Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

05224 22SEP17 beagle9 #5,224
Time to kick the controversial issue's back to the state's, and let the people decide by a majority in their state's what they want. The Fed's aren't the end all to the issue's, because if they were they would be communist Marxist dictators ohh wait.

Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus.

08479 23APR25 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #8,479 Yeah we know...its cow farts that do all the damage in communist la la land

White Christian male dominated MAGA state governments like North Dakota physically and financially harm every woman seeking access to an abortion in N.D.. Forced birthing harms all women and kills some.,If that is not Governnent doing harm I donā€™t know what is. Death is not an inconvenience.

08479 23APR25 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #8,479 You've made your feelings about white christians quite clear on everything except on how you feel about their treatment of do you feel about that?...try and stay focused on this

08553 23APR28 NFBW #8,553 ā€œIf you mean that what white Christians are doing what to communists?ā€

08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,555
any/all communists...[white western] Christians tend to view communists the way you view babies in the sub-human.

08556 a 23APR28 NFBW #8,556
I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be.

08556 b 23APR28 NFBW #8,556Free speech is a first amendment right..

08556 c 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 This is a constitutional thread. Why do you ask?

08556 d 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 What matters to me as the subject of this thread, would be if white Christians were harming communists in any way, or violating their civil rights.

08556 e 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 Are you some kind of snowflake communist or something?

08556 f 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 Do you know of a case where communists are having their human and civil rights violated by Christians?

08556 g 23APR28 NFBW #8,556I I havenā€™t heard of such a thing, but please educate me on it if it exists.

08556 h 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 I just donā€™t get what youā€™re driving at.

08556 i 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 Now, can we get back to your ā€œhead in the sandā€ acceptance of the government doing harm to pregnant women who do not wish to be?

08556 j 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 Why do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant, at the behest of the white MAGA Christian population in this country?

08557 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,557
Was it something I said?

I could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be.
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 "I do not think that means what you think it means"
Free speech is a first amendment right..
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 showing off that social education
This is a constitutional thread. Why do you ask?
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 I just wanna make sure you treat all your sub-humans equally
What matters to me as the subject of this thread, would be if white Christians were harming communists in any way, or violating their civil rights.
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 they cannot harm them or violate their rights if they believe they are sub-human
Are you some kind of snowflake communist or something?
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 no I'm human
Do you know of a case where communists are having their human and civil rights violated by Christians.
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 Can't happen
I havenā€™t heard of such a thing, but please educate me on it if it exists.
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558if you believe they are sub-human then there could never be any such thing as violating their human rights
I just donā€™t get what youā€™re driving at.
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 yes you do, playing dumb is all you have left
No, can we get back to your ā€œhead in the sandā€ acceptance of the government doing harm to pregnant women who do not wish to be?
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 Like roe v wade that's settled now
Why do you support the imposition of harm on American citizens when they get pregnant, at the behest of the white MAGA Christian population in this country?
08555 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 cuz i'm pro-choice

08556 23APR28 NFBW #8,556 ā€œI could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to be.

08558 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,558 "I do not think that means what you think it means

08559 23APR28 NFBW #8,559
It means exactly what ā€œI could care less what white Christians, or anybody views communists to beā€ in English means. What else could it mean?

08560 23APR28 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,560
OK means you care! some level... ...about what/how Christians and anyone else does to/views that what you were trying to say? if so I already knew that and it is why I asked the question.

08875 23MAY15 Ā„frnknvstn Ā„ #8,875
That brings me/us back to the question you never answered, how do you feel about the way Christians have historically treated communists?

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 08875} I do not view babies in the womb as sub-human. (See 08555 above) I regard every human sperm cell that fertilizes every human ovum, and every zygote, and every embryo, and every fetus in the womb to be fully human with a life protected as if born when the mother assumes the risk to give birth when her ā€œbabyā€ is ready to take a first breath.
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did he really do that? I had no idea they even knew each other.
Not funny Clown. Why do you understand anybody who calls ā€œAmericans like Ā„Eagle14Ā„ who is a professed Christianā€ and you and me baby killiers when it is a lie. ? You are nit rational and are supporting Christian fascist propaganda when you say you understand it. Propaganda that harms women is not funny not even when a clown or buffoon understands it
did he really do that? I had no idea they even knew each other.
Archbishop Cordileone says anybody who does not understand his theological doctrine that protected life begins at conception

Eagle wants a compromise at 15 weeks.

