Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Don't fuck a girl and you won't get her pregnant. It's not rocket science. Abstinence is a 100% effective method of birth control.
And since both genders have brains, ergo the ability to exercise better judgment, that applies to women also.
Guess what you raging homo? Not shit they can do about it. Also those two morons don’t understand (much like you) that “settled law” can get revisited upon a new appeal. So take your finger and insert it into your boyfriend’s ass as you cry when’s Republicans roll in the midterms anyway,
Hey ass wipe, Kavanaugh, Barrett, & Gorusch didn't know that when they were asked that question, shit for brains? :fu:

Now, go apeshit.
So what's the problem?

IMHO, the real issue here is that the Supreme Court created a Right that has no basis in the Constitution or in any federal statute. This new ruling corrects that mistake.
The issue is whether this ruling ( which has not yet been made BTW) can be construed to grant full Constitutional rights to a fetus.

All this argument is over a decision that has not even been made yet

“Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case,” Chief Justice John Roberts said in a statement.
This will do little to stop abortions. Everyone predicted that the birth rate would go down when abortions were legalized but it did not. The birth rate stayed the same. What did go down were the number of women dying from illegal botched abortions. That stopped overnight.

Abortions were always widely available. But they were illegal and dangerous and a lot of women died. This article is from 2003, but it has death figures for women through the years.

You won't stop abortions if Roe is overturned. But women have already started dying because of the Texas laws, and other attempts to make abortion difficult.
Some states will not allow the slaughter to continue. Some like Mexifornia will.
There's laws against killing children and they are laws for child abuse. Get a clue, were talking fetuses here, and most of done in the first trimester and the women have kids,
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't jackshit about Biology, do you?

Not only can you not tell the difference between the male and female genders but you have no understanding of a living child.

Of course you are ignorant in Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution so it is understandable you don't know anything about Biology.
"The day after Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, Democratic donors poured more than $30 million into Democratic campaigns and groups through ActBlue.

In the 23 hours after the draft SCOTUS opinion, ActBlue took in just $9 million."
So what we’ve learned from the Roe decision is the next time a scotus seat comes up, it’s ok for the nominee to lie about what they’ll protect, including your gun rights, MAGAs.
So what we’ve learned from the Roe decision is the next time a scotus seat comes up, it’s ok for the nominee to lie about what they’ll protect, including your gun rights, MAGAs.
Technically the decision has not been made yet
Can't wait to watch heads explode (and not babies) if this comes to fruition.

Since creepy Joe has his head so far up the big pharmas ass, wouldn't it make sense to have free contraceptives for those who can't control their urges to reproduce. Don't people realize that Planned Parenthood was a Democratic ploy to eliminate blacks in America. Another thing, you see all these women screaming for their rights as women, why then are they not screaming about allowing biological men (lea Thompson) to compete against them at swim meets!
Lastly Finish the wall, Ban abortion and what's left is legal citizens that if not wanted ,can be adopted!
The moment that a 'fetus' starts to resemble anything like a human being, a woman should be forbidden from aborting the child, except in circumstances involving rape or incest, or in situations where the mother or the child would not survive the duration of the pregnancy.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

I am so grateful that the Supreme Court of May, 2022, has ended the evil rule of abortion against the souls of 40 million young women who were lured by irresponsible boyfriends and sick-brained socialists to kill their own babies. Roe v. Wade ruling thought it was helping save womens' lives, but it wound up destroying women's souls into thinking that killing the product of their shameful rape was okay. Taking a life of a person in another stage of human development is wrong. Why would the taking of the life of a person in its first stages of human development, from which ultrasound images show the baby inside trying to escape from many an abortionist "doctor" (actually WITCH DOCTOR) profiteering from their puerile view of not knowing the taking of a human life is murder. It's not only murder, it is bullying the helpless who can't punch somebody back in the nose for killing itself.

I pray to the Lord my gratitude for hearing my prayers to stop the killing of unborn American citizens. May we return God's kindness with strength against evildoing. And may he forgive those too young to understand that killing a small human that God has graced with life because it would save them a little embarrassment or give them revenge to a partner who abused and left a young woman to fend for herself and the child he put inside her like a coward of the worst ilk because he listened to Satan's voice through alleged friends who had no stake in the evil done to a young woman by a flake who didn't think there was an obligation to the living to protect the product of his out-of-control sexual misbehavior. Young women who fall in love with their predator do not realize how unprotected they are from the wrath of their parents who thought they raised her right but failed to realize children make mistakes because they were sneaky and disobedient at the same time. Somehow they do not understand that disobedience can have consequences, and that choosing somebody else's "elimination" before birth is a bad if not horrible decision which wreaks of (1) cowardice, (2) immorality against a life, (3) rampant ignorance, (4) Mental health issues such as depression and lifelong guilt for murder whether anyone else knows it or not. Abortion does not fix stupidity of science that tells us the zygote is not the same person as either its mother or its father, even if family traits are assured when the development of human life becomes known to the outside world one way or the other.

