Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Itā€™s not me who is avoiding your turn to state and confirm your position.



Now fuck off.
developing fetus can hurt a pregnant woman - prior to and during birth. You lied and said that I said the developing fetus is responsible for the death of the mother. You are a liar. It is the biological process of pregnancy and childbirth that can kill the mother. The fetus as far as we know did not choose to be there or design the process. So there is no way the fetus can be responsible for the death of its mother.


a developing fetus is innocent of any wrongdoing in the event a developing fetus kills the mother at childbirth

So we agree - the fetus is innocent and it can harm and even kill its mother.
No. That canā€™t be it. I told you 35 and younger reject authoritarians like all you religious right anti-abortion Trump supporting people. That means they oppose all tyranny and would reject any king.
Yeah well, we shall see just how strong your side really isn't in the coming election's, so you best come up with a place to cry over your failure's. You gonna need lot's of tissues for those Biden loving tear's come November.
a developing fetus is innocent of any wrongdoing in the event a developing fetus kills the mother at childbirth

So we agree - the fetus is innocent and it can harm and even kill its mother.
Dumb points you keep making, but oh well... ROTFLMBO šŸ˜‚
Dumb points you keep making,
Every point I make has been easily sustained so factually powerful that the white right religious and political opposition either run away completely or waste pixels with endless meaningless and stupid rejoinders such as the one above and oneā€™s like this
Fuck you. You canā€™t agree with basic reality for 5 seconds, so just shuffle off this coil already, since you canā€™t stand it.
If a highly educated biologist has been reduced to that beagle9 why are you still posting in that loserā€™s shadow. Jesus cannot help you with this you should know. END2209210700
Fuck you. They canā€™t kill anyone, retard.
NFBW: They are not responsible as Iā€™ve said over and over but that you choose to ignore. Actually a full term fetusā€™ size and need for oxygenated blood during the biological process of pregnancy is the factor contributing to harm or death to its mother. The fetus being a temporary part of itā€™s mothers biological functions and anatomy can cause maternal sepis to arise due to prolonged labor and ruptured membranes.

Sepsis is also known as blood poisoning. It is the bodyā€™s over-enthusiastic inflammatory reaction to infection. It can be deadly and kills millions yearly. Though more common in developing countries, it can occur anywhere. It can be causeā€™s by pregnancy related infections and even unrelated ones such as pneumonia.​
One third of women with this complication die and most of those who survive will have to live with organ dysfunction. Women with influenza and HIV (as well as other infections) are at a higher risk. Severe sepsis can lead to septic shock, which can cause mental disorders and widespread organ damage.​

Hypertension can lead to stroke for anyone. However, a woman's chances of experiencing a stroke is increased by pregnancy and can continue even during the postpartum period. Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that transmits blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot or other blockage.​
We are never ā€œpart of our motherā€™s anatomy,ā€ drooling retard.

NFBW: If a developing fetus is not part of its motherā€™s blood vessels anatomy (heart lungs arteries and veins) up until birth as you so ignorantly claim CarsomyrPlusSix , how does Amniotic Fluid Embolism cause the death of a mother from fetal hair or blood cells entering the bloodstream of its mother and kill her.

Amniotic Fluid Embolism
It is rare, but seriously life threatening. It occurs when the amniotic fluid and/or fetal material such as babyā€™s hair or skin cells, enters the bloodstream of the mother. It could occur at any time from pre-labor to postpartum, but usually occurs during childbirth and the immediate postpartum period.​
It is impossible to prevent as it develops suddenly and rapidly. Symptoms include sudden low blood pressure, fluid in the lungs, heart failure, heart rate irregularities, seizures, sudden anxiety, chills, bleeding and fetal distress.​
Amniotic fluid is thought to enter the motherā€™s bloodstream through the placenta and causes the sudden collapse of the cardiorespiratory system and clotting of the motherā€™s blood. It is estimated to be present in 1 to 12 of 100,000 pregnancies globally. The possibility of maternal mortality is estimated at 80 percent.​
It increases the risk of brain injury for those that survive, but for the most part, death occurs within an hour of the presence of symptoms.​
You need to go into hiding with ClaireH You are no challenge for me.
Welcome to the ignore list, trash.
NFBW: Another notch on the grip of my truth gun

Can the growing life harm the motherā€™s life in any way?