I would accept reducing the compromise in Roe v Wade to 20 weeks because 92 percent of abortions occur before 14 weeks.

Archbishop Cordileone wants no understanding and no compassion and no compromise and said so ā€œto those who cannot understand, I would ask two questions: is it right to kill a human life to solve a problem? Scientifically, it is a human life.ā€

Yet I am supposed to understand a leader of the Catholic Church telling me I am a satanist if I do not accept his corruption of scientific truth.
08475 23APR25 NFBW #8,475 {to: 08,472} ā€œPregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetusā€

08479 23APR25 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,479 ā€œYeah we know...its cow farts that do all the damage in communist la la landā€

23May16 NFBW {to: 08,479} A womanā€™s right to avoid the risk of full term gestation to her body and life is not an environmental or communist issue facing women and their families.

Do you have a counterpoint to my post 08,479?? Cow farts do not cause women to be harmed during child birth in case you do not understand my point.
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00001 23MAY11 Ā„ Rumpole Ā„ #1 and during the Townhall on CNN Trump went on to lie about Dems....
"[Democrats would] Rip the baby out of the womb at the end of the ninth month, they will kill the baby in the ninth month".
And the gullible folks in the audience lapped it up. So do many of you. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ And many on this forum can't seem to fathom why it is that Democrats loathe Trump. They have the gall to call us 'haters', as if we have no good reason to hold Trump in utter contempt, not to mention he's under criminal investigation, he is now liable in a sex predation defamation case, is about to be indicted on other criminal charges, and some 8 of his associates have been indicted and/or convicted, i.e., this man oozes of crime and slime. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ You see, no President in history, nor any gentleman, statesman, someone worthy of the high station he seeks, would ever, has ever accused their opponents in this egregious, despicable, dehumanizing fashion. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ But, of course, Republicans don't give a damn. "Biden is divisive" they say, while they completely ignore the utter divisiveness of Donald Trump. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ But, Trump's fans love it when Trump gaslights the left, and you guys join in and you on the right think it's all a big joke. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ And the right's response? More gaslighting; 'TDS' they say. Totally oblivious to what is going on. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ You can't possibly see that this criminal sex offender is not good for the country, to have such a despicable human being like Trump as president. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ No, you can't, and this post will fall on blind eyes. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ TRump kicked over a log in America, and all the gullible lost souls under it crawled out, and in Trump, they found their champion. Ā„Ā„Ā„Ā„ What you don't know is that Trump knows he's lying, and doesn't care, he just wants power and revenge. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ That's it, he doesn't give a damn about you, this is absolutely certain. You are just a pawn for his bloviated ego.

08475 23APR25 NFBW #8,475 {to: 08,472} ā€œPregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetusā€

08479 23APR25 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,479 ā€œYeah we know...its cow farts that do all the damage in communist la la landā€

08880 23MAY15 Ā„ Frankeneinstein #8,880 No word on the contempt thing then eh? ā€œ

23May16 NFBW {to: 08,479} A womanā€™s right to avoid the risk of full term gestation to her body and and to her life is not an environmental issue or communist issue or atheist issue.

23May16 NFBW {to: 08,880} I am all for holding Trump and his Maga white Christian nationalist Republicans in contempt by true Democrats and Never Trumpers. No one has explained it better than Rumpole in post 00,001 (see above)
Neither Biden nor Pelosi has had an abortion

00055 23MAR22 .Ā„ hadit Ā„ #55
Biden has his own issues with the church. He claims to be a devout Catholic, yet deliberately and openly violates one of their chief tenets

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 00,055} What source are you citing that Biden has ever impregnated a woman and wanted her to have an abortion?
NFBW ref: 230513^a


California Not Poised to ā€˜Legalize Infanticideā€™​

By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on April 22, 2022

Quick Take
A California bill would do away with mandatory investigations of stillbirths. Opponents misleadingly claim it would ā€œlegalize infanticide.ā€ The bill would prevent prosecution in cases of ā€œperinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.ā€ But authorities would investigate if there were evidence of foul play leading to an infantā€™s death.

