Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If the decision is such a wonderful thing why are you right wing Trump asseaters hysterical over the leak?

I didn't know that you were pro abortion, mouth breather.
The leak and the ruling are two separate issues jackass.
The real story here is that some clerk leaked a draft opinion.

That person should be barred from the legal profession for life.

At least that. If this leads to protests with fatalities, they should be charged with depraved indifference.
Good news, however, proponents of mass child sacrifice will do anything to maintain status quo. If this looks certain to pass expect political terrorism of the degree we've never before witnessed domestically. Further, if 'armies' of pro-death abortion fanatics choose this as their hill to fight and die on I say we accommodate them.
Probably male.
No one has
packed the court"

No administration knows exactly when a Justice will die or retire so the timing of which president who gets to nominate a justice is unpredictable.

Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
Unlike the OP who pulled the Democrats leaked the document from his ass, I am somewhat inclined to agree with you. The draft opinion is a draft and may or may not become the final opinion of SCOTUS. Given the ramifications of this decision they may have purposefully leaked it. I wouldn't be surprised either way. Be that as it may, SCOTUS opinions go through many variations as they are circulated among the justices. It is not uncommon for a justice to change their vote. I'll wait for the final opinion.
Supposedly this broke a rule that none of this is supposed to happen as the Supreme Court justices talk about it for a period of time. It is being speculated that this is just another planned deconstruction of the Constitution by the Progs.
Simply put. Anyone who views abortion as some sort of sacred ritual, I wish they would have been terminated. Hopefully, half out and a forecep head crushing, or a real botched one that sterilized your whore who dropped you on your fucking head

Now get the fuck away from me you pile a shat

Damed I read this twice. Can anyone make suggestions to make this more brutal, or is that impossible?
Probably Male.
They think they can pressure a judge, like Roberts, to change his vote due to pressure. He did the same with Obamacare.

Fail. According to the leaked information Roberts is already voting with the liberal cohort.
Simply put. Anyone who views abortion as some sort of sacred ritual, I wish they would have been terminated. Hopefully, half out and a forecep head crushing, or a real botched one that sterilized your whore who dropped you on your fucking head

Now get the fuck away from me you pile a shat

Damed I read this twice. Can anyone make suggestions to make this more brutal, or is that impossible?

Brutality against women is a hallmark of the anti-abortionists. Your hatred of women is duly noted. You were obviously dropped on YOUR head numerous times. This movement is grounded is misogyny and a desire to control and harm poor women and their families.

You're a disgrace to humanity.
Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
There was no " gift"

It was unpredictable timing that is all it was. The rest was political as usual and a Democrat president with a majority in the senate would have done the exact same thing

This can happen in any administration FDR nominated 8 in his terms as president. If anything you should be whining about this because we actually suspended the Constitution for FDR

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