Can you personally guarantee to every woman that absolutely no pain or harm will come to her if she chooses not to terminate the growing life inside her and give birth to an unplanned child?

you claim they are part of their motherā€™s life, at complete odds with scientific reality

NFBW: If a five year old child picks up a loaded hand gun and shoots and kills his mother, the child was a part and contributing factor in the death of its mother. The child is not responsible

Itā€™s the same with a fetus being a contributing factor in its motherā€™s death. There is no responsibility on behalf of a fetus. END2209210820
Imagine being such an obnoxious and unreasonable piece of shit, so flagrantly obvious in his direct self-contradiction and immediate denial of his own quoted words and their plain English meaning, that you render it impossible for anyone to view you as anything but background noise, spewing nonsense in pure bad faith that you will contradict in 5 minutes time and will not support.

Then imagine declaring victory whenever anyone turns on the noise-cancelling headphones.

What a pitiable creature.
direct self-contradiction and immediate denial of his own quoted words
Simple. You are a liar. There is no contradiction and subsequent denial of any of my words that are written. If you think they are cut and paste them and give an explanation to exactly what you believe is the contradiction. But only use exactly what is written, exactly, do not add your own words to mine Just you saying itā€™s a contradiction means nothing. And you lied about what I said. I never said the fetus was responsible for killing the mother it is impossible for a fetus to be responsible for killing his mother but its physical presence inside the womb causes all kinds of biological complications that can harm and kill every mother.
" Freak Farms For The Weirdos To Help Them Feel Superior "

* Categorical Goof Balls With Dictatorial Penchant *

Few would characterize myself a leftist rather than a pro-choice republican whom despises the traitors who support the sedition against us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments implemented by scotus through he idiocy of its dobbs decision .

The dementia of your perspective is on par with horror film clowns whose sanctimonious psychotics dictating macabre fantasies of hell as heaven on earth posit a short term goal of reducing abortion for down syndrome by 50% .

Here is a freak for you to carry to term and keep for life , since you are far from realistic about the depravity in nature and are insolent to understand such choices for quality of life are entitled to individuals determining their own fates that are not to be decided by you or a state .

Miscarriage (also called early pregnancy loss) is when a baby dies in the womb (uterus) before 20 weeks of pregnancy. For women who know theyā€™re pregnant, about 10 to 15 in 100 pregnancies (10 to 15 percent) end in miscarriage. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester before the 12th week of pregnancy. Miscarriage in the second trimester (between 13 and 19 weeks) happens in 1 to 5 in 100 (1 to 5 percent) pregnancies.

Placental abruption can cause anemia and life threatening complications for a pregnant person. If itā€™s not diagnosed and treated immediately there can be hemorrhage and blood clotting complications for both, the baby and the pregnant person.

Itā€™s a side of abortion seldom discussed in national debates ā€” the termination of pregnancies because of fetal anomalies or other often-fatal medical problems. These terminations often happen in the second trimester, when women have already picked out names, bought baby clothes and felt kicking in their wombs. Theyā€™re far different from the most common abortions, performed earlier in pregnancies.

Women say these terminations for medical reasons donā€™t feel like a choice ā€” instead they are forced upon them by the condition of the fetus they carry. And the constant drumbeat of new abortion bans, rulings and news since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade has reopened raw wounds. Such abortions were already shrouded in secrecy and guilt, the women say. They fear the path will be even tougher for those who follow.

There are no recent statistics on the frequency of terminations for fetal anomalies ā€” including genetic or chromosomal abnormalities ā€” in the U.S., but experts say itā€™s a small percentage of total procedures. They typically occur later than the 93% of abortions performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy.''
Nice try, but if you think that the past abortion numbers fit into such categories or represent your alledged compassionate cries and possible lie's over the unique and specific cases or issue's that are listed, (otherwise as if they somehow are talking about the bulk of the abortion's that were or should have been allowed), then I got some land in AZ to sell to you.
NFBW: They are not responsible as Iā€™ve said over and over but that you choose to ignore. Actually a full term fetusā€™ size and need for oxygenated blood during the biological process of pregnancy is the factor contributing to harm or death to its mother. The fetus being a temporary part of itā€™s mothers biological functions and anatomy can cause maternal sepis to arise due to prolonged labor and ruptured membranes.

Sepsis is also known as blood poisoning. It is the bodyā€™s over-enthusiastic inflammatory reaction to infection. It can be deadly and kills millions yearly. Though more common in developing countries, it can occur anywhere. It can be causeā€™s by pregnancy related infections and even unrelated ones such as pneumonia.​
One third of women with this complication die and most of those who survive will have to live with organ dysfunction. Women with influenza and HIV (as well as other infections) are at a higher risk. Severe sepsis can lead to septic shock, which can cause mental disorders and widespread organ damage.​

Hypertension can lead to stroke for anyone. However, a woman's chances of experiencing a stroke is increased by pregnancy and can continue even during the postpartum period. Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that transmits blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot or other blockage.​

NFBW: If a developing fetus is not part of its motherā€™s blood vessels anatomy (heart lungs arteries and veins) up until birth as you so ignorantly claim CarsomyrPlusSix , how does Amniotic Fluid Embolism cause the death of a mother from fetal hair or blood cells entering the bloodstream of its mother and kill her.