Full Story​

A California bill that would protect parents from investigation and prosecution if they lose or choose to end a pregnancy has been spun into a falsehood that the state is set to ā€œlegalize infanticide.ā€
The pastor of a southern California megachurch, for example, posted a messageon Facebook claiming that the bill ā€œwould legalize infanticide!ā€
Other opponents have been posting similar claims, including Jenna Ellis ā€” a member of former President Donald Trumpā€™s campaign legal team ā€” who wrote on Facebook, ā€œThis is INSANELY evil. California Democrats are trying to legalize killing children up to the age of 28 days.ā€
But there is no bill in the California state legislature that would make it legal to kill a person of any age. What these posts are referring to is Assembly Bill 2223, which is part of a slate of legislation supported by the Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Californiaand the California Future of Abortion Councilthat aim to strengthen protection of abortion rights in California as some other states have reduced access.
The bill states:

So, that describes the general intent of the bill. The confusion that it might somehow ā€œlegalize infanticideā€ appears to have come from an early version of the bill, which was introduced in February.
In that version, a portion of the bill said (emphasis ours), ā€œNotwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.ā€
The term ā€œperinatal deathā€ can include both fetal death and death that occurs within days or weeks of birth.
An analysis from the Assembly Judiciary Committee prepared for an April 5 hearing on the bill suggested clarifying that section since, the report said, that ā€œlanguage could lead to an unintended and undesirable conclusion.ā€
The report continued: ā€œAs currently in print, it may not be sufficiently clear that ā€˜perinatal deathā€™ is intended to be the consequence of a pregnancy complication. Thus, the bill could be interpreted to immunize a pregnant person from all criminal penalties for all pregnancy outcomes, including the death of a newborn for any reason during the ā€˜perinatalā€™ period after birth, including a cause of death which is not attributable to pregnancy complications, which clearly is not the authorā€™s intent.ā€
The billā€™s language was then amended to say, ā€œperinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.ā€ The billā€™s sponsor, Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, took to Twitter the same day as the committee hearing to address the claims of legalized infanticide.
ā€œLet me be clear: #AB2223 doesnā€™t prevent the state from keeping children safe. This isnā€™t a bill about infanticide. This is about protecting Californians who suffer pregnancy loss from being unjustly investigated, prosecuted or incarcerated. Full stop,ā€ she wrote, before going on to highlight the change to the language.
Still, the claims have persisted, as shown by the examples above.
We asked Khiara Bridges, a professor at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, to explain whether or not there would be any risk that the law would allow for the killing of infants or children.
ā€œEven before adding that language ā€” itā€™s absurd to think it would legalize infanticide,ā€ Bridges said.
ā€œNo judge in the world would understand the killing of a baby thatā€™s born and outside of the uterus as a pregnancy outcome,ā€ which is what the bill is focused on ā€” making sure that parents arenā€™t criminalized for the outcome of a pregnancy.
If thereā€™s evidence of foul play leading to the death of an infant or child, authorities will investigate as usual, she said.
ā€œThis bill does not immunize that behavior at all. It will be investigated,ā€ Bridges said.
So, claims that California is poised to ā€œlegalize infanticideā€ or ā€œlegalize killing childrenā€ are false.
Editorā€™s note: is one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found here. Facebook has no control over our editorial content.


California State Assembly. ā€œAB-2223 An act to amend Section 27491 of the Government Code, and to amend Sections 103005, 123462, 123466, and 123468 of, to add Sections 123467 and 123469 to, and to repeal Section 103000 of, the Health and Safety Code, relating to reproductive health.ā€ As amended 6 Apr 2022.
Gonzalez, Oriana. ā€œRed states race to enact new abortion restrictions.ā€ Axios. 19 Apr 2022.
American Academy of Pediatrics. ā€œStandard Terminology for Fetal, Infant, and Perinatal Deaths.ā€ Accessed 22 Apr 2022.
Assembly Committee on Judiciary. AB 2223 (Wicks) ā€“ As Amended March 17, 2022. 3 Apr 2022.
Wicks, Buffy (@BuffyWicks). Thread. Twitter. 5 Apr 2022.
Bridges, Khiara. Professor, University of California Berkeley School of Law. Telephone interview with 21 Apr 2022.

