Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You haven't really seen what's going on because you're not looking. The extreme right has just spent 50 years working to overturn Roe, including subverting the Supreme Court selection process to pack the court with extreme right wing factions. 70% of Americans are in favour of abortion rights for women.

Democrats have won the popular vote for president in every election since 1992, except 2006, and yet the Republicans have denied Democrats appointments a hearing, and rammed through an unqualified fringe candidate days before the 2020 election. The SC does not reflect the will of the American people.

The Senators who confirmed ACB to the court, represented 1.5 million fewer voters, than the Senators who voted against her confirmation.

Gay marriage is legal, for now, but the same people who are overturning abortion, are laying the groundwork in the abortion decision, to overturn gay marriage as well. They're coming for your rights next, little gay boy.

Right wingers are already saying the access to birth control is bad for women - leading to promiscuous and dangerous behaviour.
No one has
packed the court"

No administration knows exactly when a Justice will die or retire so the timing of which president who gets to nominate a justice is unpredictable.
Your inability to engage in rational discussion is unfortunate.
Dude or mam, whatever you prefer, I am so happy this happened. Every Real American should be concerned

You are only looking at an election. C'mon you are a time card puncher, you are as dumb as you look
Good news, however, proponents of mass child sacrifice will do anything to maintain status quo. If this looks certain to pass expect political terrorism of the degree we've never before witnessed domestically. Further, if 'armies' of pro-death abortion fanatics choose this as their hill to fight and die on I say we accommodate them.
I agree that lefty will attack like never before. They are great at violence .
Dude or mam, whatever you prefer, I am so happy this happened. Every Real American should be concerned

You are only looking at an election. C'mon you are a time card puncher, you are as dumb as you look
I don't know what election you are looking to.

As I noted, the consequence of rabid authoritarianism in reproductive matters will be more advanced, better educated states re-enforcing personal liberty, consistent with the progress that has been made in developed nations throughout the world, while the repressive, retrogressive jurisdictions will impose additional draconian government controls upon the populace.
Countdown to the calls from the left to pack the court..................
They think they can pressure a judge, like Roberts, to change his vote due to pressure. He did the same with Obamacare. The other possibility is they are trying stir up their nutty base to help them in the mid-terms.

Which Democratic justice leaked these notes? That is a HUGE no no and just goes to show you how crooked they really are.

Ok. When you pull your panties out of your crack and calm down you might start thinking. Probably not. But might.

The numbers we are hearing is 5-3. Now by my math that means that there is one Justice who hasn’t voted. You may need to break out a calculator

As for who released it. The best guess is ACB since she is proving to Trump she did what she was told.
Could also be a conservative justice running it up the flagpole to see the reactions.
Unlike the OP who pulled the Democrats leaked the document from his ass, I am somewhat inclined to agree with you. The draft opinion is a draft and may or may not become the final opinion of SCOTUS. Given the ramifications of this decision they may have purposefully leaked it. I wouldn't be surprised either way. Be that as it may, SCOTUS opinions go through many variations as they are circulated among the justices. It is not uncommon for a justice to change their vote. I'll wait for the final opinion.
I don't know what election you are looking to.

As I noted, the consequence of rabid authoritarianism in reproductive matters will be more advanced, better educated states re-enforcing personal liberty, consistent with the progress that has been made in developed nations throughout the world, while the repressive, retrogressive jurisdictions will impose additional draconian government controls upon the populace.
Simply put. Anyone who views abortion as some sort of sacred ritual, I wish they would have been terminated. Hopefully, half out and a forecep head crushing, or a real botched one that sterilized your whore who dropped you on your fucking head

Now get the fuck away from me you pile a shat

Damed I read this twice. Can anyone make suggestions to make this more brutal, or is that impossible?
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
Keep telling yourself that.
One in four women in the USA have abortions before the age of 40. Women will continue to have abortions, but instead of medically safe abortions, you're going back to women bleeding out in emergency rooms from botched attempts.

Those of us who remember what it was like before abortion was legal, will not go back to these days. There is simply no excuse for this. I'm grateful I live in a country where women's rights are respected.
You are lying as usual because the USSC did not outlaw abortions across the nation, so you need to shut the fuck up and stop lying!

All the ruling will do is put it back into the hands of the States to regulate which fucking mean each State will have to decide if they want to allow those like you to abort your child after you give birth or not allow it at all!

Also you are not American and I truly doubt you are Canadian and you are most likely some Chinese bot spreading disinformation as usual!

So again, the USSC ruling put it back in the States hands and allow States to make the choice on abortion but you will proclaim all Women will lose this right when that is untrue and you damn well know it!

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