Amniotic Fluid Embolism
It is rare, but seriously life threatening. It occurs when the amniotic fluid and/or fetal material such as babyā€™s hair or skin cells, enters the bloodstream of the mother. It could occur at any time from pre-labor to postpartum, but usually occurs during childbirth and the immediate postpartum period.​
It is impossible to prevent as it develops suddenly and rapidly. Symptoms include sudden low blood pressure, fluid in the lungs, heart failure, heart rate irregularities, seizures, sudden anxiety, chills, bleeding and fetal distress.​
Amniotic fluid is thought to enter the motherā€™s bloodstream through the placenta and causes the sudden collapse of the cardiorespiratory system and clotting of the motherā€™s blood. It is estimated to be present in 1 to 12 of 100,000 pregnancies globally. The possibility of maternal mortality is estimated at 80 percent.​
It increases the risk of brain injury for those that survive, but for the most part, death occurs within an hour of the presence of symptoms.​
You need to go into hiding with ClaireH You are no challenge for me.

NFBW: Another notch on the grip of my truth gun

NFBW: If a five year old child picks up a loaded hand gun and shoots and kills his mother, the child was a part and contributing factor in the death of its mother. The child is not responsible

Itā€™s the same with a fetus being a contributing factor in its motherā€™s death. There is no responsibility on behalf of a fetus. END2209210820
Ok so what's your purpose in going down these ignorant to the conversation road's ? Oh I know, it's because everytime you get backed into a corner, then you come up with some different angle in hopes to win the debate. The entire issue is simple really - either a doctor diagnoses a situation as being dangerous to the mother during her pregnancy, and the unborn baby has died or is dying due to an underlying condition where as the life of the mother is threatened, then a proper medical decision will be made to perform a DNC in order to abort the pregnancy in which is threatening the mother of the unborn child in which is in serious decline, otherwise it is determined to be a terminal/fatal condition.

Using abortion for birth control is a sick disgusting practice that has brought shame upon the medical community in which takes an oath to protect life. Being hit men or women for irresponsible acts that end up causing a medical field graduate to become a Joseph Mengele is a sad stain on American society. It's uncivilized.
Ok so what's your purpose
NFBW: To get Americans posting here who want white Christian state lawmakers in severely red states to take away a pregnant womanā€™s access to a medical procedure to terminate a condition that can harm or kill her, to either tell the truth or run away and hide. So far those who believe a one-cell zygote should have more right to life than the pregnant woman refuse to tell the truth and prefer to run away..Do you have any truth @Beagle ? Di you agree with CarsomyrPlusSix that a fetus is not part of its motherā€™s anatomy and the fetus is not part of any biological process that can harm or kill its mother? END22092/0125
Ok so what's your purpose in going down these ignorant to the conversation road's ?
His purpose is to troll through fundamental dishonesty and vindictive performative retardation and self-contradiction.

He is a poster of 100% bad faith.

Oh I know, it's because everytime you get backed into a corner, then you come up with some different angle in hopes to win the debate.
Itā€™s worse than that. He doesnā€™t just try to come up with a new angle, you can literally corner him in a rhetorical back alley, his back to the walls of all the things he has already said, and then heā€™ll just say, ā€œnuh-unh, those walls arenā€™t actually there, I never said that, and your bullets canā€™t hurt me, Iā€™m made of Kevlar and I have a force field.ā€

Heā€™s like that asshole kid on the playground who wonā€™t follow the rules of any game or coherent sense of continuity in the make-believe everyone else is playing. Everyone else is playing say, a ninja turtle, and he wants to play his own OC self-insert OP Mary Sue who can one-shot Shredder.

But these childish antics have no place in debate. If you get caught in contradiction, someone with integrity will adapt by conceding the point, learning and starting over. Someone with zero integrity will just indulge in denial of reality and shifting the goalposts wildly to irrelevant things that were never part of the discussion as a distraction.

But this doesnā€™t actually work - itā€™s obvious, transparent bullshit.

The entire issue is simple really - either a doctor diagnoses a situation as being dangerous to the mother during her pregnancy, and the unborn baby has died or is dying due to an underlying condition where as the life of the mother is threatened, then a proper medical decision will be made to perform a DNC in order to abort the pregnancy in which is threatening the mother of the unborn child in which is in serious decline, otherwise it is determined to be a terminal/fatal condition.
These situations are very rare. I accept medical triage to save the patient who can be saved, but physicians should never stop trying to save both patients in a pregnancy unless it is known there is nothing they can do.