08861 23MAY13 Ā„ protectionist Ā„ #8,861 In California infanticide became legal when Newsome signed AB 2223,legalizing the killing of BORN BABIES up to 28 days old.

23MAY13 NFBW {to: 08,861} Why are you spreading v such blatant white Christian MAGA disinformation. Your bullshit started by a goddamned lying preacher.

The pastor of a southern California megachurch, for example, posted a message on Facebook claiming that the bill ā€œwould legalize infanticide!ā€​

ā€œperinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.ā€ Can happen after a live birth. Nobody is killing an infant under this bill. AB2223 doesnā€™t prevent the state from keeping children safe. This isnā€™t a bill about infanticide. This is about protecting Californians who suffer pregnancy loss from being unjustly investigated, prosecuted or incarcerated. Full stop,ā€​
No matter what the bill is intended to do and protects califirnians from, it has opened the door to infanticide by having the word "perinatal" (up to 28 days after birth) in it.

So if somebody kills an infant 3-4 weeks old, THEY are who is protected from being prosecuted or incarcerated. Absolutely YES, this is an INFANTICIDE BILL, and Californians have once again shown their insanity, and disregard for law and decency, by passing it.
00055 23MAR22 .Ā„ hadit Ā„ #55
Biden has his own issues with the church. He claims to be a devout Catholic, yet deliberately and openly violates one of their chief tenets

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 00,055} What source are you citing that Biden has ever impregnated a woman and wanted her to have an abortion?
He violates the chief tenet of Catholicism by openly supporting unecessary abortion. . Biden is a baptized Catholic, and professes to be a practicing Catholic. He has and continues to publicly support legal abortions. The Catholic Church clearly and unequivocally holds that every abortion is the murder of an innocent life. For the good of the unborn and for the good of his own soul, President Joe Biden should be declared excommunicated.

Catholic Canon Law clearly states that intentional participation in procuring an abortion is so serious a sin that any such participant incurs latae sententia (automatic) excommunication [Can. 1398].

Canon Law and the clear teaching of the Church also holds that Catholics in public positions have an affirmative responsibility not to distort the Catholic faith [Can. 750; Living The Gospel of Life (1998)].

Canon Law specifically states that those who persevere in manifest grave sin, at the very least, are excluded from receiving Holy Communion [Can. 915].

A competent prelate of the Catholic Church, such as the bishop of a diocese, may impose excommunication (ferendae sententiae) on a person who refuses to cease participation in grave sin [Can. 1314, 1331].

A Catholic that persists in supporting grave sin publicly, such that they injure good morals is subject to severe sanction, including excommunication [Can. 1369].

Joe Biden has consistently distorted the position of the Catholic Church on abortion. When confronted on the conflict between his proclaimed Catholic faith and public support for killing the unborn, he disingenuously infers that the Church has not made its unequivocal opposition to abortion clear. He has consistently and incomprehensibly proclaimed his support for abortion and suggests that is consistent with adherence to the Catholic faith. This is a grave inconsistency that does damage to the Church, the faith, public morals, and the faithful.
00055 23MAR22 .Ā„ hadit Ā„ #55
Biden has his own issues with the church. He claims to be a devout Catholic, yet deliberately and openly violates one of their chief tenets

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 00,055} What source are you citing that Biden has ever impregnated a woman and wanted her to have an abortion?
He fights to legally maintain abortions at all times for all reasons. That violates one of the Catholic Church's chief tenets and is why he gets denied communion.
00055 23MAR22 .Ā„ hadit Ā„ #55
Biden has his own issues with the church. He claims to be a devout Catholic, yet deliberately and openly violates one of their chief tenets

23MAY16 NFBW {to: 00,055} What source are you citing that Biden has ever impregnated a woman and wanted her to have an abortion?

