Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

All Lefties are clueless fuckin' idiots. And Abortion is Murder. Wearing Condoms and using birth control pills are about 95% effective.
Don't fuck a girl and you won't get her pregnant. It's not rocket science. Abstinence is a 100% effective method of birth control.
Babies have no voice..........State's will decide.......Abortion should not have been the accepted birth control.........Most states give months to decide on abortions already.

Accountability.........time for them to be responsible for their actions..........62 million is INSANITY.

This will do little to stop abortions. Everyone predicted that the birth rate would go down when abortions were legalized but it did not. The birth rate stayed the same. What did go down were the number of women dying from illegal botched abortions. That stopped overnight.

Abortions were always widely available. But they were illegal and dangerous and a lot of women died. This article is from 2003, but it has death figures for women through the years.

You won't stop abortions if Roe is overturned. But women have already started dying because of the Texas laws, and other attempts to make abortion difficult.
That is a miserable and dishonest cope out. I did not say that you as an individual should be responsible . WE as a nation and as a society should be responsible. That is unless you reject the concept of community and shared responsibility in favor of a primitive and brutal, every man for himself- fuck you, I have mine -sort of society. But that you for admitting that you are not pro life.

No, its being held accountable for your own actions.
All Lefties are clueless fuckin' idiots. And Abortion is Murder. Wearing Condoms and using birth control pills are about 95% effective.

Abortion is not murder. Lefties are not clueless fucking idiots, but you definitely qualify. You know nothing about birth control.

Condoms have an 18% failure rate. CBP's have a 9% failure rate, so no none of your birth control methods are 95% effective. Even sterilization isn't foolproof.

Abortion is not murder. Lefties are not clueless fucking idiots, but you definitely qualify. You know nothing about birth control.

Condoms have an 18% failure rate. CBP's have a 9% failure rate, so no none of your birth control methods are 95% effective. Even sterilization isn't foolproof.

Like DL here the Democrats and Lefties, as I predicted, are in full scale meltdown which is not pretty.

What normal people know that they do not:

Abortion is not like fighting cancer, or human trafficking. It will always be the destruction of a developing baby no matter what these ghouls say. The more they try to couch it in platitudes and then lose their minds the worse they look.

Abortion has only "worked" because it's a seamy underside, kept out of view. Now these ghouls are unleashed. Good. Let's have this out. Let's see them explain why we need, say, late-term abortions. Just as one example.

Lefties are letting it all hang out and America will not like what they see. As ever.
Killing children for the purpose of birth control ain't cool. In fact it is despicable.
There's laws against killing children and they are laws for child abuse. Get a clue, were talking fetuses here, and most of done in the first trimester and the women have kids,
Amy Klobuchar tonight on Trevor Noah, "I am mad, I am p*ssed off."
Even Midwesterner nice has its limits.
Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fu*k in the first place?
Conservatives are obsessed with the fetus, after that they don’t want to know about you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine; if you’re pre-school you’re fu*ked
Kavanaugh would not have been confirmed if he'd told the truth about his plans for Roe.

Gorsuch would not have been confirmed if he'd told the truth about his plans for Roe.

Barrett would not have been confirmed if she'd told the truth about her plans for Roe.
MURKOWKSI on if she felt that SCOTUS nominees misled her during the confirmation process: "My confidence in the court has been rocked. "

This was leaked because the Democrat Party is imploding thanks to Mr Potatohead.

They need something to motivate their base who is already has no motivation to vote in the November election
For those who were sure the Roe v Wade was going to fix the midterms for the Dems: the only topic on this trending on Twitter is at no 23. Dave Chappelle is no 3.

Once people realize the decision simply goes back to the people and the states--that's it. For most, outrage over.
Conservatives are obsessed with the fetus, after that they don’t want to know about you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine; if you’re pre-school you’re fu*ked

All of that costs money, guy. And if we run out of money for those programs because we failed to address the national debt, it won't matter where the child is in their development. If there is no money, there can be no programs.

They will have nobody to blame except both parties for failing to act.
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