Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

One thing is for sure with the leak on Abortion we can see who are the real Christians and the Christians in name only
You are lying as usual because the USSC did not outlaw abortions across the nation, so you need to shut the fuck up and stop lying!

All the ruling will do is put it back into the hands of the States to regulate which fucking mean each State will have to decide if they want to allow those like you to abort your child after you give birth or not allow it at all!

Also you are not American and I truly doubt you are Canadian and you are most likely some Chinese bot spreading disinformation as usual!

So again, the USSC ruling put it back in the States hands and allow States to make the choice on abortion but you will proclaim all Women will lose this right when that is untrue and you damn well know it!

The main issue here is the justices all committed perjury, if they vote to overturn Roe. That is the precedent that has been set.

All future confirmation hearings will be based upon that fact now. It also opens the door to reinterpret an present amendments of the Constitution, and that includes the second.

Like I said earlier, this is going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

On a lot of rights, near and dear to their hearts.
One thing is for sure with the leak on Abortion we can see who are the real Christians and the Christians in name only

Interesting reply. According to the Christian bible, the woman’s life is protected.

So there is no “real” Christian that’s for overturning wade. Just Christians in name only.
The main issue here is the justices all committed perjury, if they vote to overturn Roe. That is the precedent that has been set.

All future confirmation hearings will be based upon that fact now. It also opens the door to reinterpret an present amendments of the Constitution, and that includes the second.

Like I said earlier, this is going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

On a lot of rights, near and dear to their hearts.
Abortion was never part of a Constitutional amendment so the procedures for reversing the ruling are different than they are for repealing an amendment.

You are lying as usual because the USSC did not outlaw abortions across the nation, so you need to shut the fuck up and stop lying!

All the ruling will do is put it back into the hands of the States to regulate which fucking mean each State will have to decide if they want to allow those like you to abort your child after you give birth or not allow it at all!

Also you are not American and I truly doubt you are Canadian and you are most likely some Chinese bot spreading disinformation as usual!

So again, the USSC ruling put it back in the States hands and allow States to make the choice on abortion but you will proclaim all Women will lose this right when that is untrue and you damn well know it!
He's a dude just like Boaddicklicker
Why do republicans play the abortion games and right before elections that they should be winning a bunch of seats. This is a stupid political move----you wanna make a bunch of women remember why they hate republicans right before an election---going after abortion is the way to do it.

??? Are you suggesting that the Supreme Court should make rulings or time their rulings based on politics?

That ain't their job, they are supposed to decide what is constitutional under existing law and let the chips fall where they may. It's up to Congress to legislate correctly, the bench isn't supposed to do that for them. Neither is the President.
The main issue here is the justices all committed perjury, if they vote to overturn Roe. That is the precedent that has been set.

All future confirmation hearings will be based upon that fact now. It also opens the door to reinterpret an present amendments of the Constitution, and that includes the second.

Like I said earlier, this is going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

On a lot of rights, near and dear to their hearts.
There is no amendment for abortion, so you are truly reaching as usual by trying to equate Abortion to Guns…
We may ALL lose in November while you pro-putin/trump con-servatives destroy America.
Lol, who is in control now, with the destruction going on. Before the pandemic we were doing the best we ever had. Even with you loons losing your little minds daily.
That's true. Very true. Many fathers suffer because they watch as their children are aborted on a whim, on top of their economic struggles.
Young people turn against abortion because those are brothers and sisters. They hear from their peers that escaped abortion like Tim Tebow and Justin Biever. It doesn't look good to them.

This is not the slam dunk that the left imagines.
??? Are you suggesting that the Supreme Court should make rulings or time their rulings based on politics?

That ain't their job, they are supposed to decide what is constitutional under existing law and let the chips fall where they may. It's up to Congress to legislate correctly, the bench isn't supposed to do that for them. Neither is the President.

This is the cumulation of decades of progressive effort to end run around legislation. Now they are getting called on it and they are ready to explode over the results.
The authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.

The ideologues' overthrow of precedent will be divisive for the nation, as maximal statists further arrogate to politicians and bureaucrats the control of Americans' wombs.

Rather than the individual American making a personal, informed decision in consultation with loved ones and trusted medical and spiritual advisers, an impersonal, blanket edict will be issued from on high by politicians and bureaucrats as rabid Statism usurps such personal freedom.

The consequence will be that more advanced, better educated states will re-enforce liberty, consistent with the progress that has been made in developed nations throughout the world, while the repressive, retrogressive jurisdictions will impose draconian government control upon the populace.

A vast number of freedom-loving Americans will oppose the Statist seizure of personal.private prerogatives that will abolish the established rights of Americans that have been respected for half-a-century.
I realize you regret it, but the states you falsely accuse of simply being “authoritarian” will err on the side of life. I know how that must hurt a person of your natural moral infirmities.
The thrust of the draft decision does seem to hold that abortion law will be a state le matter. This has been said earlier.

And unlike the doomsayer progressives think, most people against Roe will be willing to stop at that. the number who want a national ban isn't nearly as high as the number who detest Roe, or just want to be able to ban it at the State level, and let the "blue state heathens" reap what they sow.
Are you psyched? Just remember, the 4 justices that may vote to do that, swore under oath Roe was settled law at their confirmation hearings.

That’s the first thing I want you to remember, because that’s going to come back to bite conservatives in the ass hard.

The next thing I want you to remember, is now the court that has a majority, chosen by Presidents that did not win the popular vote, is now an illegitimate court, and the majority of the country now sees it exactly that way.

So much for the rule of law.

Now anything is possible as far as individual rights go. Any future court can now make any ruling, on any right, any way, as settled law no longer applies.

Be careful what you wish for.
It was settled. That doesn’t mean it can’t be reconsidered. Dred Scott was settled too. So was Plessy v. Ferguson. And the settled law in the case of Roe v. Wade was horribly decided and was very much overdue for the trash pile of judicial history.
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