A majority of American Catholics support Roe v Wade along with birth control, divorce and married priests

Biden is not outside the mainstream
A majority of American Catholics support Roe v Wade along with birth control, divorce and married priests

Biden is not outside the mainstream
What is the Church's official stance on abortion and why does Quid Pro keep getting denied communion? Birth control, divorce and married priests are irrelevant to the discussion, as is the opinion of church members.
What is the Church's official stance on abortion and why does Quid Pro keep getting denied communion? Birth control, divorce and married priests are irrelevant to the discussion, as is the opinion of church members.

Only a small number of radical Priests deny communion to high profile Catholics who support abortion rights

The Pope does not
So if somebody kills an infant 3-4 weeks old, THEY are who is protected from being prosecuted or incarcerated.
No. You are spewing a white Christian MAGA propaganda. Perinatal death potential is detectable during birth and it happens to people who want children. nobody murders these babies because they are born to parents who want them.

Women who decide not to go through a full term of gestation in states like California have an abortion statistically 93 percent of the time before 13 weeks of gestation.

You make absolutely no sense with your absurd fear-mongering that women who go ahead and give birth to a child are going to want to kill a very healthy baby within 28 days of his or her birth.

In a case where a newborn who is healthy suffers an unusual death immediately after birth can and will be investigated, regardless of the fact, whether the child was one day old or 18 years old.

We have friends, Catholic by the way, whoā€™s 16 year old much loved son, an athlete active in high school sports swimming, just out of nowhere had a seizure in school and was in the hospital for observation. He seemed to be recovering and then two days later lost consciousness and died. Devastating loss. Cause of death unknown. The young man was survive by two sisters you canā€™t imagine how difficult this was at their young age.

I imagine with all the complications that can happen at birth the odds of sudden unexplained death in the first 28 days of life are much higher.

Families deserve to grieve without some self righteous religious bunch of assholes stoking accusations of murder on top of their loss.

California is too good for hate infested people like you.
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Separation of Church and State
It's there. The Church is well within its rights to treat its members however it wants to, and denying communion is a discipline they do use. What would you have them do after all, ignore policy and tenets of their faith because, well, reasons and Joe Biden?

Breaking the separation of Church and State would be the government in some way punishing the church for denying Quid Pro Joe.
It's there. The Church is well within its rights to treat its members however it wants to, and denying communion is a discipline they do use. What would you have them do after all, ignore policy and tenets of their faith because, well, reasons and Joe Biden?

Breaking the separation of Church and State would be the government in some way punishing the church for denying Quid Pro Joe.
The Pope gave communion to Joe Biden
The Pope gave communion to Joe Biden
Isn't that his prerogative? It doesn't change the facts on the ground at all. Quid Pro is an abortion champion and the Catholic Church hates abortion. There are many Catholics, some on this board, who do not support the Pope in what he's doing.
why does Quid Pro keep getting denied communion?
He doesnā€™t / except once in 2019 in S Carolina during a campaign stop / a MAGA LOW LEVEL SCHMUCK PRIEST apparently did deny him communion.

Biden, in the 2012 vice presidential debate, said he personally opposes abortion.

ā€œI just refuse to impose that on others, unlike my friend here,ā€ he said, referring to then-Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan. ā€œI do not believe we have a right to tell women that they canā€™t control their body. Itā€™s a decision between them and their doctor.ā€

Biden is thus knowingly right with God way more than Trump could ever be.

the majority of all Catholics are pro-choice as well
He doesnā€™t / except once in 2019 in S Carolina during a campaign stop / a MAGA LOW LEVEL SCHMUCK PRIEST apparently did deny him communion.

Biden, in the 2012 vice presidential debate, said he personally opposes abortion.

ā€œI just refuse to impose that on others, unlike my friend here,ā€ he said, referring to then-Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan. ā€œI do not believe we have a right to tell women that they canā€™t control their body. Itā€™s a decision between them and their doctor.ā€

Biden is thus knowingly right with God way more than Trump could ever be.

the majority of all Catholics are pro-choice as well
Irrelevant when the official stance of the church is solidly against it. Obviously, Quid Pro does not believe that a developing baby is a human life, or he would be taking a position to protect it at some point in development.

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