Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Freak Farms For The Weirdos To Help Them Feel Superior "

* Categorical Goof Balls With Dictatorial Penchant *

Anomalies eh ? Oh so the goal post shift's yet again. When will you leftist learn that this issue is as simple as the decision to either have a CIVILIZED SOCIETY or not ?? All these technicalities running this way and that way are nothing but deflections, deflections, and deflections ???

Until a society is looked at as a whole body, otherwise in which to prescribe the correct medicine to treat the whole body with, then the body will just die a slow agonizing death as each section fails off slowly. Leftist don't have the degree of intellect to prescribe the correct medicine needed as is proven over and over these days to heal or help anything.
Few would characterize myself a leftist rather than a pro-choice republican whom despises the traitors who support the sedition against us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments implemented by scotus through he idiocy of its dobbs decision .

The dementia of your perspective is on par with horror film clowns whose sanctimonious psychotics dictating macabre fantasies of hell as heaven on earth posit a short term goal of reducing abortion for down syndrome by 50% .

Here is a freak for you to carry to term and keep for life , since you are far from realistic about the depravity in nature and are insolent to understand such choices for quality of life are entitled to individuals determining their own fates that are not to be decided by you or a state .

Miscarriage (also called early pregnancy loss) is when a baby dies in the womb (uterus) before 20 weeks of pregnancy. For women who know they’re pregnant, about 10 to 15 in 100 pregnancies (10 to 15 percent) end in miscarriage. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester before the 12th week of pregnancy. Miscarriage in the second trimester (between 13 and 19 weeks) happens in 1 to 5 in 100 (1 to 5 percent) pregnancies.

Placental abruption can cause anemia and life threatening complications for a pregnant person. If it’s not diagnosed and treated immediately there can be hemorrhage and blood clotting complications for both, the baby and the pregnant person.

It’s a side of abortion seldom discussed in national debates — the termination of pregnancies because of fetal anomalies or other often-fatal medical problems. These terminations often happen in the second trimester, when women have already picked out names, bought baby clothes and felt kicking in their wombs. They’re far different from the most common abortions, performed earlier in pregnancies.

Women say these terminations for medical reasons don’t feel like a choice — instead they are forced upon them by the condition of the fetus they carry. And the constant drumbeat of new abortion bans, rulings and news since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade has reopened raw wounds. Such abortions were already shrouded in secrecy and guilt, the women say. They fear the path will be even tougher for those who follow.

There are no recent statistics on the frequency of terminations for fetal anomalies — including genetic or chromosomal abnormalities — in the U.S., but experts say it’s a small percentage of total procedures. They typically occur later than the 93% of abortions performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy.''
Run and hide with ClaireH and ding .
There is nothing to hide from, you piece of shit liar.

I said the “process” the biological “process” of pregnancy can kill the mother

I was.
Damn near killed her on the way out.”

"No there there.because that human being is a part of the mother and can kill her."

Wrong in your claims about being "a part of the mother," wrong about the claim that the unborn human being "can kill," now you're lying you said it. But you said it. You can lie about it, but it just shows everyone what a spineless, sniveling little worm you are.

Now fuck right off, troll.
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The way out is the “process” of birth stupid”
You said you nearly killed your mother.

There is no other way to interpret that, other than you are claiming that unborn human beings are to blame for any harm of pregnancy, which is absurd.

You assigning agency and responsibility directly contradicts any claim you have about their inferiority or non-human status, not that you even realize this, as you say these mutually exclusive and directly contradictory things simultaneously.

There is no consistency, coherence, or integrity in anything you say.

In other words: fuck off, troll.
Run and hide with ClaireH and ding . I said the “process” the biological “process” of pregnancy can kill the mother and would be responsible for her death / not the one cell zygotes or any stage of developed being after that . You are stupid and entirely wrong and only stupid and entirely wrong colossal morons think they can lie before quitting and declare themselves done. Idiot! END2209200637
Stop begging for posters to come back and participate in your circular argument. If you do continue to add my name in your thread I’ll block you to avoid seeing your desperation. I don’t like desperation in any shape or form. It’s annoying.
Wrong in your claims about being "a part of the mother,"
why is a fetus not a part of the mother.
Damn near killed her on the way out I was told. Breech birth.

Damn near killed her on the way out I was told. Breech birth.

wrong about the claim that the unborn human being "can kill," now you're lying you said it. But you said it.

You said you nearly killed your mother.

You are a liar. The two statement you were referring to is “Damn near killed her on the way out. Breech birth

It did not say “I damn near killed her on the way out. Breech birth.”

You therefore are a liar based on the capital letter of the word “damn” and the period at the end” makes it very clear that I was not referring to myself as being responsible for damn near killing my mother. It’s clear I was talking about the process because the next two words after the first sentence was “breech birth.“ It was the process of a goddamn breach birth that damn near killed my mother. So you can try to lie and then use that as a threat to run away because you’re a phony and a fraud and you’re ridiculous and absurd. You’re absolutely absolutely a disgrace to the pro-life movement. Some of them at least have the sense to know not to lie about was written on the forum like this.
why is a fetus not a part of the mother.
Why are you not a unicorn, asshole?

Same reason. Reality doesn’t work that way, as evidenced by scientific examination.

You are a liar. The two statement you were referring to is “Damn near killed her on the way out. Breech birth

It did not say “I damn near killed her on the way out. Breech birth.”
Same thing, no distinction to be had within the English language or logic, go fuck yourself, troll.

You have been quoted saying unborn kids could hurt or kill their mother. Don’t like it? Too bad. Try a gasoline bath as a way of making yourself feel better and then have a nice long drag on a cigarette.
You have been quoted saying unborn kids could hurt or kill their mother.

A developing fetus can hurt a pregnant woman - prior to and during birth. You lied and said that I said the developing fetus is responsible for the death of the mother. You are a liar. It is the biological process of pregnancy and childbirth that can kill the mother. The fetus as far as we know did not choose to be there or design the process. So there is no way the fetus can be responsible for the death of its mother.
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If you do continue to add my name in your thread I’ll block you to avoid seeing your desperation.
Evangelicalism is the primary form of Protestantism in America, and the main religious group in the country, ahead of Catholics (21 percent) and traditional Protestants.

Which one are you. Or none of the above?

Just curious - when you have time to honestly engage I will be glad to welcome you back.
Shut the fuck up you fucking liar.

You JUST SAID THAT. I’m done with your games.

Where did I say a fetus is responsible for killing its mother. A fetus has no capability to be responsible for anything - it has not made a choice to do or not do anything. How can it be responsible if pregnancy that it was part of Kills it’s mother.?

I Don’t recall but if I did come into the world assbackward as I was told there was no procedures manual at my disposal to get turned around the right way
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A developing fetus can hurt a pregnant woman - prior to and during birth.
Thank you for repeating the thing that you said you never said. Now go do what I told you with the gasoline so I never have to see another bit of your bullshit.

Be warm for the rest of your life.
Are you still believing that a developing fetus cannot kill a woman during the process of childbirth? The process would be responsible. idiot.
You. Fucking. Fuck.

You are quadrupling down on blatantly and directly contradicting yourself then lying about never contradicting yourself.

Shut up. Go away.

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