Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Condoms are really cheap. Are you telling me that mentally competent adults who decide to engage in sex can’t afford a condom? That’s the excuse?
Condoms are not the most reliable methods.
It is not my responsibly to pay for you birth control. It is your responsibility. It is, however, my responsibility to be an advocate for a child that can't speak for themselves to keep it from being murdered.

Go buy a goddamn condom. They cost about 25 cents and many places will give them to you for free.

Of course you can always keep your panties on and not have to worry.
Why does your advocacy stop at birth then?
More Free shit. Because we Owe you something?

Get a job. Buy your own dang rubbers. Or dont put it in if you dont want babies.
Holy shit!! Can't you people ever come up with an original thought, an idea of your own . All that you do is to continue to bleat party line talking points like "free shit" and" baby killers' without actually putting any thought into the issue
That abortion clinics are not treated the same as other clinics which do comparable out patient services.
You must be kidding. Abortion is a highly controversial procedure in which the intentional termination of life is involved ; a new treatment for a medical condition which impacts nobody’s life but one‘s own is not.

That you think abortion is the same as getting a broken bone set tells me how little value you place on unborn children, and this is why there is a big problem.
Wait. If you oppose the killing of an unborn baby you have to support the taxpayer funding birth control?
Now you're catching on. Not only do you have to support the availability of birth control, but you also have to support health care, food programs, paid family leave and a whole lot more. Tell us more about how pro life you are you fucking hypocrite .
You want the government to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies but don’t want the government to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Yup, that’s rightwing logic for you.
LOL. I don't think that as a society we should condone the killing of unborn children. I'm asking if it's the government's role to provide birth control at taxpayer expense. It's not like you get pregnant by accident or we don't know how it happens. Why is it a binary choice, either you let me kill my unborn children or provide me birth control free of charge. You could get a job and provide your own birth control, what's that cost 15-25 dollars a month? If you can't afford 15 dollars a month you can't afford to have sex.
Now you're catching on. Not only do you have to support the availability of birth control, but you also have to support health care, food programs, paid family leave and a whole lot more. Tell us more about how pro life you are you fucking hypocrite .
LOL let me kill unborn children or support me birth to grave with government programs.
LOL. I don't think that as a society we should condone the killing of unborn children. I'm asking if it's the government's role to provide birth control at taxpayer expense. It's not like you get pregnant by accident or we don't know how it happens. Why is it a binary choice, either you let me kill my unborn children or provide me birth control free of charge. You could get a job and provide your own birth control, what's that cost 15-25 dollars a month? If you can't afford 15 dollars a month you can't afford to have sex.
Taxpayers often end up paying for unwanted children one way or another. Birth control is a hell of a lot cheaper than a child. Why not fund it or subsidize it?
You must be kidding. Abortion is a highly controversial procedure in which the intentional termination of life is involved ; a new treatment for a medical condition which impacts nobody’s life but one‘s own is not.

That you think abortion is the same as getting a broken bone set tells me how little value you place on unborn children, and this is why there is a big problem.
Basically it is a simple medical procedure with a complicated ethical component. In terms of regulating clinics and those who use the service it should be the same as any other comparable medical procedure. It isn’t a question of value.
Thank you for indicating that you don't give a shit about personal responsibility. If you are going to fuck a woman and don't want to knock her up then you need to pay for you own condom or else keep your pecker in your pants. It is not my responsibility.

My obligation is to save the life of a child that you Libtards want to murder. That is a core moral obligation of all humans to protect children that can't protect themselves.

It is the responsibility of the parents to not get pregnant if they don't want to be bothered with taking care of their child. It is also their responsibility to provide for the welfare of the child once it is born, not mine.

You Moon Bat are always confused about the concept of responsibility, aren't you?
You people love to blather about personal responsibility but seem to be unaware of the fact that in a civilized society we also have a responsibility others, to the community. You are a bunch of selfish, "every poor bastard for them selves" pricks. You bleat about killing n innocent child which is not actually a child yet, but do not give a half of a shit about the well being of that child once born. You people make me sick.
LOL. I don't think that as a society we should condone the killing of unborn children. I'm asking if it's the government's role to provide birth control at taxpayer expense. It's not like you get pregnant by accident or we don't know how it happens. Why is it a binary choice, either you let me kill my unborn children or provide me birth control free of charge. You could get a job and provide your own birth control, what's that cost 15-25 dollars a month? If you can't afford 15 dollars a month you can't afford to have sex.
Selfish, stupid and short cited bulllshit
Why does your advocacy stop at birth then?
Saving the life of children from the death of abortion does not mean I am responsible for them for the rest of their lives.

It is the responsibility of the parents to care for their child.

Simple things like this is really hard for you stupid uneducated Moon Bats to understand, isn't it?
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You people love to blather about personal responsibility but seem to be unaware of the fact that in a civilized society we also have a responsibility others, to the community. You are a bunch of selfish, "every poor bastard for them selves" pricks. You bleat about killing n innocent child which is not actually a child yet, but do not give a half of a shit about the well being of that child once born. You people make me sick.

The selfish bastards are the shitheads that will kill a child because they don't want to bother to take care of them. That is what 96% of all abortions is all about. Abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

Saving a child's life does not mean I am responsible for their welfare for the rest of their lives. The parents that borne the child are responsible for the welfare of the child. You idiot Moon Bats don't understand that, do you?

You idiot Libtards have no concept of responsibility, do you? Typical for stupid Socialist.
Saving the life of children from the death of abortion does not mean I am responsible for them for the rest of their lives.

It is the responsibility of the parents to care for their child.

Simple things like this is really hard for you stupid uneducated Moon Bats to understand, isn't it?
Ya….I figure that is what you and Chuz would say. Your concern for children ends at birth.
No. How can it be a personal attack when it’s what you agreed with?
The attack is in the way you projected your own assumptions onto me. I never once said that my concern for children ends at birth because I actually do support laws that criminalize the abuse and neglect of children of any age or stage of development.

So, your assumption is both wrong and because you directed your assumption at me personally. . . it is a personal attack.
The attack is in the way you projected your own assumptions onto me. I never once said that my concern for children ends at birth because I actually do support laws that criminalize the abuse and neglect of children of any age or stage of development.

So, your assumption is both wrong and because you directed your assumption at me personally. . . it is a personal attack.
That is awesome! You support criminalizing abuse! Of course, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t. But how exactly is that going to help all those children you are now forcing women to bear, whether or not they can afford it, or get maternity leave, or afford childcare so they can work or finish school? How will it feed those kids, and provide for their medical care?

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