Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

They think they can pressure a judge, like Roberts, to change his vote due to pressure. He did the same with Obamacare. The other possibility is they are trying stir up their nutty base to help them in the mid-terms.

Which Democratic justice leaked these notes? That is a HUGE no no and just goes to show you how crooked they really are.
I hear it told that he's on Epstein's "tourist" roster.
Even Suzy Wang here knows this is evil,

I always said there should be some limit on abortions.

I don't think anything up until the point of viability outside the womb should be illegal, after that if the life of the mother in in jeopardy or some genetic defect in the fetus is discovered would be the only 2 exceptions
They think they can pressure a judge, like Roberts, to change his vote due to pressure. He did the same with Obamacare. The other possibility is they are trying stir up their nutty base to help them in the mid-terms.

Which Democratic justice leaked these notes? That is a HUGE no no and just goes to show you how crooked they really are.
Could also be a conservative justice running it up the flagpole to see the reactions.
They think they can pressure a judge, like Roberts, to change his vote due to pressure. He did the same with Obamacare. The other possibility is they are trying stir up their nutty base to help them in the mid-terms.

Which Democratic justice leaked these notes? That is a HUGE no no and just goes to show you how crooked they really are.

This is my take too, it's a Hail Mary for the mid terms.
The leak is a criminal ploy to pressure the outcome, to prevent the reversal.

No liberal / Democrat will be held accountable.

The reversal is either Constitutional or not. It being leaked in advance has no bearing on Constitutionality, thus the leak should have no bearing on the final decision.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

The authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.

The ideologues' overthrow of precedent will be divisive for the nation, as maximal statists further arrogate to politicians and bureaucrats the control of Americans' wombs.

Rather than the individual American making a personal, informed decision in consultation with loved ones and trusted medical and spiritual advisers, an impersonal, blanket edict will be issued from on high by politicians and bureaucrats as rabid Statism usurps such personal freedom.

The consequence will be that more advanced, better educated states will re-enforce liberty, consistent with the progress that has been made in developed nations throughout the world, while the repressive, retrogressive jurisdictions will impose draconian government control upon the populace.

A vast number of freedom-loving Americans will oppose the Statist seizure of personal.private prerogatives that will abolish the established rights of Americans that have been respected for half-a-century.
They think they can pressure a judge, like Roberts, to change his vote due to pressure. He did the same with Obamacare. The other possibility is they are trying stir up their nutty base to help them in the mid-terms.

Which Democratic justice leaked these notes? That is a HUGE no no and just goes to show you how crooked they really are.

Even if Roberts, who is listed as undecided, sided with the 3 liberals it would be 5/4. Democrats know they have lost many voters due to FJB's failed policies, so they want to use this as a wedge issue to gin up support before the midterms, along with a way of intimidating the conservative Justices to change their vote.
A leftist, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren supporter, democrat party voter tried to murder the entire Repbulican baseball team over obamacare.......whoever released this draft isn't stupid......they know what the brown shirts of the democrat party are capable of. The democrat party used their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot, and murder in black neighborhoods to attack Trump's election chances.........whoever released this draft knows that the conservative justices are now targets for murder..........

The left is insane, and will do absolutely anything for power.
The door is now wide open for the SCOTUS to be expanded, mouth breather.

You Trump asseaters just stepped on your own dicks. :fu:
The authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.

The ideologues' overthrow of precedent will be divisive for the nation, as maximal statists further arrogate to politicians and bureaucrats the control of Americans' wombs.

Rather than the individual American making a personal, informed decision in consultation with loved ones and trusted medical and spiritual advisers, an impersonal, blanket edict will be issued from on high by politicians and bureaucrats as rabid Statism usurps such personal freedom.

The consequence will be that more advanced, better educated states will re-enforce liberty, consistent with the progress that has been made in developed nations throughout the world, while the repressive, retrogressive jurisdictions will impose draconian government control upon the populace.

A vast number of freedom-loving Americans will oppose the Statist seizure of personal.private prerogatives that will abolish the established rights of Americans that have been respected for half-a-century.
Ohhhhsss Noooos fat ass. What are you going to eat for lunch now?
The door is now wide open for the SCOTUS to be expanded, mouth breather.

You Trump asseaters just steppen on your own dicks. :fu:
Whoever the fucked leaked this is in serious ass trouble. Kagan or that mongoloid have a lodda splainin to do you. You were what abortion was intended for
The leak is a criminal ploy to pressure the outcome, to prevent the reversal.

No liberal / Democrat will be held accountable.

The reversal is either Constitutional or not. It being leaked in advance has no bearing on Constitutionality, thus the leak should have no bearing on the final decision.
The original ruling was a joke. The Constitution gives the federal govt no authority over medical matters and the const does not even mention abortion.
Whoever the fucked leaked this is in serious ass trouble. Kagan or that mongoloid have a lodda splainin to do you. You were what abortion was intended for
If the decision is such a wonderful thing why are you right wing Trump asseaters hysterical over the leak?

I didn't know that you were pro abortion, mouth breather.
If the decision is such a wonderful thing why are you right wing Trump asseaters hysterical over the leak?

I didn't know that you were pro abortion, mouth breather.
This was a deliberate attempt to change one opinion. This ruined the SC

I hope a violent insurrection happens...a real one
No they aren't. Gay marriage is legal, the first amendment exists, birth control is readily available and gay kids are freely able to obtain an education here in America, and you are free to vote for pro abortion policies with no restrictions whatsoever. That's if you're an American citizen. Which you are not.

Please show me the opposite.

You haven't really seen what's going on because you're not looking. The extreme right has just spent 50 years working to overturn Roe, including subverting the Supreme Court selection process to pack the court with extreme right wing factions. 70% of Americans are in favour of abortion rights for women.

Democrats have won the popular vote for president in every election since 1992, except 2006, and yet the Republicans have denied Democrats appointments a hearing, and rammed through an unqualified fringe candidate days before the 2020 election. The SC does not reflect the will of the American people.

The Senators who confirmed ACB to the court, represented 1.5 million fewer voters, than the Senators who voted against her confirmation.

Gay marriage is legal, for now, but the same people who are overturning abortion, are laying the groundwork in the abortion decision, to overturn gay marriage as well. They're coming for your rights next, little gay boy.

Right wingers are already saying the access to birth control is bad for women - leading to promiscuous and dangerous behaviour.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

Are you psyched? Just remember, the 4 justices that may vote to do that, swore under oath Roe was settled law at their confirmation hearings.

That’s the first thing I want you to remember, because that’s going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

The next thing I want you to remember, is now the court that has a majority, chosen by Presidents that did not win the popular vote, is now an illegitimate court, and the majority of the country now sees it exactly that way.

So much for the rule of law.

Now anything is possible as far as individual rights go. Any future court can now make any ruling, on any right, any way, as settled law no longer applies.

Be careful what you wish for.
Even if Roberts, who is listed as undecided, sided with the 3 liberals it would be 5/4. Democrats know they have lost many voters due to FJB's failed policies, so they want to use this as a wedge issue to gin up support before the midterms, along with a way of intimidating the conservative Justices to change their vote.
Roberts has cost taxpayers a lot of money. We all know that Progs put judges in that give them near unanimous agreed decisions. Not the Repubs though. We are to the point that everyday citizens can be branded terrorists for an offense a government entity wants to charge them with.

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