I'm sorry the truth is so grim about abortion and every evil thing it puts on the people who agree to it, but the truth is, life is precious, and that little guy inside will try to survive an abortionist's knife used to scrape his brains out to his forceps to remove the dismembered human being from the victim/perpetrator's womb.
I am so grateful that the Supreme Court of May, 2022, has ended the evil rule of abortion against the souls of 40 million young women who were lured by irresponsible boyfriends and sick-brained socialists to kill their own babies. Roe v. Wade ruling thought it was helping save womens' lives, but it wound up destroying women's souls into thinking that killing the product of their shameful rape was okay. Taking a life of a person in another stage of human development is wrong. Why would the taking of the life of a person in its first stages of human development, from which ultrasound images show the baby inside trying to escape from many an abortionist "doctor" (actually WITCH DOCTOR) profiteering from their puerile view of not knowing the taking of a human life is murder. It's not only murder, it is bullying the helpless who can't punch somebody back in the nose for killing itself.

I pray to the Lord my gratitude for hearing my prayers to stop the killing of unborn American citizens. May we return God's kindness with strength against evildoing. And may he forgive those too young to understand that killing a small human that God has graced with life because it would save them a little embarrassment or give them revenge to a partner who abused and left a young woman to fend for herself and the child he put inside her like a coward of the worst ilk because he listened to Satan's voice through alleged friends who had no stake in the evil done to a young woman by a flake who didn't think there was an obligation to the living to protect the product of his out-of-control sexual misbehavior. Young women who fall in love with their predator do not realize how unprotected they are from the wrath of their parents who thought they raised her right but failed to realize children make mistakes because they were sneaky and disobedient at the same time. Somehow they do not understand that disobedience can have consequences, and that choosing somebody else's "elimination" before birth is a bad if not horrible decision which wreaks of (1) cowardice, (2) immorality against a life, (3) rampant ignorance, (4) Mental health issues such as depression and lifelong guilt for murder whether anyone else knows it or not. Abortion does not fix stupidity of science that tells us the zygote is not the same person as either its mother or its father, even if family traits are assured when the development of human life becomes known to the outside world one way or the other.

I'm sorry the truth is so grim about abortion and every evil thing it puts on the people who agree to it, but the truth is, life is precious, and that little guy inside will try to survive an abortionist's knife used to scrape his brains out to his forceps to remove the dismembered human being from the victim/perpetrator's womb.
Ms. B abortion hasn't gone away all the supreme Court did was put it back in the hands of the states.
Nothing you say is remotely upsetting. I discount everything you say now that I’ve seen your particular biases. You are a very limited little drip.

Stare decisis does not mean what simpletons like you seem to think it means. 🤣
Your inadequacy in substantive discourse is acknowledged.
The moment that a 'fetus' starts to resemble anything like a human being, a woman should be forbidden from aborting the child, except in circumstances involving rape or incest, or in situations where the mother or the child would not survive the duration of the pregnancy.
Mr. Templar, there is a course in higher universities called "Human development." Once that zygote of 2 human cells is formed, it is not the same person as its host mother or its progenitor father. It is a being. We call it a human being. Should we tolerate human extinction just because it is to little to notice? If you read the Psalms, ever, I hope you run into King David's words that tell us that we are wonderfully made inside our mothers, and that before she even knows the baby is there that God knows that little human being is there. God loves his creation, man, and people with or without faith in God must not allow another human being to be killed by people thousands of times bigger than themselves. Extinguishing a fetus is not just a buncha cells. It is a being. We call it a human being, because at full term of the woman's pregnancy her product is human, not a cow for slaughter.
Ms. B abortion hasn't gone away all the supreme Court did was put it back in the hands of the states.
Then only the Highly moral states who determine that a zygote in side its human mother is a human being. That is a fact of science, not my fantasy as some here would like to push down believers' craw. Abortion is as evil as murder because it has a human being for a victim, and that human being deserves better than extinction from having a life of (1) life, (2)liberty, and (3) pursuit of happiness. Funny how that promise in the Constitution has been ignored since the Roe v. Wade decision was the end of at least a hundred million human beings' lives in this country and in many other nonchristian lands where Biblical knowledge and warnings are snubbed egregiously by the community that pushes perfection to include anti-life activities to put education in the hands of murderers and bullies who deigned it fine to kill a little guy. Sorry. The truth is not pretty when it gets rolled over by ignorance. And because the zygote is a being, and its DNA shows that it is a human being formed, it is therefore a human being, and no law, no shoving of the facts aside can take away that little human being's rights to life, just like ours, liberty when it gets older, and its pursuit of happiness when it is freed from a certain death that abortion brings about.

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