Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If you don't have money to pay for food for your children, they starve. They become malnourished, they die. Tell me, how is that pro life?

It's not hard to see how much of that would be related to economic policies put in place by Democrats.
Tell me how Democrats are responsible for poverty and how Republicans re fighting poverty
Most Americans support Roe v Wade, the established compromise precedent of half-a-century.

That’s because they don’t understand the full meaning. Many have been led to believe, falsely and intentionally, that overturning Roe would make abortion illegal.

In another poll, it shows that Americans are pretty evenly split: 47% think it’s morally acceptable, and 46% think it isn’t.

That’s because they don’t understand the full meaning. Many have been led to believe, falsely and intentionally, that overturning Roe would make abortion illegal.
No fool! We understand very well what overturning Roe would mean. It would allow individual states to make abortion illegal. Prior to Roe, that was the case in 30 states.
That’s because they don’t understand the full meaning. Many have been led to believe, falsely and intentionally, that overturning Roe would make abortion illegal.
Most Americans, especially in advanced states, understand that the the regression by an activist court arrogates personal freedom to statist politicians. There is no way that the authoritarian fanatics can finesse that reality.
No fool! We understand very well what overturning Roe would mean. It would allow individual states to make abortion illegal. Prior to Roe, that was the case in 30 states.
The authoritarian states that would stifle the personal freedom of half-a-century established by the compromise ruling of Roe v Wade will be confront the progress that has occurred as more than half of abortions in America are now self-administered at home via medication. Fanatical statists could be further violating a citizen's privacy by interdicting their mail and hacking into their secure internet communications.

Ironically, this retrogressive government intrusion is being perpetrated as women's rights have expanded throughout advanced democracies.

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Most Americans, especially in advanced states, understand that the the regression by an activist court arrogates personal freedom to statist politicians. There is no way that the authoritarian fanatics can finesse that reality.
Not true. The liberals I have spoken to, who live in what you would call “advanced states” are all under the impression that the SCOTUS is debating whether to ban abortions.

And THAT is why the majority are opposed to an overturn. They don’t know what it means. When you dig deeper, the country is split 50/50 as to whether abortion is morally acceptable or morally wrong.

I just pray that the thugs threatening the lives of SCOTUS justices - these libs don’t seem to have respect for life, period, unless it’s a mass murderer on death row - don’t bully them into making the wrong decision, under duress. Then we can expect leftist thugs to start threatening violence for all SCOTUS cases.
That’s because they don’t understand the full meaning. Many have been led to believe, falsely and intentionally, that overturning Roe would make abortion illegal.

In another poll, it shows that Americans are pretty evenly split: 47% think it’s morally acceptable, and 46% think it isn’t.

Most dont have a clue. Media fed sheep
This is a big topic. From my own perspective as a Catholic, and as an American. From both a religious and secular in my opinion abortion should be outlawed. I say that because I believe in human life. But I would Also request of conservative American Christians if they are against abortion they should also be against the death penalty, and they should be for helping immigrants and refugees. Because if One claims to care for human life well they must care for all human life. We need to figure out how to rework the prison system and we need to figure out how to get the criminal recidivism rate down. Perhaps it would be good for the country if more conservatives talk about getting the criminal recidivism rate down in America. We need to think of giving ex-convicts the right to vote.

So for a lot of Christians the issue of abortion ties into other social issues such as how to handle refugees and how to handle the death penalty for example. How to handle our criminal penalties and how much time we should impose on criminals.

And we should also hear out what women who are both for abortion and against it have to say without calling them names. Really is all about being polite everybody can hear each other out on this one. From a societal point of view how much of this abortion issue should be decided by men and women. It takes two people to make a pregnancy happen after all but of course men don’t have to carry the babies. So there’s a lot going on here
The difference between my opposition (in most cases) to abortion and my support (in rare cases) for a death penalty is the clear difference between the wrongful taking of innocent life and the perceived need to end a guilty life. I don’t say that from any religious perspective since I’m not very religious. I say it from a legal perspective and a justice perspective.
Not true. The liberals I have spoken to, who live in what you would call “advanced states” are all under the impression that the SCOTUS is debating whether to ban abortions.
I have no idea what folks you call liberals in what states you call advanced you claim to have spoken to.

I have encountered no one who does not understand that ideologues legislating from the bench, and overthrowing fifty-years of established law (in respect for the conservative principle of stare decisis), would result in only retrogressive, authoritarian states denying personal freedom to women and arrogating control over their wombs to politicians.
Precedent of 50 years is meaningless if it is judged that the 73 ruling was in violation of states’ rights. And what about the 200 years before that?

And the right to privacy is not without restriction. If I want to sneak into my neighbor’s house and steal something, is that my private decision?

Last time I checked, pedophiles usually read child porn in private, rather than on a busy bus stop bench.
The difference between my opposition (in most cases) to abortion and my support (in rare cases) for a death penalty is the clear difference between the wrongful taking of innocent life and the perceived need to end a guilty life. I don’t say that from any religious perspective since I’m not very religious. I say it from a legal perspective and a justice perspective.

Anyone who thinks "oppose the death penalty" is the only possible Christian perspective hasn't really read and understood the Bible, anyway.
You seem willing and eager to make the public pay for your self-indulgence. If you fantasize that you will be allowed to exsanguinate as another roadside attraction, that is not how a civilized society treats self-destructive citizens.

Perhaps, since it is not a male right that is likely to be revoked after half-a-century in retrogressive states, it would be more fitting if only those being deprived of their freedom - women - decide the matter, free of statist coercion.
How does me smashing my head into my windshield affect you at all monetarily? Are you paying for my head or my windshield and where do I send the bill? But seriously miss the point more. I don't have an issue with helmet and seatbelt laws since they were appropriately legislated by the state legislature where I live and if I don't like those laws I have redress, by either petitioning my elected legislator, working to get one that I agree with on the subject elected or moving to a state that already has laws that I agree with. I have no such redress when the court takes on the role of the state legislature. You are missing that the process is always far more important because regardless of the issue, if resolve these issues according to our style of government (Rep Republic) we can fix them if it's wrong. If the court had decided to find the opposite in Roe and outlaw abortion every where across the US via the bench would you be on there pissing and moaning about stare decisis or 50 years of precedent or how SCOTUS judges "lied under oath" in their confirmation hearings? Answer no.
From a Moonbat ill just ignore it.
You all seem to be good at ignoring a lot of things-like the fact that we understand exactly what overturning Roe would and would not do. But you people pick up on one stupid thing after another and keep repeating it and bouncing it off each other until you actually believe it. Then, you call US sheep
You all seem to be good at ignoring a lot of things-like the fact that we understand exactly what overturning Roe would and would not do. But you people pick up on one stupid thing after another and keep repeating it and bouncing it off each other until you actually believe it. Then, you call US sheep
Half the country and blue states have NO LAWS to ban abortion.............changes NOTHING.
Half the country and blue states have NO LAWS to ban abortion.............changes NOTHING.
What the hell do you mean? It changes everything for women in the other half of the country that have or will pass laws banning abortion. It will be devastating for women, especially for those who can't travel. I don't think that you people actually believe your own bullshit. But you keep telling these lies because you think that others will believe them. Maybe you moron friends on the right will, but you are not fooling us


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