty years ago, the decision to terminate a pregnancy being solely at the discretion of the woman, not your politicians and bureaucrats dictating to her. Nothing more, nothing less.
Trying to be slick ain't helping you.
Trying to be slick ain't helping you.
It's obvious that you are unable to refute the truth that I have clearly stated. I, like most Americans, support the established law of the land as determined by the Roe v Wade compromise fifty years ago, the decision to terminate a pregnancy being solely at the discretion of the woman, not your politicians and bureaucrats dictating to her.

Authoritarians want their politicians and bureaucrats to abrogate that established right.
The needless, wanton slaughter of viable healthy unborn children will continue. Take delight in that, you ghoulish sadist.
Give me a fucking break! How many are actually viable. You are the sadistic ghoul who wants to force women to resort to back ally abortions where the will be at risk of serious harm or death. And because those abortions will be unregulated, there will be many late term abortions which, for the most part are now banned. How stupid can you people be?
Many like them in History. And a massive trail of dead people. Lenin said give me 4 years with your child and I'll change him forever.

Same as Hitler Youth.........brain washed Fanatics..............Told from birth that JEWS DID ALL THIS SHIT TO YOU............

Middle East the same.......We get the child a baseball glove...........they get the child a ak47
Holy Shit! You people are over the edge!

It's obvious that you are unable to refute the truth that I have clearly stated. I, like most Americans, support the established law of the land as determined by the Roe v Wade compromise fifty years ago, the decision to terminate a pregnancy being solely at the discretion of the woman, not your politicians and bureaucrats dictating to her.

Authoritarians want their politicians and bureaucrats to abrogate that established right.
50 years ago means nothing, otherwise we can revisit the Vietnam war to determine that certain things our government did weren't correct or right, and therefore it put us on a path of correction, so you constantly trying to tell us that 50 year's ago the ruling was correct is laughable. We know better that we are not a perfect people, and that we are subject to making mistakes, but at least we've had the since to correct those mistakes, especially after viewing the fall out and negative effects of those mistakes.

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