Using abortion for birth control is a sick disgusting practice that has brought shame upon the medical community in which takes an oath to protect life. Being hit men or women for irresponsible acts that end up causing a medical field graduate to become a Joseph Mengele is a sad stain on American society. It's uncivilized.
They are barbaric monsters, yes. They are hit men. They should die in prison, every last one of them.
15 week fetal human being is absolutely scientifically, biologically, commonsensically,
indisputably, morally, humanly substantively. economically, Constitutionally a part of its mother Part of its motherā€™s life. It can kill her for Christ sake

A 15 week fetus cannot survive without being part of its mother and the deepest truth to the fact that a pegnant woman is carrying inside of her an organism that is very much a part of her, is that as it develops that organism can increasingly harm and even kill her. Or do you dispute that?

I will repeat using your terminology so not to be distracted by your bullshit semantics: can an unborn human life harm or kill the woman who carries it inside her.

The entire issue is simple really - either a doctor diagnoses a situation as being dangerous to the mother during her pregnancy, and the unborn baby has died or is dying due to an underlying condition where as the life of the mother is threatened, then a proper medical decision will be made to perform a DNC in order to abort the pregnancy in which is threatening the mother of the unborn child in which is in serious decline, otherwise it is determined to be a terminal/fatal condition.
NFBW: Do you agree with me or do you agree with CarsomyrPlusSix Who put in writing that a fetus is not part of a pregnancy, a fetus is not part of a womanā€™s anatomy while inside the womb and therefore since itā€™s not part of a pregnancy the fetus can do no harm to his mother.? END2209220758


a developing fetus is innocent of any wrongdoing in the event a developing fetus kills the mother at childbirth

Dumb points you keep making

NFBW: If a developing fetus is not part of its motherā€™s blood vessels anatomy (heart lungs arteries and veins) up until birth as you so ignorantly claim @CarsomyrPlusSix , how does Amniotic Fluid Embolism cause the death of a mother from fetal hair or blood cells entering the bloodstream of its mother and kill her

Itā€™s the same with a fetus being a contributing factor in its motherā€™s death. There is no responsibility on behalf of a fetus. END2209210820

Oh I know, it's because everytime you get backed into a corner, then you come up with some different angle in hopes to win the debate.
Answer me this. Is the developing fetus ā€œdoingā€ its developing by its own choice? The answer is no. But if the developing fetus prior to or during birth harms or kills the mother, is the fetus part of an ā€œactionā€œ? The answer is yes.

Now look at the messages above. The fraudulent, disingenuous, flat out liar that CarsomyrPlusSix is, twisted my words to say that I said the fetus is ā€œtaking actionā€œ to kill its mother. That is a lie. Any normal comprehension of human language sees that as a lie. CarsomyrPlusSix Is a liar.

The issue is you need to ask yourself beagle9 whether or not ā€œto continue to develop as a temporary part of a pregnant womanā€™s pregnancy is an action that has severe consequences knowable when a woman finds out she is pregnant and wishes to protect herself from harm. END2209220821
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you can literally corner him in a rhetorical back alley,
I see the chief abortion liar canā€™t face me directly so he complains to @beagle and her where he can find friendly acceptance to his campaign of lies about abortion.

The only way cars can back me into an alley is through various forms of lying.

One specific form of his lies or two and JACK his personal biased interpretation of what is in writing.

He claims that I said a fetus ā€œtakes actionā€ to Harm or kill its mother. That is a absolute lie. I maintain that a fetus is part of pregnancy and thatā€™s the one on willful action of developing inside the womb can harm or kill the mother.

Jesus is not going to like beagle9 that you commiserate with liars only because they are part of your tribe.
I accept medical triage to save the patient who can be saved,
Murder is murder dude. If a one cell zygote has a right to life equal to that of its mother it cannot be murdered to save the life of the mother. If you say a fully developed zygote can be murdered by a doctor you are acknowledging the one cell zygoteā€™s life has less value than itā€™s mother.
OK, lets review. What the supreme court ruling said was that abortion is NOT a federal constitutional issue and therefore should be settled by the voters in each state. THAT IS ALL IT SAID, IT DID NOT OVERTURN ROE V WADE. It merely sent the issue back to the states where is always belonged. So let the voters decide, why are you libs so scared of the voters in your states? Cal and NY will always be abortion mills, so will other blue states. So WTF are you so scared of?

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